Wednesday, April 6, 2005

A good bargain
Sales and marketing are functions that are crucial for the success of many a business. As long as there are products and services to be sold, this field has a great deal to offer. Manish Kumar Singal
S long as there are goods to be sold and consumers to buy them, the prospects in sales and marketing will remain bright. It is a field that offers job satisfaction, big bucks and good status.

corporate Chat
“There is always demand for marketing people”

by Sandeep Joshi

Careercature by Sandeep Joshi
Sir, here’s my resume. I’m fully qualified to keep everyone in good humour.

Smart Skills
Bouquet of opportunities
Usha Albuquerque
OME Valentine's Day, Rose Day, any birthday or anniversary, or if you want to patch up with your mother/girl/boy friend… flowers are always there to help you out! These days, when it is easier to say it with flowers than words, floriculture is becoming a blooming business.

Bits & bytes
Gurgaon initiative for jobless youth
Ravi S. Singh
ITH the new government in Haryana just about settling down, it has started showing urgency in creating jobs for the youths in Gurgaon district.

Career Hotline


Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else. — J.M. Barrie

  • Schooling success

  • A shore choice

  • Computer calling

Testing time
by Shveta Pathak
Psychometric tests are being increasingly used by companies for recruitments and promotions and by corporates for making a career switch.
HE need to assess an individual's behaviour patterns, values, motives, traits and components that constitute the core of his personality is being increasingly felt to judge his suitability for a certain job. Not just business houses, even schools, colleges and individuals themselves are depending on such detailed assessments for making the right career decisions.