Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Alluring alternative
Manish Kumar Singal
yurveda, the Indian system of medicine, is derived from the words ‘ayu’ (life) and ‘veda’ (science). This science is believed to be the oldest method of treatment that evolved in India around 600 BC. Further, ‘ayu’ comprises the ‘sarira’ (body), ‘indriya’ (senses), ‘satva’ (mind) and ‘atma’ (spirit). Over the ages, this science has developed so much that ayurvedic doctors can now even operate on any patient to cure a disease.

by Sandeep Joshi

Son, cricket is a better career option. You can earn crores without giving any results.

Listen for success
Anureet Sibia Dhillon
ctive listening implies listening with intensity, empathy and acceptance. Karl Menninger rightly exclaimed, "The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward, and we want to sit in their radius."

English courses for professionals
ERO Mindmine, part of the Rs 9,800 crore Hero Group, has plans to set up exclusive Advantage English Institutes in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir to offer English language training programmes.

Booster shot
With the proliferation of corporate hospitals, job opportunities in the healthcare sector are getting a dose of growth.
HE growing corporate presence in healthcare, coupled with several other factors, has injected a new momentum into this sector. Ratan Jalan, CEO, Apollo Health and Lifestyle Limited, outlines the future prospects in this field:

Smart Skills
Point to stress
Usha Albuquerque
HIS is the season for stress. End of term, board exams, competitive entrance exams and interviews, coupled with unreasonable parental expectations, are cause enough for many young students to press the panic button.

Career Hotline
Get off to a flying start

  • Go for genetics

  • Beast basics
  • CFA & CPA courses
  • Personnel programme
  • Engineer the right plan