Sunday, February 6, 2005, Chandigarh, India

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Brides Wanted

Alliance invited for a clean shaven Jat Sikh boy from a well-established business family in UK. The boy is 6 ft tall, handsome with an outgoing, hardworking personality brought up in a family atmosphere with a stress on family values. After studying Law & Masters in Business Administration he is involved in managing the family business. Looking for a tall, slim & well-educated girl who is a family oriented person. Interested families may contact via Email on:  C4-111163-OL


Match for Jat Sikh boy, 28/5'-11", Ph.D. Physics, Canadian immigrant, vegetarian Medico/Dental/B.Sc. Nursing preferred. 98554-30291. A4-28835-OL

Alliance for Canadian born Sikh Tonk-Kashtriya 28/5'- 9". University educated
finance professional, handsome with strong family values/looking for someone fair and slim, tall, university educated, confident girl. Caste no bar. Parents originally from Moga District. Email: bio & photo to  or phone 14035692148. C4-100900-OL

Professionally/qualified employed match for handsome boy 29/5'-6", MBA,
Sendmail working Limited Company (Finance). Around Chandigarh preferred. Send Biodata, Horoscope. 93160-46507.  Box 19704M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Alliance invited from slim, beautiful, MBBS/MD/USMLE girls born after August
1977, under 5'-6", for US born citizen Hindu/Agarwal, Computer Sc. & Electrical Engineer & MBA, from well to do family. Caste no bar. Send bio and photos to  Serious enquiries only. C4-101466-OL

Wanted NRI (Jat Sikh) match for handsome, cleanshaven boy, 29 yrs/5 ft
10", BE (Engg.), JAVA, C-DAC (Computer). Presently studying M.Sc. (IT) UK. Father Sr. Executive PSU (retd). Beautiful, educated, well- cultured girls from high status family. Only need to apply. Correspond with biodata, photograph to: 16/A, Gobind Garden, Govindpura, Bhopal-462023 (MP). Ph. No. 09826391130 & 0755-2588506. E-mail:  C4-102854-OL

Looking for beautiful, Tall, homely girl from well educated status family for
Sendmail handsome cleanshaven Sikh Ahluwalia boy 26 / 5'-11" computer engineer, MS from USA,working with top MNC in Bangalore. Status well educated family. Medico / MBA /Engineer preferred. Caste no bar. Box 20156M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Parents invite match for Ramgarhia Sikh clean shaven boy, B.S. Computer
Engineer from U.S. Girl should be atleast 5'-5", slim, fair, beautiful, simple, caring with strong family values, belongs to respectable family. B.Sc./M.Sc./B.Tech./M.Tech. Respond with biodata. E-mail:  C4-103379-OL

Hindu Punjabi Khatri boy working in marketing for a multi national financial
organisation seeks nice Hindu girl. He is 29/5'-6", tall, fair, athletic build with good looks, very down to earth, loving, caring with a good sense of humour. Educated to degree level from a reputable university. Belongs to a close knit well established Hindu Punjabi family based in the UK. We are seeking an attractive Hindu girl (preferably Punjabi). Boy will be visiting India in March. If interested, please email your details (and photo) to  C4-104142-OL 

Wanted tall, beautiful, educated girl for British citizen handsome Ramgarhia
Sikh boy Computer Programmer in London 25 years, 5'-10". Post Box 4334 Nairobi-00506 Kenya. C4-104190-OL 

Medico match for Punjabi Khatri, MBBS. boy, 29/175. Working- Apollo
Sendmail Delhi. 098150-77121. Box 20644M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Jat Sikh parents in USA seek brides in Medical field for their handsome
Sendmail sons 6'-3", 24 years, becoming Doctor of Optometry; and 6'-4", 26 years, becoming Doctor of Chiropractic. E-mail:  Box 21133M Tribune, Chandigarh. 

