C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


Golf courses, shopping malls on anvil in UT
Tribune News Service

Each village will have a special 10-15 acre special cluster. Resort, golf course and shopping malls in southern sectors. IT companies will develop 600 acre residential complex. Special institutional areas to also come up.

Chandigarh, May 14
The Chandigarh Administration today unveiled its vision of future planning which includes more golf courses, environment parks, sports activities, shopping malls, recreational zones and also a 600 acre IT township, among other changes. However the “green buffer” around the urban areas will remain.

This, the Administration says, is the need of the hour. With passage of time several factors such as growth in population, unauthorised growth in periphery areas and regional focus of commerce, educational, medical and IT facilities have put a strain on the city’s infrastructure. The plan has been okayed by the UT Administrator, Gen S.F. Rodrigues (retd).

The most notable is the development of areas around villages. Realising that villages in the Union Territory were more like urban areas, the Administration proposes to earmark about 10 to 15 acres of land adjoining each village (total about 200 acres in total) for the future expansion of villages, except Kaimbala village and Khuda Alisher which fall in the north of Chandigarh.

Another 573 acres has been proposed for residential units, which will be planned as self sustainable pockets, with requisite infrastructure. This includes 154 acres near village Dhanas, 152 acres near village Dadu Majra and 67 acres near village Sarangpur. This is to accommodate needs of the city in terms of institutional areas, recreational areas and technology habitats and also on subsequent residential needs.

The green buffer around the city will be retained around the city in the form of forests, environmental parks, amusement parks, golf courses, major recreational and sports activities. An area of 2.89 sq km, has been kept “green”, in the form of recreational zones which includes a leisure valley along Patiali ki Rao choe in the form of forest and green area, walk ways and cycle tracks. The remaining course of the Patiali ki Rao down stream of Dhanas village will be developed for city-level sports facilities such as equestrian sports, motor sports, riding clubs, race course etc near Dadu Majra and Maloya. The possibility of another lake near Dadu Majra is being examined along with other recreational facilities.

An extension of Information Technology Park in an area of 600 acres, near Kishangarh has been proposed to make an IT township consisting of more space for IT companies and infrastructure such as residences, hospitals, schools and recreational facilities. Approximately 550 acres towards the north-west of the capital near Sarangpur village has also been kept for the institutional zone. Nearly 20 per cent of this area will be kept green. An area of about 153 acres near Raipur Kalan village is being planned as the Industrial Area, Phase 3 for suitable non-polluting industries.

A home for elderly and physically challenged is also being constructed. A convention centre and a hotel is being planned in Sector 42. An eleven-storey building in the heart of the City Centre, Sector 17, by involving private developers and an architect of national repute is also proposed.

Keeping in mind the needs of the southern sectors, a sports complex, a planetarium, a hotel-cum-resort, and a 100-bedded hospital have been planned. A five-star hotel is also proposed, in Sector 35. A commercial belt along Vikas Marg, has been planned, which will house shopping malls, offices and hospitals.



Two cars burnt in freak fire
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
Two cars, parked in a park in Sector 44, were burnt in a freak accident, here today.

The cars, an Audi 100 and a Mercedes Benz (PB 02 AD 2345 and PAE 909) belonged to Col BS Shergill, a resident of the same sector.

Colonel Shergill said he parked his Audi next to the Mercedes after coming back from the Golf Club a little after 6 pm. “I came back with my friend and neighbour, Col Mohan Singh. I noticed some boys playing in the park and asked them to refrain from doing so since the rings around the headlight of the Mercedes Benz had gone missing a few days back. I told them to get them back before I could let them resume play,” he said.

However, 10 minutes later when Colonel Shergill took his dog out for stroll, he noticed smoke coming out of the Audi’s cabin and rang up the fire department and the police. “Within seconds, the car caught fure. We didn’t try to put out the flames fearing the car might blow up. Since the Mercedes was parked next to it, it too caught fire before help arrived,” Colonel Shergill rued. One fire engine from Sector 17 was sent to douse the flames.

In his statement to the police, Colonel Shergill said, though he did not suspect anybody, it could be a snag or even a mischief by the boys he restrained from playing in the park. The cause for the fire in the two vehicles is not yet known.



