C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


Kasauli beckons city residents
Coldest day in Chandigarh
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
All roads led to Kasauli today. As winds got colder and the blanket of snow thicker, the hill town seduced Chandigarh residents with its snowy charm all day. Roadside food joints along the Shimla-Kalka highway made a roaring business, even as most clubs back home wore a deserted look.

According to met office, today was the coldest day of January, as the maximum temperature dipped to the lowest level recorded so far. The town literally shivered at 15 degrees day temperature - a significant drop from yesterday. Ironically, the minimum temperature rose as compared to yesterday. The rise was about two degrees.

Local Met office indicated that the cold conditions were likely to persist for a while. Snow in higher reaches was still expected, as was rain and thundershower in Punjab and Haryana. Chandigarh also recorded some rainfall during the past 48 hours, where about 1 mm of rainfall had been recorded till 8.30 am today, another 0.6 mm of rainfall was recorded till 5.30 pm.

The temperature may drop further, and light rainfall may also occur. The weather officials did not rule out thunderstorm.

Meanwhile, the lowest maximum temperature in the entire north-western region was recorded at Shimla.

At a maximum temperature of 1.1 degrees, the hill station was freezing all day. Its minimum temperature was - 0.8 degrees. Sundernagar also recorded a low day temperature of 7.4 degrees, while Hisar was the coldest in Haryana at 10.4 degrees.



Bad weather hits search for Sonia’s body
Our Correspondent

Zirakpur, January 22
Heavy snowfall in Manikaran and other parts of Kulu district has forced the Himachal Pradesh police to temporarily suspend the search operation to locate Sonia Deva’s body from the Parbati river. Relatives of Sonia, who left for Manikaran early this morning, were stranded near Zari following the closure of road due to snow.

Talking to Chandigarh Tribune, Mr A.P. Singh, Superintendent of Police, Kulu, said the police had to suspend the search operation following heavy snowfall in the area. The river water has frozen and the road leading to Manikaran from Zari has been closed for vehicular traffic due to the snowfall.

The SP also said that the police personnel had been advised not to risk their lives by walking on the snow-cover on the water sheet of the river. “We are waiting for the weather to clear and the search operation would be launched on a large scale.”

He also added that arrangements have been made for the safe stay of other members of the groups, who were accompanying Sonia, in the gurdwara at Manikaran. The SP has, meanwhile, ruled out any foul play in the tragedy.

Sonia’s brother, Sachin Deva, sister Supriya and brother-in-law Vivek along with some other relatives, who left for Manikaran to get the body back, were stranded near Zari due to snowfall.



Sonia was a multi-faceted personality, say classmates
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
For the faculty and classmates at Punjab Engineering College, Sonia Deva was a multifaceted personality, who could not be passed off as an ordinary student.

A student of third year of aeronautical engineering at the college, she was declared the best athlete last year and was a high scorer in academics, said her teachers at the college.

Hoping against hope, her friends have not yet lost the hope of seeing her alive. One of her classmates and a friend said, “Sonia was really excited about going on the adventure trip and talked to me at length about her future plans before she left on the evening of January 22”.

She said other students were safe and have put up at the Manikaran Gurdwara due to the hostile weather. As per the account of the tragedy given by the students accompanying her, Sonia had gone to wash hands when she suddenly fell in the Parvati. By the time her classmates could react to her shrieks, she had fallen into the river.

“Fate has been cruel to Sonia. When she was in the first year, her father expired, but she still showed courage and did not allow the tragedy to affect her studies”, said another student.

Prof S.C. Sharma, head of the department, aeronautical engineering, said, “ It is very painful to lose a bright student. She was one of my bright students who had inquisitive nature. She would often reply to questions asked by me”.

For Dr Jagtar Singh Gill, a lecturer in physics, and sport teacher, she was a bright student and was honoured with a medal in the last year’s athletics meet of the college.

A group of about 60 students of the college under the banner of the PEC chapter of the Rotract Club, had planned the trip to Manali due to three holidays.

However, no faculty of the college accompanied the students during the trip. After the incident, when concerned parents called up the Principal, the teacher in charge of the Rotract Club, Dr M.L. Gupta, a lecturer in the Department of Applied Sciences, has been sent to the spot.