High status and affluent Jat Sikh family requests to gain Daughter-in-Law from values oriented families for their NRI only son 27/6'-1". Most handsome, clean- shaven, teetotaller, widely travelled. Boy Green Card holder USA and permanent resident Canada. Scholarship holder, most intelligent, Gold Medalist American University. Working Vice-President Global Number one company USA. Salary high six figures dollars. Requirement highly qualified professional preferably Medico below 24 minimum 5'-6" from compatible families. Huge property India and abroad. Father senior Class One officer. Girl's merits and family background main consideration. No dowry. Post Box 55, GPO, Sector-17, Chandigarh-160017. E-mail:  C4- 108406-OL

Panjabi Christian from Jalandhar, law graduate from India, well-settled in
London, own house, Govt. job aged 39/5'-8". Unfortunately divorced. Only MBBS/BDS or highly qualified can apply. Divorcee/widow are most welcome. Religion/caste no bars. Contact: E-mail: .00447957682368. C4-109116-OL

Parents seeking beautiful professional match for their Canadian Jatt Sikh
Sendmail handsome, cleanshaven, only son, 27, 5'-10", Masters in Computer Sciences from US, Engineering from PEC, Chandigarh. Presently working as Software Engineer in multinational company in Toronto, belongs to educated, reputed and close-knit family. Email details at  Box 21309M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Well settled family seeks alliance for handsome Jat Sikh boy 27/6',
B,E(Electronics), Software profesional, working in Bangalore, GMAT, IELTS cleared having H-IB visa, from tall, slim, beautiful professiionly qualified preferably NRI Jat Sikh girl belonging to respectable cultured famly e-mail  Contact:- 0161-3951374. C4-109284-OL

American Jat Sikh Nirwan 27 yrs, 6'-0" invites alliance from tall, beautiful,
slim Graduate girl. Boy is in India. Contact: 0172-2705495, 98157-16862, 98151-40076. C4-109397-OL

Respectable/property holding Jat-Sikh family from England seek a suitable
match for our handsome and fair 29 yrs old Graduate son -5'-10" tall. Proposals from girl's family required. Must be Graduates in Medicine, Law, IT or similar. Apply in writing with a colour photo/CV to: C/o Malkit Singh, Aujla Kothi-V.P.O. Aujla Wanbaly-Distt. Kapurthala-Punjab with a contact Tel No. Parents arrive in India on 17th Feb. C4-109476-OL

Wanted from reputed family beautiful slim girl above 5'-4" for MBA 24/6'
Sendmail Khatri cleanshaven working reputed company Delhi. 2.5 lac. 098113-23723. Box 21429M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Dehradun-based Goyal renowned doctors family match for smart 168/27
M.D. (Pathology) final year Ahemadabad. Status family. Younger brother doing P.G. Medico. Reply 098970-10735. Box 21794M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Canadian citizen handsome Jat Sikh boy 5'-10", highly educated, Computer
Engineer working for Govt. of Canada. Divorced early forties looks 35. Soon visiting India. Seeks beautiful, minimum 5'-4" tall, preferably convent educated girl. Biodata, photograph must. 517- 171 O'Connor Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2P1T4. Email:  C4-109780-OL

Canada settled Engineering Graduate Ramgarhia Sikh boy 32/5'-9", currently
Sendmail visiting India is looking for a suitable girl. Please respond:  or P.O. Box 21479M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Manglik/Non-Manglik beautiful match for Garg college lecturer (Permanent).
Sendmail M.Sc. (Hons) Goldmedalist, P.hd. 29/5'-10". Educated family. urban/agriculture property. caste/gotra no bar. Around Jalandhar preferred. 0183- 2423890. Box 21658M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Respectable Sharma family from USA looking for a suitable match(es) for their two handsome USA born sons, 28/6', graduate in finance, 26/5'-7", CIS. Both working with reputed firms. Caste no bar. Mother is in India during February. Send biodata with latest photo to: Dr Pardeep Sharma, 1333, Sector 37-B, Chandigarh. 160036 or contact on 0172-2698500. C4-110587-OL

Suitable match for 26/6' MBA (IIM), smart Jat Sikh turbaned boy, working
Sendmail renowned MNC. Very well educated status family. Email:  Box 21702M Tribune, Chandigarh.