Even a cigarette a day is a killer
Neelam Sharma
Tribune News Service

Facts about COPD

  • Smoking is the single most important cause of the disorder, which is the 5th most common killer in the world.
  • Consistent cough and breathlessness are its early symptoms
  • Treatment is to quit smoking — “light’’ or low tar cigarettes do not help as they cause the same damage as a regular cigarette.
  • Nicotine replacement therapy or bupropion tablets prescribed by doctors for quitting the habit.

Chandigarh, May 14
Even a single cigarette smoked in a day could be doing more damage to your respiratory system than you would ever fathom. For, smoking cigarettes is gradually causing an irreversible damage to your lungs, resulting in COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder), an incurable disorder of lungs, which begins to show its symptoms only when the person is in his middle age.

The initial signs could be consistent coughing, specially in the mornings, breathlessness while walking short distances, and in severe COPD — breathlessness even while getting up.

A “self-induced’’ smoker’s disease, 95 per cent victims of COPD are casual or chain smokers and overall 35 per cent of the “ever’’ smokers are prone to COPD.

“COPD makes it difficult to move air into and out of the lungs. And once someone gets COPD he can only control it from getting worse but cannot get rid of it. The damage is already done due to smoking over the years,’’ says Head of Department of TB and Respiratory Diseases at Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Sector 32, Prof A.K. Janmeja. In the disorder, the airways of the lungs get inflamed and thus become obstructed causing cough and breathlessness.

The disease affects around 5 per cent of the males above the age of 30 years and 2.5 per cent of the females in the country. While men mostly get the disease due to smoking, women who are exposed to domestic smoke or are passive smokers can get this chronic ailment.

So what to do if one gets COPD, we ask? “Quit smoking,’’ replies Prof Janmeja. For, the most effective treatment lies in saying a complete no to smoking. But unfortunately it’s the hardest thing for any smoker to achieve.

“It’s much easier said than done. We find that out of the COPD patients who come to our weekly clinics, only 30 to 35 per cent of them are actually able to quit the habit. The person’s own will power plays the most important role in quitting the habit,’’ adds the doctor. Apart from quitting the habit, there are medicines and steroids available to provide relief to the patients.

The hospital has in fact started its “Quit Smoking Clinic’’ recently, which runs every Wednesday. From counselling to nicotine replacement therapy, the doctors help the smokers suffering from COPD to get rid of the habit.



BSF setting up 21 new centres to accommodate reserve battalions
Vijay Mohan
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
The Border Security Force (BSF) is establishing 21 new locations across the country to accommodate its reserve battalions and those earmarked for internal security and disaster management. This includes four new locations in the vicinity of Chandigarh.

"The project has been accorded sanction by the Ministry of Home Affairs and the matter was discussed in detail at the conference of top BSF officers in New Delhi about a month ago," a BSF officer has said.

Setting up new centres will see the BSF in states where it had no presence earlier and in areas which have no direct link to its stipulated task of peace-time management of the Indo-Pakistan and the Indo-Bangladesh international borders.

Such areas include states like Himachal Pradesh where guarding Indo-Tibetan border is the responsibility of the ITBP; Uttaranchal, where the Indo-Nepal border is guarded by the SSB, Chattisgarh, which has no international border and Kerela which is a coastal state whose maritime boundaries is the responsibility of the Coast Guard.

"The purpose of setting up new locations is to base battalions moving out from hard areas or counter-terrorist duties at places where personnel can rest and recuperate," the officer said. "New locations are also being determined in a manner which can enable quick deployment of reserve battalions for any internal security duties or disaster management," he added.

Raised in 1965 with a strength of 25 battalions, the BSF today has 157 battalions, making it the largest force of its kind in the world. One battalion consists of about 1,000 personnel. Out of the total force, 60 battalions were reported to be deployed on counter-terrorist duties. These are being replaced by the Central Reserve Police Force. Deployment on counter-terrorist duties resulted in the number of battalions being deployed on the international border (IB) being much below the authorised strength.

According to available information, last year there were just eight BSF battalions manning the 1000km IB in Rajasthan against the authorised strength of 24 battalions. In Punjab, 14 battalions had been deployed to guard the 550km IB against the authorised strength of 24 battalions.

