Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
May 1 to May 7
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

A period of care and caution. Over-trusting or standing surety for a near one could disappoint you. It may be difficult for you to save yourself from habitual favour-seekers.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
A strikingly rewarding period to achieve your emotional and creative goals. With the Venus on ascendancy, anything new is likely to attract and enrich you.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
The debility-prone Mercury is blocking your progress. You will have to work hard to get your problems resolved. There will be no easy remedy to end your woes.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Your financial stars are at a new peak. You will feel as if you are holding a trump to achieve record gains. Monday and Thursday are lucky days.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Your stars advise you not to have any truck with a Capricorn or Aquarian. If you are in the good books of a Cancerian, it should be no less than an achievement.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Mercury’s contact with Jupiter can bring out all that is generous and noble in you. You can afford to rest on your laurels. In love also, you seem just nearing your goal.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
A delightfully pleasant friendship is on the way. If in business, you will pay greater attention to security, good relationship and long-term investments.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
The exalted Mars will add charm to your life. You will highlight your stature and get your ideas across. Wherever you are, you could give free reign to your imagination. 

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

You may remain mildly stressed. Your stars warn you to be more cautious to save your funds being liquidated. Thursday is a hard-pressed day financially.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
You will find yourself in the top slot while others are still on the starting line. You must see it as an opportunity that cannot be missed. There is nothing which is insurmountable.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Working zealously but not at the cost of your health. Even in leisure pursuits, too much absorption can produce negative results. Have some time off for yourself.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Yours stars are all set to encourage you. Time has arrived when you can expect a hard taskmaster to behave like putty in your hands.

Born on

May 1

Home and family matters will weigh on your mind for a long time. You will manage to sort out a few problems with the help of the people close to you. At work, there are some hurdles and as such you will face some uncertain times. You will seek help from those who are more experienced than you. This is no time to rest on your laurels.

This is a moment to walk on the path of excellence. The people you deal will require more careful handling. Don’t think they cannot be managed.

May 2

You will begin to feel that you have greater control over your world than ever before. A new collaboration will be extremely fruitful, but you should be in command of the facts. You should test the waters before jumping into it.

You will be more socially active during May and June. September and October are the best months to turn the tables on someone who has surpassed you. You will be saddled with greater responsibility during December. Avoid travelling at odd hours during the last part.

May 3

Your social stars are fairly buoyant this week. You can expect an old friend to turn up out of the blue. Your social life will brim with love and laughter. You will specialise in the art of socialising and can communicate your deepest feelings even to those on a completely different wavelength.

Friends or associates who did not support you in the past will do so now. All that is needed on your part is a little more courtesy while extending gestures of goodwill. A marked change in your attitude is a required to attract more people towards your fold.

May 4

With the debility-prone Mercury at the centrestage, the cost of living is bound to increase. You can sort out the financial muddle you have landed yourself in if you act with courage and determination. Don’t think that the present setback will lead to a point of no return. It is a temporary phase and could be taken care of without much effort.

You will remain off colour due to an abrupt rise in your expenditure. Try to live and enjoy life within your means and desist from spending extravagantly or wasting money uselessly.

May 5

The period is upbeat for a majority of incumbents who should be riding on a lucky wave. They may feel elated to see roses all the way. What is a lost game for others may prove to be a trump card for them. There is a sense of hope and optimism in the air. How far you climb the ladder of prosperity is up to you. Your deep disregard for lethargy and gossip will raise your stature even in the eyes of your worst critics.

May 6

A dignified Venus occupying the house of finance inclines you to derive more pleasure safeguarding the interests of your loved ones than finding out solutions for your personal problems. The spirit of selfless service will dominate you more than usual. You could win over your loved ones without much effort.

Life remains full of mirth during the first quarter. A long-awaited celebration comes off during the second. Hospitality could cast you heavily during the third. Trusting strangers could, however, be a risky game during the end part.

May 7

One step forward but two backward is what your stars hint at. You are likely to spend beyond your capacity. It may wear you out. The jolt to your finances will be so acute that you may be compelled to improve your earning capacity. Domestic liabilities could add fuel to the fire.

Those who praise you on your face and talk ill of you behind your back should be shown the door. You should curb your tendency to overspend and show off so that you do not overstep your limits.

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