Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
January 23 to January 29
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Travel and social affairs are due for expansion. It will involve a strong dose of expenditure you have seldom experienced during the past few weeks. Tuesday will be the most unproductive day.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
With Venus sighted by Saturn, your love life is likely to face a downtrend. Your stars advise you not to be complacent. You will be challenged to prove as what you can do for your loved ones.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
The jovial Mercury's challenge to your sign guarantees that partners and associates will be in a generous mood and have your interests at the top. At work, a long-awaited breakthrough is just at hand.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
With the moon fast losing her lustre, you have to keep some people at bay, who feel they have a special claim on you. Pending travel-plans will come to fruition. Be prepared for unexpected delays.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Your stars continue to grow stronger. You may be doing pretty well and might do still better within a short time. What you achieve now will depend on your ability to believe in yourself.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Your stars advise you not to run about more often. The emphasis should be on family affairs. If you neglect family, you will be at the receiving end. Pending issues could crop up, especially on Wednesday.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
As a shrewd and vigilant Libran, never commit the mistake of spending beyond your means. A lacklustre phase for lending, bargaining and chasing quick gains.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
The bounties of lady luck could oblige you further. If interested in the sale-purchase of stocks, investing or even speculating, you can expect a hefty gain, Tuesday is the day for profit-making.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Excessively pleasant and heart-warming tidings should be doing the rounds during this week. Those close to you will see reason and logic in your actions. You can silence your critics, hands down.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Dealing with a Taurean or Libran will be a step in the right direction. Any track with a Cancerian can land you in a state of misery. Do not let your heart rule your head.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
The movement of your stars towards the romantic regions of your chart will help you focus on love life. It will also pave the way to realise your dreams.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Family and friends may not be in a mood to hear what you have to say. Your dilemma is whether to speak the truth or let things blow over.

Born on

January 23

Your planets advise a small dose of caution. You are on a safe footing while in a group. Look, listen and learn is the motto you have to adhere to with a firm resolve. Other people what they are and where they are, have a great deal to teach you and you, in turn, have a great deal to learn. The first lesson is that it is better for you to save than to spend. It is possible that an arrangement can be misunderstood, so keep everything above board otherwise you could be held to account.

January 24

Moon is losing her lustre every moment. You will be in a dilemma over way to put your foot on. Home and family matters will keep you on the tenterhooks. You will have to do some serious thinking to regulate your commitments. The people who hover around you will try to pester you and put you in the wrong. The danger of overwork and the visits of people at odd hours could tell upon your health. Try to remain aloof from the madding crowd.

January 25

An all-round emphatic uptrend in your professional life is gaining momentum. This looks like a period when the demands of your inmates could baffle you to the extreme. The benevolent Mars is in a fine fettle to shower its bounteous blessings on you. Excess of expenditure, no doubt, could alarm you for a moment but you will have no regrets to have spent for a case which may be very close to your heart. A kind gesture towards a needy friend could raise your stature in the eyes of the people around you.

January 26

This promises to be a year of vast opportunities. It will lend a pleasant sparkle to your life. With social horizons expanding, you will brim with new expectations, you will have full sway in the areas of your work and behaviour. In short, you will emerge a star-performer.

Socialising will be at its best during the first quarter. Your professional life could also turn a new leaf during the second. Give time to those in authority to make up their minds about you during the third. A tiring journey is on the anvil during the last one.

January 27

Jupiter sighted by moon is a sign of good luck. The good fortune that has passed you by earlier could visit you again. It goes without saying that the future is yours. Life is bound to pick up pace and you are expected to laugh more.

Tolerance and flexibility are your plus points. Good fortune sometimes comes all of a sudden and perhaps it is now at your doorsteps. The challenge before you is to see that you don't tax yourself at the cost of your health. Do whatever is necessary to keep yourself happy.

January 28

An increase in your responsibilities is a foregone conclusion. You will stretch yourself beyond limits. If you are bursting with new plans, you must remember the old saying that slow and steady wins the race. Too much of excitement is your weak point. You should take care neither to act nor to react in an impulsive manner.

You need to check your tendency to act first and think later. Your stars advise you to be cautious while handling financial matters. The period is not opportune for lending, borrowing or indulging in the sale-purchase of stocks.

January 29

The retrograde Saturn is, no doubt, a liability but its switch over to ascendancy has diluted its ill-effects. You can mend relationships that have fallen on rough times. All that is needed is for you to behave more cordially with the people you live with or work with.

Don't feel put off, if your social life becomes a drain on your purse. You will have to find ways and means to supplement your income. There is also a need to minimise your commitments and liabilities. This is no time to sit back.


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