Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
January 30 to February 5
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

A lucky week for unattached Arians. They should fulfil their dreams without being eluded by fantasies. Romantic developments focus around mid-week.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Venus, your star of joy and happiness, is in a favourable mood. You will find yourself focusing on children and family. Try spending as much time as possible with them.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
With Mercury on ascendancy, hopes of your enhancing the income-structure may touch new heights. While shopping, you will prove yourself to be a good bargain hunter. 
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
The Virgoan moon through the extravagant sector of your chart is laying emphasis on spending rather than saving. Don't expect immediate respite from the downtrend that persists today.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Everything hinges around the sun. Your soft corner for your allies may prompt you to oblige them. There should be a limit to your generosity. Don't try to over judge your capacity.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
You must learn to cope with the rigours of financial ups and downs. Your business stars will be most striking on Wednesday or Thursday.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
A lacklustre week on friendly grounds. Remember the "All that glitters is not gold". A friend you have been depending on could adopt a stony silence at the hour of need.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Think before committing yourself to a financial matter. Purchases made in haste should be off the agenda unless you are prepared to part with a large sum for a nominal return.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

You will be solidly ahead of others at work, home, in money and love. You can do your best now as such a lucky placement of stars is a rare occurrence. 
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
With the Geminian Saturn holding the key, life may offer you an opportunity to make a new beginning. New plans, contacts and strategy could change the course of your life.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
You have coped with other people's pettiness and unruly moods for a long now. Your can tell them frankly that this is the limit where they have to get off.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Your social stars strike a positive note. Goodwill will come your way. Your relations with those around will be warmer. Thursday and Friday are best days to seek favour from loved ones.

Born on

January 30

The Capricornian sun sighted by Jupiter suggests mixed trends. It is a vital year when more thought and contemplation becomes the need of the hour. 'Walk before you speed up' is the message that your stars are conveying'. You should place yourself so carefully that you are not caught napping. If you are in service, the slightest negligence on your part could cost you heavily and even invite the displeasure of all those who matter.

Hospitality or attendance on guests can exhaust you up to the brim. If you are looking for a new affair, the chances of success seem extremely poor.

January 31

With the moon-Jupiter combine rushing headlong through your chart, there is nobody you will skilfully pick up a bargain or make a profitable investment. You will take control of your financial fortunes and soon be firmly in the driving seat.

There are distinct signs that your romantic and emotional stars are good and getting better by each passing day. Someone seems ready to shower you with love and affection, if only you would open up and might be surprised by the results.

February 1

A very propitious phase for playing the good Samaritan, for contributing to a vital human cause and giving cheer and encouragement to your friends who happen to be temporarily down. Good acts performed now are sure to yield fruit soon. You are likely to be mishap prone while travelling. So make sure that you travel only if it is a must and there is no risk. A strict vigil on your personal security is most vital, especially if you expose yourself at odd hours.

February 2

An exuberant Mercury on ascendancy could lead you to a new pinnacle of glory. You are on your way establishing yourself as the most sought after person. Helped by a recently discovered benefactor, your goal will be easier to achieve. However, you should desist from trying to aim for the moon. You can, however, set an example for others to allow.

Financial stability will be the hallmark of the year. You will be more active and enterprising. You will handle your work expertly. Your strategy will work wonders and may put you at the top of the team.

February 3

Family arrangements may be delayed or postponed but rest assured this phase of uncertainty will not last long. It appears your associates have had their share of luck and now it is your turn to sparkle. A long-awaited financial opportunity that has been weighing on your mind will be within your grasp before long.

If you put many irons in the fire, you will be at the receiving end. If in service, extreme care is a must while handling secret information. You should be practical and not live in a dreamland.

February 4

A period of hope and cheer. Nobody can deprive you of the benefits you are entitled to. You will look at life with greater satisfaction than ever before. Whatever you take into your hands, you will receive wide acclaim. You should impress you friends by your high calibre and silence your critics with tact and wisdom.

Your attention may shift to a charitable mission during the first quarter. Beware of rumour-mongers during the second. Stability will enlighten your mood during the third. Health may need care during the last one.

February 5

You are heading towards a non-productive phase. Don't presume that the ill-will of others is to blame. You are, perhaps in the habit of making a mountain of the molehill. Don't expect others to see the world the way you do.

Shyness is your greatest drawback. You probably do not need an astrologer to tell you that, but it may help to know that you can do something about it and overcome your self-consciousness. If you have not tried to overcome this weakness so far, there are still chances to do it and you have not lost the game as yet.


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