Beant case prime witness awaits justice
Pradeep Sharma
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
It has been a long wait for justice for Balwinder Singh, the prime witness in the Beant Singh assassination case. Nearly 10 years after the bomb blast at the Punjab Civil Secretariat that killed former Punjab Chief Minister and several others, Balwinder is moving from pillar to post to get his dues from the authorities concerned.

In fact, promises made by the Chandigarh Administration and the Punjab Government to Balwinder, who risked his life to help trace the alleged killers of the former Chief Minister, had proved to be false.

Balwinder, a painter by profession, who painted the car used by militants to trigger off the bomb blast at the secretariat on August 31,1995, had helped the security agencies arrest an accused Lakhwinder Singh. Through Lakhwinder, the security agencies had zeroed in on the alleged main accused, including Jagtar Singh Tara, Jagtar Singh Hawara and Paramjit Singh Bheora.

Talking to Chandigarh Tribune here today, Balwinder alleged that of a total amount of Rs 10 lakh promised to him, only an amount of Rs 30,000 had been paid to him till date. His repeated representations to the authorities to pay the balance amount had fallen on deaf ears, he alleged.

Apart from the monetary compensation, he was promised a government job. Despite a letter from the Home Secretary of the Chandigarh Administration to the local IG to recruit him as a constable as a “special case”, nothing had been done so far.

And in the name of the job, he had been recruited as a Home Guard jawan in the local police on a daily basis. On an average he is only able to earn only about Rs 2,700 per month, which is insufficient to meet his family needs, he alleged.

Though provided a security guard round-the-clock, the casual attitude of the Administration could be gauged from the fact that he was issued a “defective” revolver as his personal weapon on the orders of the Chandigarh Administration. And after the return of his “defective “ revolver, he is yet to get a new weapon.

For the new weapon, which has reportedly been issued to him, he has been asked to pay Rs 25,000, the payment of which is beyond his means.

He alleged that after dilly-dallying for several years, he was allotted a permanent residence in the Police Colony, Sector 26, only last year.

Meanwhile, Mr Rajesh Sharma, president of the local unit of the All-Indian Anti-Terrorist Front, condemned the authorities for their step-motherly treatment to the whistle blowers in important criminal cases. Such attitude discourages the general public to come forward against the anti-social elements, he added.



Our political system more transparent, says Canadian Sikh MP
Saurabh Malik
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
He received his first lessons in politics when he was just a kid. Now several years later Canadian Member of Parliament Gurbax Malhi has ideas that can change the face of Indian politics, at least the way in which the tickets are issued to candidates aspiring to make it big.

He says, "In Canada, the party members have to contest elections among themselves prior to the polls for becoming the official candidates".

His assertion assumes significance as in India aspirants are known to make beelines in front of the party offices for getting the ticket just before the elections. Money's role in the process of issuing ticket is an open secret.

Giving details of the procedure adopted in Canada, Mr Malhi — the first turbaned MP of Canada — says each aspirants contesting pre-election poll requires more than 50 per cent votes for being nominated as the party candidate".

Any other difference between the politics here and there? "Yes, the system is more transparent in Canada. I remember an incident when a politician was forced to submit his resignation after a resident accused him of demanding a pizza for getting some work done."

He adds with a smile, "No, the politicians do not always resign on their own even in Canada. Well, sometimes even they are asked to give up the post after controversies are brought to the fore by the media".

Recalling his first tyrist with politics, Mr Malhi — originally hailing from Chuga Kalan village, 15 km from Moga — says, "I was still a student when his mother took me to a panchayat election in the village. I was asked to issue slips to the voters. You bet, I was excited about it. It was there and then that I developed a taste for politics".

But life was not all that easy for the son of the soil. After leaving the country in the 70s, he had to do one odd job after another till he managed to find his way into the politics. Since then, there has been no looking back for Mr Malhi.



All institutes in non-MC areas to be cleared by town planners
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
Institutional buildings like colleges, schools, marriage palaces, hotels, hospitals and petrol pumps situated in non-municipal areas in Punjab would now require the approval of building plans from the Town and Country Planning Department.