Each new location requires about 85 acres of land. "Senior officers based in different areas are identifying land for acquisition and taking up cases in this regard with state governments," an officer said.

Each location will house one battalion. Locations in this region are being set up near Chandigarh, Ambala, Panchkula and Shimla. Other locations include, Dehra Dun, Bareilly, Bangalore, Chennai, Noida, Udaipur, Kerela and Chattisgarh as well as some other places where the BSF already has its establishments.



Theatre, cricket fascinate Mandira Bedi
Aditi Tandon
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
No matter how many worlds Mandira Bedi straddles, she loves to go back to the game. After all, it was cricket and not Adi Pocha’s “Shanti” which gave her the kind of fame she was looking for.

Challenging stereotypes, the small screen stars chose to hit the television again. But this time around, she also chose to sizzle. What followed is history which Mandira likes little to recall.

“I am still on contract with Sony but they are keeping me away from all that I ever wore. I wonder what I had done to deserve all that lambasting. People still love to gag others’ freedom. The latest example is “Jo Bole So Nihal”. What freedom of artistic expression are we talking about? Here people have scant regard for the Censor Board,” says Mandira who wrapped up her innings in Ekta Kapoor’s “Kyunki …” when her sensibilities could no longer take the crap her character was supposed to indulging in.

Mandira was in Chandigarh with co-actor Samir Soni (Purab of “Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahi” fame) to present Raell Padamsee’s much raved about production “Anything but Love” today. The play is being organised by the Chitkara Institute and sponsored by The Tribune.

For Soni, who has still not got his dream role, “Anything but Love” has been a fun experience. Exhausted by heavy TV shifts, he literally looks forward to days when he can hit the space of performance. Says the model-turned actor, “Theatre is the actor’s medium where you are what you are. Strengths and infirmities are there for all to see. In this particular production both the actors depend tremendously on each other.”

Directed by Vikranth Pawar, “Anything but Love” examines post-divorce life of partners who want to be together but can’t be.

Mandira hails the script as not one of those slapstick comedies but an intelligently structured one that helps you connect to situations in actors’ lives. Happy to be on the space of performance, she insists she be treated as a serious performer despite criticism by the so called serious actors. “Just because I do other jobs I can’t be termed a lesser actor. Anyone who comes to theatre comes to it for no reason other than passion,” she reasons.

Soni has a purposeful addition to make, “We are in an age where no medium belongs to anyone. Who said you can be a good actor only if you are doing a Shakespeare or a Munshi Prem chand?”

Having featured in films like Pamela Rooks’s “Dance like a Man”, Soni now wants the taste of cross-over cinema. Mandira also has some big screen projects in the pipeline, the latest being “Divorce” with Jackie Shroff. But more than the star dust, Mandira is looking forward to the Super Test Series to be held in Australia this September.



UT skyline for sale
Apartment Act needs to be modified
Tarlochan Singh

BY now we are well aware about the planning of the City Beautiful by Le Corbusier. This was done more than five decades ago, when land was assumed to be in plenty and the city people were offered large plots at throwaway prices, ie Rs 10,000 for a four kanal plot and Rs 18,000 for a eight-kanal plot.

Now with the passage of time, the population has increased. In order to house more people, the Chandigarh Administration framed the Chandigarh Apartment Rules-2001. These rules, on a plot size of less than 1,400 sq yards, allow subdivision into separate dwelling unit on each floor whereas in the case of plots measuring more than 1,400 sq yards, allow a maximum of six dwelling units ie two dwelling units on each floor. The zoning and the height and the height of the building remain unchanged.

A drive through the northern sectors, where large plots exist, we find as under:

i) A large number of houses are in a dilapidated condition with uncut grass or jungle on the premises. These houses, perhaps, belong to the founder citizens who are either no more in this world or do not have enough interest or means to maintain these houses or have a number of heirs who want to dispose of the property etc. These houses are very much in the City Beautiful but are in no way beautiful.

ii) Multi-storeyed buildings are under construction in Sectors 4 and 8. These buildings have massive facade and the adjoining buildings come under its shadow. These are not only damaging the environment but will also put a lot of pressure on the water supply, sewerage system which cannot cater the excessive requirements.

iii) Newly constructed two independent dwelling units on the same plot eg 63, Sector 8, 95, Sector 8, 64, Sector 9 etc are making the city look more beautiful and at the same time are providing additional dwe-llings. The pressure on the basic amenities/needs shall be tolerable.

