Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
February 20 to February 26
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Your stars advise you to shake off your reticence, come out in the open and make your preference felt. The work you take in hand will be in unison with your mood.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Unfinished business of the past is likely to puzzle you. You may feel others hold the trump, while you are a non-entity. You should look back on past mistakes and learn not to repeat them.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Your financial stars are at a new peak. A new friend will make you feel stronger than before. You could even show a pesky colleague his or her proper place.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
As the moon enters Cancer, the spotlight will be on home and family life. Increased earnings will add joy to domestic life. Everything should move your way, especially on Monday.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Sun’s affluence is simply amazing. You will feel vehemently inspired in your thought and actions. It is the time to lift your morale high as you are going to be a key man in the eyes of so many friends.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
If you are thick with a Cancerian, it is not a good bargain. You could be charmed by a Leo, but it might make you repent later. A Libran is your best legacy and should be kept in good humour.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
You need to be careful about your relationships at work. Tempers can run high even on a trifle. You will blow up provided you feel you are being belittled in any way.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
After a long period of lull, your personal life will experience some racy development. The placement of Mars reveals that your immediate interest is romance which needs to be given a top priority.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

All eyes seem fixed on you. There is no excuse to adopt “a devil may care” attitude. The challenge that others have marched ahead of you is no reason to grumble. It should serve as an eye-opener to you.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Someone within your home or workplace may be itching to take on you on frivolous grounds. If you react, you will stir a beehive. Bury the hatchet before it is too late.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
A steep gallop in your routine spending could push you towards a thorny patch. You may feel weighed down by the flimsy demands of near ones. Saturday could turn out to be a wasteful day.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Business-oriented Pisceans will progress in their pursuit for excellence. If interested in the sale and purchase of stocks, they stand a much better chance to win the game.

Born on

February 20

The coming year is destined to enrich your life with charm and dignity. You will be more realistic and practical in dealing with people and will thus be winning their confidence. Good relations at work will be an asset. You can pursue ambitious programmes without any fear or doubt.
You will ride on the wings of hope during the first quarter. New ideas will stir your imagination during the second. A benefit withdrawn earlier could be restored during the third. If some adventurous activity is on your mind, it should be withheld for the time being.

February 21

A fairly balanced year. You are on your way to financial stability. Although good fortune is on her wings to oblige you, but immediate gains appear to be less rosy. You will have to fight for your right and wait for a little while more to reap your reward. A worthwhile opportunity may come in your way during March. Don’t be taken in by false promises of fair-weather friends during May-June. A pleasant journey should be on the cards during August-September. A surprise gain will brighten your mood during the last phase.

February 22

The year under review will show a slow but steady progress in your current pursuits. The only drawback that might irk you is the non-cooperation of your colleagues and allies. You should not react over the insignificant lapses of your associates. More work and less leisure is the hallmark of the new year. You will have some difficulty in persuading your colleagues to toe your line. The situation, however, may take a turn for the better from July when you will bid farewell to all those who are stubborn and unrelenting.

February 23

Mercury, your ruling star, is a force to reckon with. You will ride high on the wings of energy and enthusiasm. You have entered a period of grand success which is likely to give a boost to the quality of life you lead. Now is the time to build your image as a person of simple living and high thinking.
You will have to push yourself a little harder during the first quarter. You may expand your contact during the second. Partnerships, if any, will be problematic but you will manage to pull on during the third. Life shall be more colourful during the end part.

February 24

With the Virgoan Jupiter on the backtrack, you are heading towards a lacklustre period. You have not so far experienced such an extravagant phase. A steep rise in prices and demands raised by people close to you will worry you. All matters related to money will pose serious problems. You will have to be exceptionally cautious and vigilant. As March gets underway, you will have to spend much against your wishes. The galloping expenditure will be a matter of serious concern for you.

February 25

You are heading towards a period of amazing prosperity. This is the time when you can afford to be happy with your stars and make your life a bed of roses. Your professional life is likely to touch new heights. You will feel as if the world is too small for you. You will accept any challenge that comes your way. As April gets underway, you will undertake new challenges. You will try to lead a disciplined life from June. Chances of a new partnership are bright during September-October. You may face health problems during the end part.

February 26

A year of mixed trends. Hospitality and entertainment of guests could prove to a burden. Your dream of leading a luxurious life will remain a wishful thinking. The assignment you opt for may require more patience and hard work to cope with. It will also be in your interest, if you keep your ambitious plans under wraps. Travel plans need reconsideration. You will feel desperate for a change but it seems that the right time is yet to come. If you are in love, don’t stand on ceremony, be spontaneous!


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