This was revealed here today by Mr Raghunath Sahai Puri, Punjab Housing and Urban Development Minister. Building plans of buildings up-to an area of 500 square metres would be approved by the district town planner, whereas those up-to 5000 square metres would be sanctioned by the senior town planner at the divisional level. Buildings with higher areas would be approved by the chief town planner. Mr Puri said the government had issued a statutory notification to this effect, extending the Punjab Urban Planning and Development (Building) Rules, 1996 to non- municipal areas in the State.

Mr K.B.S. Sidhu, Secretary, Housing and Urban Development, stated that the official scrutiny fee at existing rates would be applicable but would be deposited into the government treasury instead of PUDA. Buildings already covered under the factories Act, 1948, however, would not be covered under this notification, said Mr Sidhu. Mr Puri pointed out that the within municipal areas, even the construction of a room required the building plan to be sanctioned by municipal authorities, there was no regulatory control over large buildings that were coming up along all the major roads in the non-municipal areas of the state. In the absence of any statutory regulations, promoters were ignoring the fire, traffic, air and structural safety norms. 



IMTECH's new Director takes over
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
The Indian Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH) here has a new chief. Dr Girish Sahni has taken over as its Director.

Dr Sahni has worked extensively on development of cardiovascular drugs and clot busters.

He has put in 13 years with IMTECH which is a premier institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). In total he has 20 years of standing as scientist.

Dr Sahni, an MSc from Panjab University, went on to do his Phd from the Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore. He has worked with the University of California at Santa Barbara and also for six years in Rockfeller New York. Dr Sahni, who is 48 years of age, has been recently conferred with the National Biotech Product and process Development and Commercialisation award.

He is also the recipient of the prestigious awards such as CSIR technology shield and the VASVIK award. Dr Sahni's group has contributed extensively in the area of cardiovascular drugs, especially clot busters and their mode of action in the human body. The same group was also responsible for producing India's first indigenous clot-buster drug called streptokinase now being marketed by a leading pharmaceutical company.

Recently, Dr Sahni's group has also developed a drug which is clot-specific and is aimed to benefit patients of cardiovascular diseases.

The outgoing Director, Dr Amit Ghosh, has superannuated, however, he will continue to work as Scientist Emeritus with IMTECH.



Passing Thru

Kashmir Chand, Director, Social Justice and Empowerment, Himachal Pradesh
Kashmir Chand, Director, Social Justice and Empowerment, Himachal Pradesh

What was the main purpose behind visiting Chandigarh?

I came here to visit the Institute for the Blind, Sector 26, to study the project properly. The good thing about it is that it is not dependent on aid from the government and this institute is imparting education to its students up to Class XII standard.

Any particular motive behind visiting this institution?

Actually I want to improve the condition of such institutions in Himachal Pradesh. The education in such institutions is up to Class VIII in our state and I want to increase that level.

Any other plans in the pipeline?

I would send my team to this institute again to study its working so that we could incorporate its best features in our institutes also. I would talk to some industrialists and businessmen to come forward and help the disabled in such institutes. There are very famous temples in Himachal Pradesh which receive huge amounts in offerings from the devotees. I would request them to adopt such institutions.

— Swarleen Kaur



Exercise to review UT MC’s powers
Sanjeev Singh Bariana
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
A review of the powers and functions of the municipal corporation in the city is on anvil. Gen S.F. Rodrigues (retd), Governor of Punjab and Administrator of the UT Administration, will shortly meet the councillors led by the mayor in this regard.

It is an interesting development in the context that the corporation, which consists of elected representatives, has to largely depend on the administration for all its grants and implementation of a sizeable number of its decision. It is felt that greater autonomy, particularly in financial matters, will enhance the functioning of the corporation.

The agenda for discussion has highlighted the issues which have not been “resolved despite repeated reminders to the UT” and the ones that are hampering its functional efficiency.

Financial powers of the corporation are insufficient, the official note says. The biggest hurdle in this direction has been pointed out as unequal sharing of financial resources generated thro-ugh different sources between the Administration and the corporation. A majority of these are kept by the Administration. A senior councillor of the corporation said “We are given a small share from different taxes and the total is peanuts compared to the total revenue generated”.