Keeping the above observations in mind, I feel that the Apartment Act-2001 needs to be modified. The suggestions are as under:

(a) On a plot size of less than, 1,400 sq yards, a residential building may be subdivided into three dwelling units i.e. one on each floor (no change);

On a plot size of more than 1,400 sq yards a residential house may be subdivided into three dwelling units i.e. one on each floor; or two independent dwellings are allowed by subdividing the plot into two portions, provided no plot size is less than 700 sq yards. The buildings should be aesthetically located leaving at least 30 ft distance between them so as to provide enough light and air.

By modifying the Act as suggested the city will not only provide additional dwellings but will also become more beautiful.

The writer is a former Chief Engineer of the Punjab Irrigation Department



Pulse polio drive today
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
Pulse polio immunisation will be observed in the city on Sunday. As many as 410 stationary booths and 51 mobile teams have been set up by the UT Health Department for administering the drops to children below the age of five in the city.

Chandigarh is divided into three zones for the pulse polio campaign. Each zone is headed by a monitor. In all, there are 13 area supervisors and 71 sector supervisors.



Passing Thru
Paramjit Singh Mehsopuria, UK-based Punjabi pop singer
Paramjit Singh Mehsopuria, UK-based Punjabi pop singer

What brings you to Chandigarh?

The release of my latest album ‘Ranjha jogi’ has brought me to the City Beautiful. This album includes 13 tracks and all songs are written, composed, sung by me. Traditional desi, hip hop, U K garage and new age funky Bhangra beats are the main elements of the album. My album is big hit among the Bhangra lovers.

Any comments on the vulgarity in Punjabi musical videos?

I agree to that a lot of musical videos are full of vulgar scenes. But in my videos you won’t find anything like this.

How your music is different from others?

I always sing from the heart and I have learned classical music from the UK which has refined my skills. These are the only things which set me apart from others. But still I have a long way to go.

— Swarleen Kaur



Recarpeting on bridge leads to traffic jam
Motorists caught unawares on Panchkula-Zirakpur road
Our Correspondent

Zirakpur, May 14
Heavy volume of traffic on the Panchkula-Zirakpur stretch of the Kalka-Ambala highway was disrupted for over four hours following recarpeting of 56-year-old Yadvindra Bridge on the Sukhna choe here this morning.

Thousands of motorists and passengers heading towards Shimla from Delhi and Ambala were put to a great hardship as they were caught unaware on the highway.

It is learnt that the Building and Roads wing of the Punjab Public Works Department has carried out the recarpeting following directions from the Punjab Chief Minister who crossed the road on Friday while he was on his way to Chandi Mandir on Thursday.

The Chief Minister ‘felt the jerks’ when his car crossed from deep potholes on the surface of this historical bridge. He subsequently directed the PWD authorities to recarpet the bridge surface immediately, sources added.

Unaware of the blocked highway, all long route buses and other motorists got caught in the jam which cleared at about 12 noon. The vehicles lined up all along the highway on either sides of the bridge even though the authorities with the help of the police had diverted the traffic to alternative routes.

Vehicular traffic heading towards Panchkula and Shimla from Delhi and Ambala took the Bhabhat-Bartana (via Choice Resort) link road that rejoined the highway in Dhakauli village.

Unable to bear such a heavy volume of traffic, the Bartana-Bhabhat village link road also witnessed traffic jams at various places because of narrow internal roads in Bartana village.

The worst hit were passengers who had to catch trains from Ambala Railway Station and flights from Delhi International Airport as they, too, were delayed due to traffic jam on the highway.