A nice natured 45 yrs. old, Pbi. Khatri, US citizen (divorcee, Govt. job) seeks
well natured, issueless and well educated life companion.  Box 21703M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Proposal invited for handsome Sikh Kshatriya boy, MBBS from Medical
Sendmail Chandigarh, 30/5'-8", Financially well off and working as Medical Officer, Will do MD after appearing in PCS. Father IAS. Only requirement is a beautiful well groomed girl from a status family. Caste no bar. Box 21704M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Wanted professionally qualified girl for handsome Mahajan boy 28/5'-8".
Sendmail B.Tech. Software Engineer at Banglore drawing 25,000/- P.M. Father class-1 officer. Caste no bar. Box 21705M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Well-settled Jat Sikh parents in the United Kingdom, originally from Malwa,
Sendmail Punjab, seek appropriate match for their son, 25/5'-7", LLB (Hons), LLM M. Phil trainee solicitor working with the largest law firm, smart, fair complexion, clean shaven, sincere. Girl should be Jat Sikh 22-25/5'-4" and above, fair complexion, slim, with good family background, preferably MBBS doctor or other equivalent professional qualification, and must be prepared to move to the UK. Please reply preferably via Email to  or to Box 21718M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Canada settled Sikh Ahluwalia Khatri family of status wants beautiful girl
Sendmail preferably NRI-Doctor/Dentist for their cleanshaven, handsome US Greencard holder US qualified Doctor boy 27 years, 5'-10" having own practice in USA. Box 21726M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Respectable Jat Sikh family seek suitable match for their UK born son, 5'-10",
Sendmail 31 years, vegetarian, wear turban. Visiting India next month. Girl should be from respectable family, vegetarian, between 25-28 years old. Please contact  or write to Box 21786M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Parents visiting India invite alliance Jat Sikh NRI Doctor, Engineer or similarSendmail profession girl, height 168 cm+, (USA, Canada preferred), for Canada born Gursikh 29/185 Dhaliwal University Science Graduate now employed in Bio-Medical research company. Contact: 9815322945 or  Box 21796M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Jatt Sikh family seeks suitable match for their American citizen son, clean
shaven, 6ft. 1 in., age 29. Highly educated, B.Sc. Biology and B.Sc. Mgt Info. Science. Girl should be beautiful, slim, educated, and well cultured. Height 5ft 5 in. and above. Girl should be from a reputable Jatt/Sikh family. Girl must hold a degree in B.Sc., M.Sc. or U.S. equivalent educated nurse and convent/English educated. Only responses with complete biodata and recent photograph will be considered. Contact at  or mail at 1943 Roseleaf Court, Chico, CA 95926. C4-111815-OL

Sikh parents seek beautiful Doctor bride for their handsome son M.D. in USA
Sendmail 26/5'-10", 9855290999. E-mail:  Box 21851M Tribune, Chandigarh.

North Indian Hindu parents seek educated/professional match for their son, Engineer 33/5'-8", well-settled working in Los Angeles California for a reputed company. U.S. Citizen, caste no bar. Majority of our relatives reside in Punjab. Planning to visit India in March. Please respond by email:  C4-112007-OL

Beautiful match from status family for Khatri 27/5'- 11", Engineer Australian
citizen. Currently in India. Contact: 098155-48295. C4-112023

USA-based well-settled Khatri Gursikh parents invite alliance for their US
citizen son 26 yrs, 5'-7", BS Management Information System, working System Engineer. Visiting India in March. Send biodata, photograph: # 6, Mathura Colony, Rajpura Road, Patiala. Email:  C4-112066-OL

Compatible match for Canadian immigrant Engineer Jat Sikh employed
Sendmail consultancy firm Toronto 31/6', handsome, well built ME Civil. Highly educated rural based urbanised family. Box 21923M Tribune, Chandigarh.

30/6', Jat Sikh handsome Gursikh (Not Amritdhari), M.A., M.Phil, pursuing
Sendmail Ph.D., medium class family. Seeks NRI homely girl. Contact: 9815954780. E-mail:  Box 21948M Tribune, Chandigarh.

30+/6'-6" Jat Sikh, B.Com., handsome U.S.A. citizen, well-settled
Sendmail businessman, small landlord family of Punjab. Seeks professional preferred tall, very beautiful, homely girl. Contact: 9888085136. E-mail:  Box 21952M Tribune, Chandigarh. 

Beautiful, slim, homely, employed in around Chandigarh match for handsome
Sendmail delightful Saraswat Brahmin boy 28/5'-11", veg. T.T., M.Sc. Compsc Chandigarh, employed 2 lack p.a. Panchkula settled status family. Send BH  98158-61212. Box 21986M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Match for Jat Sikh, 6'/27+. Very handsome boy permanently settled USA
Sendmail (California) professionally qualified. visting India Feb end. Father Chief manager (Bank) mother Lecturer. Boy's own urban/rural property in India. Girl having passed IELTS. preferred. Status family. Early marriage. Mobile: 98158-03331. Box 21998M Tribune, Chandigarh.