The meeting will discuss taxes, particularly those generated from Indian Stamp Duty, motor vehicles taxation, electricity duty and entertainment.

“The UT has not formulated any standard policy or evolved a rational scale according to which a portion of tax will be given to the corporation. It is not possible for the MC to plan in advance.

The MC does not receive even 50 per cent of its expected grant in aid from the Administration. The recommendation of the Second Delhi Finance Commission, which said 17 per cent of the total revenue generated by UT be given to corporation, have not been honoured,” the note says.

It has been pointed out that “in the absence of the non-receipt of the due share from the tax revenue, the corporation is not in a position to provide civic amenities to the citizens”.

A list of obligatory functions of the corporation has been drawn for a look by the Governor. Some of the roles have not been transferred at all to the corporation, including the registration of births and deaths, pest control, public vaccination, securing or removal of dangerous buildings and the preparation of plans of economic development.

The meeting will also take up the issue of evolving a policy to tackle the problem of encroachments. It has been sought that “some policy be evolved for licensing of a limited number of handcarts and rehris which could be allowed to move on the inner roads of the city only. Some policy is also sought for the roadside workers”.

A senior councillor said even if not all powers, the UT Administration should abdicate some of its powers to the MC. More power will make it more responsible.

The meeting, earlier proposed for January 18, is expected to be held later this month. 



Anti-smoking law up in smoke
Our Correspondent

Mohali, January 22
How serious are some private organisations regarding the implementation of anti-smoking laws in the town can be seen from the fact that not a single complaint has been made to the police in the past about one month.

Smoking at public places has been banned by the Supreme Court. A function had been organised by the Generation Saviour Association (GSA), with great fanfare, here, on December 24, 2004, for getting anti-smoking laws implemented in the town.

The Mohali Industries Association and the Industrial Welfare Association, Phase IX, had joined hands with the GSA in this regard. The police was to challan all those found smoking at public places but complaints in this regard were to be made by the GSA and the two industrial welfare bodies apart from the public.

The SP, Mr Rakesh Aggrawal, said today that he had not received any complaint from the three organisations so far. He said the police had to report to challans only when such violations were brought to its notice.

The challans, too, were to be done by involving the three organisations to avoid allegations of police harassment.

Mr Aggrawal had announced at the function of the GSA that a fine of Rs 200 would be imposed when a person would be caught smoking for the first time. If he was found to be indulging in the violation the second time, he would have to undergo three months imprisonment, apart from paying fine.

Mrs Amteshwar Kaur, president of the GSA, said her organisation had not been able to provide all the required documents regarding the notification to the police so far.

The documents were to be received from the WHO office based in Delhi. She said the campaign would be started after she was able to present the relevant documents to the SP next week.



BJP criticises Cong

Chandigarh, January 22
The BJP has criticised the Congress for misguiding people in relation to the ongoing anti-encroachment drive in the city.

Mr Kehar Singh Koundel, party spokesperson, said “Mr Pawan Kumar Bansal MP, earlier used to say that the government at the Centre was not led by the Congress. So he could not deliver the goods to the residents of the city. Mr Bansal had no excuse to the ongoing anti-encroachment drive of the MC where traders were being harassed. He should resign”. Meanwhile, certain shop-cum-flat owners in the Grain Market, Sector 26, have said administration should seriously take up the cleaning process of the streets in Sector 26.

A delegation of the MC led by Anu Chatrath, Mayor, today met the Deputy Commissioner and sought that residents and shopkeepers of the Grain market be taken into confidence before any drive. TNS



Defence authorities oppose constructions
Our Correspondent

Zirakpur, January 22
The structures around the fence of the defence installations in and around Zirakpur Nagar Panchayat limits are likely to come under clouds again following objections raised by the defence authorities over their constructions.

Sources said the defence authorities had objected over the ongoing constructions within the radii of 300 metres and 100 metres from the Radar Station in Lohgarh village and the High Grounds, respectively.

Apart from this, the authorities have also raised objections over quarrying around the Air Force Station, Chandigarh, by some brick-kiln owners, the sources said.