While talking to Chandigarh Tribune, Mr Ashdeep Singh, Subdivisional Engineer of the PWD, claimed that during recarpeting, the department had diverted traffic, heading towards Shimla and Panchkula, to take Zirakpur-Chandigarh-Panchkula road to rejoin the highway at Old Panchkula traffic light point. The motorists heading towards Panchkula were asked to take the Bhabhat-Bartana (via Choice Resort) link road to rejoin the highway in Dhakauli village.

Long route vehicles coming from opposite direction were also diverted from Old Panchkula traffic light point to take the Panchkula-Chandigarh-Zirakpur road. While the locals used the Bartana-Bhabhat village link road, the SDE added. He also claimed that the recareting of the bridge-surface was long due therefore the department decided to don it on Sunday.



Profuse growth of ‘bhang’ on court complex
Ruchika M. Khanna
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, May 14
Believe it or not, hemp (bhang) — popularly known as “sukha” — is easily available within the precincts of the judicial complex here making it a haven for those looking for free intoxication.

Barely 200m from the police and district administration headquarters, the wild growth of this green intoxicant attracts many in the evenings. Since the judicial complex is one of the most crowded areas during the day time, it is only after dusk that those in need of a “free intoxicant” converge here.

Interestingly, wild growth of hemp has been here for some months now. A kiosk owner within the premises says that a few months ago, he had witnessed small bushes. “Later, the plants multiplied, and these can now be seen at all vacant places in the complex, especially all around the building housing the lawyers’ chambers,” he says.

As the sun sets, some addicts, mainly youth from low income strata can be seen rubbing the leaves of the plant and then consuming it. Sources inform that they have also seen addicts fill these in cigarettes, popularly known as “kartoos”, and get a high on smoking these. One such “kartoos” is enough to get you on a high for entire day, they say.

And it is not just the judicial complex where hemp is growing. In most of the vacant plots in the township, all along the roadsides, including the Panchkula- Ramgarh highway, the green intoxicant is growing freely. In Ramgarh and nearby villages, residents have often complained about the wild growth and its addiction among residents, especially youth.

It may be mentioned that the Punjab Hemp Cultivation and Bhang Permit and Pass Rules, 1955, clearly state that the district administration can grant licence for hemp cultivation to temples, dharamshalas and other such religious institutions, on their own land. The hemp grown here, too, cannot be sold or bartered. Its growth on any other land is illegal and has to be removed by the authorities.

However, neither the district administration nor the police has ever made any effort to weed out hemp from either the courts complex or along the road sides and vacant plots. Deputy Commissioner Brijendra Singh, when contacted, said he would get the courts complex site inspected tomorrow, and seek help from the Forest and Agriculture Departments to find a solution against the wild growth of hemp. “Action will be taken at the earliest,” he assured.

Mr Hemant Kalsan, DSP (City), said he was not aware of the use of hemp by addicts in the judicial complex. “But now, we will keep a check in the late evenings, and suitable action will be taken,” he said.



Cong rally posters deface signboards
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, May 14
The Chautala regime may have changed but the use of public information boards and sector signboards for putting posters of political rallies seems to go on.

Signboards on all major dividing roads in the township, bases of kiosks for traffic cops, and all public information boards put up by Municipal Council, posters of the “dhanyavad rally” of the Congress have been displayed. Even as the rally was held at Jind today, the posters exhorting people to come and attend the rally have defaced the entire township.

These posters were pasted all over the township three days ago. But the municipal council chose to look the other way, and no where were these posters removed- much to the inconvenience of commuters. A person visiting the town for the first time cannot find his way around, as all sector indicating boards are covered by the posters. Even the sector guide maps have been covered by these political posters.

The new signboards were installed by the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) only two months ago. The old signboards were replaced by swank blue signboards, and these were designed as strips, mainly to avoid pasting of posters, and leaving no space for advertisements.



Fly menace has villagers fuming
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, May 14
Thousands of villagers of Raipur Rani block are facing a potential health hazard because of swarms of houseflies in the area. Following their threat to adopt an agitational approach, the administration has now started acting tough against the poultry farmers.

Swarms of flies, in Kakrali, Toda, Jaaspur, Natwal and Mauli villages, which fall in the second largest poultry belt of the country here, have made life difficult for the residents. The unhygienic conditions in the 50-odd poultry farms in this area and the open transportation of hen waste (to be used as manure in fields of neighbouring Punjab) is the source of these flies.