NRI well qualified match for Jat Sikh Bal handsome boy 24/5'-9½", B.Tech.
Sendmail Electronic Communication, M.Sc. Microsoft Engineering Munic University (Germani). Good urban, rural property. Parents Govt. employee. 1083- 2592317, 98146-87100. Box 21999M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Professionally qualified preferably B.A.M.S, Phisiotharapist match for
Sendmail handsome Brahmin boy. Born 1979/5'-9½", D-Pharma, BCA. Own business, well settled family. Kundli must. Box 22006M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Match for 26/5'-10", Bansal boy, Administrative officer, United India
Sendmail 16,000/- Preparing for IAS. Brothers Doctor & Engineer. Box 22012M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Canadian immigrant match for Jat Sikh boy 24, 5'-10", 69 Adarsh Nagar,
Model Town, A/City. 0171-2521580, 9896450366. C4-112566-OL

Match for Jat Sikh boy 23, 5'-10", Canadian immigrant. Box 22017M Tribune,Sendmail Chandigarh.

Match Harchand Rajput boy born 6.23 p.m. 22.8.78/5'-7" B.Sc. MT
Sendmail Computer, doing MBA England. Mother, father Govt. teacher. Preferable Staff Nurse B.Sc. Nursing. Box 22025M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Match required for handsome Khatri boy 5'-9"/23 March 1973, M.A., working
Sendmail in reputed pharma company, 14000/- p.m. 0172-2793810, M: 98728-69956. Box 22039M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Chandigarh Aggarwal family seek USA, Canada settled match for Engineer,
Sendmail 27, 5'-8". No bar. 93160-05929. Box 22042M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Beautiful girl for wealthy and highly placed Gursikh professional,
Sendmail American citizen, 5'-10", 36. No dowry, no bars. E-mail  Box 22071M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Non-Manglik MBBS/MD doing/done Non-Medico beautiful match for Khatri
Sendmail 28/5'-5", fair, handsome MBBS Medical officer, HCMS. Permanent Haryana Govt. due for M.D. posting near Chandigarh. Salary 20000 P.M. Also selected IAS allied services/appeared again for improvement. Caste no bar. Box 22096M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Wanted professionally qualified/employed beautiful girl for Hindu Khatri boy
Sendmail 26/6'-1", B.Com., MBA, working in MNC, Chandigarh. Income five figure. Father was XEN. Own hosue. Hindu Khatri family preferred. Contact: 98726-67866, 94175-54553.  Box 22097M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Wanted Jat Sikh postgraduate girl for Jat Sikh 1973/5'- 8", B.Sc, computer
network engineer. Employeed in reputed IT company. Applied for Candian immigration interview awaited. Early marriage. bhathal- . 0161-2550084. C4-112995-OL

Educated, beautiful, smart match for handsome Brahmin boy 31/167, 4 lacs,
Sendmail Oman-based convent plus two, Diploma Computers coming February end, complete detail first instance.  or Box 22187M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Delhi based Punjabi Khatri family invites Manglik/non- Manglik professionallySendmail qualified alliance for only son 30/182, MBA, annual earnings six figures, own well settled business, simple middle class girl required. Send details to email:  or Box 19019M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Wanted a suitable match for Australian Citizen, divorcee, aged 48 but looks
Sendmail younger, height 6'-1". Looking for a Woman aged 35-40 without issue. E.mail:  Box 19197M Tribune, Chandigarh. 

Beautiful, fair, slim well-educated girl from cultured family for US citizen fair
handsome Jat Sikh Engineer 29/5'-4", very well-settled, respond with bio-data, recent photograph. E-mail:  address S.P. Sandhu 305, Oak Grove Drive, Wauconda ILL 60084 USA. C4-99311-OL 

Wanted American/Canadian citizen match for Jat Sikh Sandhu boy 27/6'
study in Canada. Contact (Canada) 001- 403 238 2275, 6137266474, 0183-2562393. NA4-69865-OL

NRI match for Saraswat Brahmin 26/5'-10", B.Tech., MBA boy. Working with
Sendmail MNC in Kuwait. Send biodata/Horoscope. Contact: 9417234818. Box 22030M Tribune, Chandigarh. 

Wanted suitable immigrant match for Bedi Khatri boy, 25/5'-8", M.Sc. Computer, education on student visa in England. Contact: 01823263546. NA4-70264-OL 


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