Some senior officials from the Air Force Station met the Deputy Commissioner (DC), Patiala, and gave him a representation regarding the encroachment on the defence land by the civilians. The meeting was also attended by Mr Narinder Sangha, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM), Dera Basi.

When contacted, Mr Sangha confirmed that the defence authorities from Air Force Station, Chandigarh, had sought a comprehensive detail of the number of structures that had come up in 300 metres and 100 metres around the Radar and the High Grounds, respectively, since 2002 onwards.

The defence authorities, however, did not explain the exact parameters around the Air Force Station where the encroachments had come up, he added.

The SDM yesterday constituted a committee of three members to demark the land around the defence installations and prepare a list of the structures that had come up around the Radar, High Grounds and Air Force Station.

The committee, comprising an employee from the Zirakpur Nagar Panchayat, an employee from the local Revenue Department and an official from the defence, was constituted in the meeting held at Nagar Panchayat office this evening.



NGOs vow to bring police, public closer
Tribune news Service,

Chandigarh, January 22
If the determination of Yuvsatta volunteers is anything to go by, Chandigarh will soon be a torture free city.

Handpicked for the implementation of the International Commission of Jurists’s (ICJ) community policing project, the city will soon see activities designed to bring the people and the police together. The idea is to reduce police torture during routine investigations and create a symbiotic relationship between the two key sectors.

In charge of the programme in Chandigarh will be the Srijan Peace Education Centre of Yuvsatta’s “Campaign for Peace City Chandigarh”. The volunteers of Srijan, along with Regional Centre of the NSS, have already opened peace clubs in various schools and colleges of the city to promote Gandhian values.

But the first formal effort to make community policing a success was made by inviting experts to formulate a strategy for the same today. At a seminar held in Panjab University, valuable suggestions were made, the best being the “establishment of a human rights commission in UT.” Some experts emphasised the formation of a body involving social scientists, NGOs and the police to design a programme and implement it in a scientific manner. Some retired jurists expressed resentment to police torture, while some other participants called for anger management.

The concluding remarks of the senior advocate, Dr Balram Gupta, summed up the entire deliberation in the form of a mission statement released at the end of the function. The statement encompassed elements required to make the city crime free and more humane. Its highlights include the running of mandatory human rights awareness classes in all schools and colleges, setting up of Community Policing Resource Centres as in Punjab, ensuring greater community participation in police work, implementing community oriented schemes in partnerships with NGOs, grassroots organisations and other government departments.

Earlier, the discussion was initiated by Prof Virender Kumar, Professor Emeritus, UGC, who said Chandigarh was best suited to be a torture free city where the police and the public could work in unison to develop and sustain community policing.

Mr A.P. Bhatnagar, Advisor, Prisons, Punjab, gave the example of Punjab’s community policing centres, saying they were functioning well in every district. Justice J.C. Verma, (Retd) felt disillusioned with the fact that torture in police investigations had become norm of the day. He called for a Human Rights Commission for Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and UT.

Also present was Justice Mela Ram Sharma (retd), who stressed awareness on arbitrations and conciliations for out of court settlements.

Among others, who spoke on the occasion, were former Advocate-General, Punjab, H.S. Mattewal, B.Ed student Nikita Walia, Councillor P.C. Sanghi, Air-Marshal Randhir Singh (retd) and Chairman, Citizens Awareness Group, Surinder Verma.



4 retired officers contesting for vice-chairman's post
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
Four retired officers are in the running for the post of vice-chairman of the Defence Services Officers Institute, Sector 36, the elections for which are scheduled to be held tomorrow. Those in the fray are Brig M S Dullat, Brig J S Arajal, Brig B S Grewal and Lieut-Col J S Panag.

Though the vice-chairman and members of the management committee and sub-committees are elected, the chairmen is nominated by Headquarters, Western Command. The Major- General, Artillery at Western Command, is the ex-officio chairman.

Besides, 13 other retired officers are contesting for five sub-committees. These include finance, housing and area development, sports, entertainment and library, screening a disciplinary, and catering and bar sub-committees.