Villagers say they are being forced to live under a constant threat of epidemic. Since houseflies are known to be carriers of bacteria and viruses, villagers fear the spread of an epidemic. Residents of Kakrali village allege that a number of cases of gastroenteritis have been reported because of the fly menace, but the administration has been turning a blind eye towards the problem. Two days ago, panchayat members of Kakrali, Toda, Jaaspur and Natwal villages decided to adopt an agitational course as the fly menace continues to increase.

The administration has now started booking the poultry farmers who are not disposing off the dead birds or using pesticides to control the fly menace. Officials are now touring the poultry belt and three FIR’s have already been registered against the erring poultry farmers for negligence and causing threat to public health.



Fruit rehris confiscated
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, May 14
The Enforcement Wing of Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) today got after fruit sellers and seized almost 50 rehris from different parts of the township.

Since the enforcement wing apprehended trouble, police help was sought as encroachments by these fruit sellers from Sector 7/ 8/ 17/ 18 roundabout and Sector 11/ 10/ 14/ 15 roundabout were removed. Armed with lathis, the cops chased away the fruit sellers, while the HUDA staff managed to confiscate some of these rehris. About 50 cops were deployed for today’s operation.

However, many of the fruit vendors managed to escape because of shortage of personnel from HUDA. While the truck carrying goods seized from these fruit sellers was on its way to off load the goods, the HUDA personnel could not control the other fruit sellers, who ran away.

Other than clearing the two roundabouts, HUDA staff also cleared the fruit and vegetable rehris from Sector 7 market.

It may be noted that the encroachment on roads by these fruit vendors near the roundabouts had trurned the road into a major traffic bottle neck. Often, commuters would stop by to buy fruits, leading to traffic snarls. Often, accidents occur here as commuters suddenly halt vehicles to buy fruit.



Plea to take farmers into confidence
Our Correspondent

Mohali, May 14
The Punjab Government should take into confidence farmers who are agitating against the policies of the Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (PUDA) if it was really interested in urbanisation.

This was stated by Mr Tejinder Singh Jakhar, president of the Kisan Hit Bachao Committee (periphery area), here today. He said if farmers were not taken into confidence the government would have to face a similar situation as PUDA was facing in the case of Sectors 76 to 80 here. The government should come out with a proper scheme under which a share was given to farmers whose land was acquired for the expansion of various towns in the state. Such a step would result in time-bound development. Nothing should be forced on the farmers as was being done by PUDA.

Mr D.P. Singh, convener, said the PUDA authorities had got tense after seeing the unity and the prolonged protest of farmers. As such it was trying to mislead the Punjab Chief Minister by presenting a master plan of Mohali and the development plans of other areas and getting approval in a hurried manner. This was done to stop farmers from getting market value of their land from other buyers. He said the master plan would be challenged by the committee in the Punjab and Haryana High Court at an appropriate time.

The general secretary, Mr B.S. Baidwan, said great enthusiasm was being noticed among farmers to celebrate “Kisan Ekta Diwas” on May 17. Farmers from all districts of the state would be reaching Sohana to participate in the protest.



DC for random check on schools, health centres
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, May 14
Aiming to bring a qualitative change in the condition of government schools and health centres, Deputy Commissioner, Brijendra Singh, today directed officers to inspect at least a school and a health centre in their area.

Mr Brijendra Singh was addressing the monthly meeting of officers here today. He asked the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Subdivi-sional Magistrates of Panchkula and Kalka, City Magistrate and block development officers to randomly check the schools and dispensaries/ health centres and submit their report within a week. He asked that a report on the strength of students in classes V, VIII, X and XII , and the strength of girls and boys in the schools be presented at the earliest.

The DC also asked the public health and HUDA authorities to ensure that safe drinking water was made available to all residents. He issued directions that all leaking pipelines be repaired or replaced, as was deemed fit.

The officials of the Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN) were asked to release power connections for tubewells on a priority basis.



High-security number plates unveiled
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
Utsav Safety Systems became the first company in India to get type approval for high security vehicle registration plates from Automotive Research Association of India.

