Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
April 17 to April 23
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

The excessive work pressure that you had been undergoing of late is likely to be reduced. You may relax and dance away the fatigue in the company of your friends. 

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
A period when your social life is likely to be very active. With your nomadic qualities coming into the open, you will rub shoulders with the people worthy of your trust and could be safely relied upon.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
A bumpy patch ahead. If you are a casual investor, you may not lose but if you are a hard liner, you are likely to repent. Wednesday is a crucial day to handle finances.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
This is an appropriate time to hunt for the best bargains. If interested in the sale and purchase of stocks, you are likely to be successful. Your grasp of facts should be commendable.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
You can afford to relax. If you take a hands-off approach, the events can go through twists and turns. You will be more comfortable with people you never got along with.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
The emphasis is on celebration, pleasure and merry-making. You will enjoy the company of like-minded friends. The only problem is that they may expect you to pay for them and forget about it.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
You may have to face a tough time trying to arrest your galloping expenditure. Your earning capacity can dwindle abruptly. Frugality is the only way out of the mess.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Your craze to strike a bid, shop or hunt for a good bargain may become overwhelmingly acute. You will make substantial profits through the sale and purchase of stocks. 

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

The relationship of Jupiter with the exalted Mars should be at its peak. Lady luck is on her way to bless you. This could be construed as never to get repeated opportunity.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
The planetary brakes are off and there are no restrictions to what can be achieved in the days ahead of you. It is time to move out and declare that you are the man of the moment.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Your stars advise you not to have any truck with an Arian. Your performance will be at its peak if you join hands with a Virgoan or Libran. Saturday is the best day to invite a loved one.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
It will annoy you to see someone making a mountain of a molehill. If you aim for the moon, it is easy for you to get disillusioned. A romantic development could prove expensive.

Born on

April 17

A year of energy, passion and commitment. You will make new friends, start a new hobby or interest. Professionals will make a substantial change of direction that will help boost prospects.

Your friends will support you during the first quarter. You can expect a charming new face to enter your life during the second. Blessings of the elderly will keep you in good spirits during the third. You should avoid confusing facts with fantasy during the last one.

April 18

The dignified moon presents a hopefully pleasant picture with regard to your outward life. You will be in your element picking and choosing with an eye on excellence. The emphasis should be on solid gains. If you run after quick money earning schemes, you could be caught in a tricky situation. A flexible attitude to move with the time is your plus point and it will pay you in the long run. Undependable friends should, however, be avoided.

April 19

There is a possibility of rise in your everyday expenditure. You should control on your impulses. You are walking over a tight rope. It is a harsh reality that you should keep your eyes open. You should keep your funds safe and not misuse. The support you are banking on will come in a half-hearted manner.

April 20

The debilitated Mercury aligned with the sun makes you a busy person. It is time to follow your own advice. A family member who caused some displeasure in the past will feel sorry about it.

Shyness is your greatest drawback. If you have not bothered to overcome, it you should now put it down with an iron hand. You should desist from trying to aim for the moon. You should be practical and should not live in a world of dreams. Health may need a little more care during the end part.

April 21

A steep escalation in the routine expenditure will cause worry. Despite stringent measures, there will be no let up in the rise that has reduced your finances practically to shambles.

As June gets underway, your confidence will be on trial. The policy of putting all your eggs in one basket may cause disappointment during September and October. You may be swayed by smooth-talkers during November and December. You need to regulate your finances. A new chapter of hope will enliven you during the end part.

April 22

With the retrograde Venus moving at a snail’s pace, you will be subjected to turns and twists during the incoming year. At first a staggering setback may become inevitable but it will prepare the ground for future success. So you will have mixed feelings. That is why, it is so important to keep your sense of humour intact.

Improvements on the home front will dominate during the first quarter. An auspicious period to spread your wings will be during the second. Modest efforts on your part will not help during the third. Reality should attract you during the last one.

April 23

It is a matter of losing in one field and gaining in another during this year. There is no safe option that you can confidently bank upon. It will be a sheer miracle, if you do not make a few mistakes.

A little extra care and self-control will stand you in good stead. Do not make any undue haste in supplementing your income. You are at your best while focusing on one thing at a time. If you stick to this golden rule, you will benefit to your heart’s content.

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