Addressing a press conference at the Press Club here today, Mr P. Sharma, Director, Utsav, said it had become the first company to get ISO 9001-2000 for manufacture and sale of HSRP’s in India. The company has also installed and commissioned a manufacturing plant of HSRP’s in collaboration with a German firm.



Factory workers stage protest
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
Alleging police high-handedness, workers of a private factory today gheraoed the Industrial Area police station in Phase I here.

Shouting slogans, the workers marched in procession from the factory premises to the police station where they staged a noisy protest. Later, a workers’ delegation met the SHO, Mr Karam Singh, who assured them to look into the matter.

The protesters alleged that a constable, Sant Lal, was siding with the factory management in a matter relating to the retrenchment of seven workers by the management.

Criticising the retrenchment of the workers, the joint secretary of the factory unit of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), Mr Yagya Narain, alleged the police and the management were victimising the workers.



Press Club general body meeting today
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
The general body meeting of Chandigarh Press Club, Sector 27, will be held tomorrow at 10.30 a.m. at the club premises. This will be the first meeting after the elections to the governing council, in which various issues pertaining to the betterment of the club would be discussed.



Woman arrested on charge of cheating
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
The Economic Offences Wing(EOW) of the Chandigarh police has arrested a Mohali resident on the charge of cheating Mr Manpreet Singh Sidhu to the tune of Rs 8 lakh.

According to police sources,a resident of Phase III-B-2 of Mohali, Irma Bajwa, was arrested by the police for defrauding Mr Sidhu.

In his complaint to the EOW,Mr Sidhu, proprietor of the Anjum Creations, Sector 8, alleged that Irma had purchased jewellery worth Rs 8 lakh in October 2004.

Two cheques each amounting to Rs 4 lakh and drawn on the Phase III-B-2 branch of the IDBI were issued by the accused to Mr Sidhu.A memorandum of understanding was also signed between the two parties.

While the cheques had bounced, the instalments agreed on by Irma were also not paid,the complaint alleged. The husband of the accused, Mr Ramnik Bajwa, has also been made a co-accused in the case.

Meanwhile, a local court remanded the accused to police custody till May 16.



Three more cheating cases against Delhi couple
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
More complaints have started pouring in against a Delhi couple, Pratik Jain and Rita Jain, who were arrested by the Chandigarh police for cheating several shopkeepers of the city.

According to police sources, three more cases were registered against the couple today. In the first case, Mr N.D. Gupta of Sector 7 complained that they had purchased a TV and certain electronic goods from his shop on April 27. They had issued a cheque for Rs 10,980 drawn on HDFC Bank, which was dishonoured by the bank.

In another case, Mr Sukhchain Singh Gill of Sector 18 reported that the Jains had purchased six fans and one mixer-cum-juicer from his shop on April 27. The cheque for Rs 8,980 had also bounced in this case.

The proprietor of the Amrit Agency, Sector 7, Ms Beena Aggarwal, reported that they had bought an inverter and four fans from her shop on April 21 and gave a cheque for Rs 13,360, which later bounced.

The Sector 34 Police had arrested the couple, along with Pratik’s cousin Kamal Jain, for duping shopkeepers. Their modus operandi was to purchase items and issue cheques. They were nabbed when the proprietor of Radham Sarees, Sector 32, suspected the cheque issued by them. They had reportedly shifted their base to Ludhiana recently, the sources added.



Air Force officer commits suicide
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
An Air Force officer, Wg Cdr Rakesh Verma, reportedly committed suicide by shooting himself at his home in Bagpat, near Meerut, today. He was visiting his family while on leave.

He had been posted at the MiG-23/27 TETTRA School at the Air Force High Grounds here. Sources said he had been relieved from his assignment here about 10 days ago and was scheduled to join his next place of posting at Hindon on Monday. He was on leave during the intervening period.

Sources said the deceased officer’s wife was a squadron leader posted at Delhi and he was looking forward to his new posting where he could join his wife. According to a report from Meerut, a family feud was the reason behind the extreme step taken by the officer.



Car taken away at gunpoint
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
Mr Bindusar Sharma, a resident of Sector 40, alleged that two unidentified persons forcibly took away his car and mobile phone from the Sector 40 market late last night.

Mr Sharma had gone to the market to buy a pack of cigarette and ice cream when two persons brandishing a pistol took away his Indica car (PB-36-C-1522) and the mobile phone set.

In a complaint to the police, Mr Sharma alleged that the duo later sped away towards Mohali. However, later the car was found abandoned near the Mohali Milk Plant.

A case under Sections 382 of the IPC and 25/54/59 of the Arms Act has been registered.

House trespass

Mr Arun Kumar, a resident of Sector 8, alleged that Neeraj Kumar entered his house by breaking the lock yesterday.

Police sources said the accused was caught red-handed while stealing household articles. The accused has been arrested and a case registered.

Car stolen

Mr Anil Kohli of Sector 34-A reported that his Honda City car (CH-03-R-261) was stolen yesterday.

A case has been registered.



Kajheri resident held for rape bid
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
The Chandigarh police today arrested Noor Alam, a resident of the Bajwa Colony in Kajheri, for attempting to outrage the modesty of a four-year-old girl.

Police sources said the 19-year-old accused tried to outrage the modesty of the girl, when the latter was alone at her house in the colony. Her mother, a domestic help, had gone for her work.

However, as the accused was trying to take off the girl’s clothes, her mother reached home and raised an alarm. The accused has been arrested and a case registered.



Youth held for making fake ID
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, May 14
The police has arrested a youth from Rail Vihar, Mansa Devi Complex, on charges of preparing a fake identity card. According to the police the accused, Bobby, had made the identity card for an Assistant in the office of IG Prisons, Haryana, Ranbir Singh.

Ranbir was arrested by the police on Thursday for getting a fake identity card made so that he could travel free on state transport buses. As many as 11 parole warrants of jail inmates have also been found in his possession, though the office records show these as being dispatched.

The case was registered against him on the complaint of DIG, Prisons, Mr Dayanand Beniwal. The identity card showed him as posted in Hisar Jail.



Poppy husk seizure: two arrested
Our Correspondent

Mohali, May 14
Two persons have been arrested by the police in connection with the case relating to the seizure of 28 sacks of poppy husk from Tangori village.

Mr Harpreet Singh, DSP, said today that the arrested persons were Karnail Singh, a resident of Manauli, and the owner of the Tata Sumo from which one sack of poppy husk seized and Major Singh, who had to take the delivery of the entire seized stock of poppy husk.

The two were produced in a Kharar court today and were remanded in police custody for two days. However, Kesar Singh, a resident of Surtapur village, who had parked the truck carrying poppy husk, at a dhaba in Tangori village was still at large.

The police had earlier arrested Zorawar Singh, a resident of Sohana, and allegedly the owner of the dhaba which was raided by the police to seize poppy husk and Amarjeet Singh, a resident of Mamupur village.



Escapee nabbed
Our Correspondent

Panchkula, May 14
Wanted for setting his wife afire, the Panchkula police arrested Vijay Pal Singh from Ramgarh locality, here today.

The accused was wanted by the Panchkula police and the Chandigarh police after he escaped when was taken to the PGI for medical check-up in February 2004.

According to the police, Vijay Pal Singh was arrested by the Panchkula police for setting his wife, Mamta, afire in 2003. The accused was remanded in judicial custody by a Panchkula court for his involvement in the case.

During his judicial remand, the accused reportedly fell ill and was taken to the PGI, from where he fled. He will be produced before a court tomorrow.



CBM general body meeting today
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, May 14
The general body meeting of the Chandigarh Beopar Mandal (CBM), the apex body of the city traders, to be held here on May 15, is likely to be stormy with several important issues on the agenda.

According to sources, a requistiion for the general body meeting was given by Mr Diwakar Sahoonja, a prominent member, as the meeting had been not held for several months now. In his letter, Mr Sahoonja had pleaded for the convening of the meeting to discuss issues pertaining to the welfare of the traders.

Since its elections in January 2004, when Mr Jagdish Arora, was elected as the president,several issues of importance to the trading community had come to the fore. These included the Rent Act notification by the Chandigarh Administration, imposition of property tax on commercial property and the implementation of the value added tax(VAT).


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