The polling is scheduled to commence at 11 am tomorrow. The counting of votes will be done on the same day and results will be declared later in the evening. As per regulations, serving defence officers are also entitled to cast their votes, though they cannot contest the polls.



Dr Shergill’s death mourned
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
A condolence meeting was held at the MLA Hostel Dispensary, Punjab, here today, in memory of Dr Hardev Singh Shergill. Rich tributes were paid to Dr Shergill or Dr Hardev, as he was popularly known, by his colleagues and patients. Dr Shergill (54) died following a heart attack on January 17.

He was the Senior Medical Officer at the Punjab MLA Hostel in Chandigarh. Patients remembered his helpfulness attitude particularly towards the poor. “He was dedicated and was very helpful,” said Dr S.P.S. Dhawan, in charge of the dispensary. Other doctors too remembered him as an outstanding colleague.

Dr Shergill had studied at Government Medical College, Patiala, and served in Chandigarh for over a decade in various assignments. He had also worked as Doctor to CM Punjab and in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha.



Supply of unclean water resented
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
Residents of Sector 51 have complained of supply of unclean drinking water in their area.

A press note of the Residents Welfare Association, Sector 51-A, said here today that the residents were facing the problem because the water they were receiving was not treated properly before the supply.



DSOI vice-president’s poll today
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, January 22
Stage is set for the election of the vice-president of the Defence Services Officers Institute (DSOI), Sector 36, tomorrow.
Brig B.S. Grewal, Brig T.S.Dulat and Col C.S.Panag are in the fray for the coveted post.

The vice-president is the highest post of the elected office-bearers to the DSOI. Brig Grewal said the venue was the perfect place of interaction among the families of defence officers.



Flight rescheduled

Chandigarh, January 22
Owing to the closure of the airfield in Delhi due to Republic Day rehearsal, the Chandigarh-Delhi IC 863 flight for January 23 has been rescheduled. The flight will leave for Delhi at 3.50 pm and reach at 4.30 pm while the flight from Delhi will leave at 12.45 pm and reach the city at 1.20 pm. TNS



Tavern owner beaten up
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, January 22
Three persons, who were in an inebriated condition, allegedly beat up a tavern owner today in Raipur Khurd village, when he asked them to pay the bill.

The brother of the victim alleged that the police is not registering a case.

According to Mr Pardeep Sonkar, a resident of Bapu Dham Colony, Sector 26, and a brother of the victim, Mr Sunil Sonkar, three persons who came in a Maruti car (CH-01-V-5777) had their drinks and snacks at their tavern in the evening.

After consuming liquor they started abusing other people in the tavern. Later, when the waiter asked them to pay the bill they thrashed him.

On seeing this, Sunil intervened but fell prey to their wrath. They attacked him with sticks and batons resulting in Sunil suffering injuries on his head, hand and legs.

Pardeep further said they tried to stop the trio from escaping from the spot by closing the gates.

Later he took his brother to the GMCH-32 and admitted him there.

Till the filing of this report, Mr Pardeep alleged the police did not register any case and was forcing them for a compromise.

When this correspondent tried to contact the SHO of Industrial Area police station, Mr Karam Singh, over the phone he was not available for his comments.

The DSP (East), Mr Vijay Pal Singh, when contacted said he was not aware of any such complaint.



2,755 pirated CDs seized
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, January 22
The police arrested a Mani Majra based shopkeeper and seized 2,755 pirated CDs and five blue films from his possession during a raid conducted late last night.

According to the police, Mr Yag Dut Sharma, the Manager of All Motion Copy Right protection Agency (AMCRPA), Sector 11, Panchkula, filed a complaint alleging that Shekhawat Ali of Dancing Music Palace, Mori Gate in Mani Majra was running an illegal business of selling pirated CDs and blue films. The police working on the complaint conducted a raid last night and seized CDs from the shop and arrested Shekhawat Ali.

Mr Yag Dut Sharma told the Chandigarh Tribune that he had made numerous complaints to the police that a racket of pirated CDs and blue films was flourishing in the city, but the police did not take any action.

He further alleged that the police was hand in glove with the racketeers.

Mr Sharma said he approached the SSP, UT, Mr Gaurav Yadav, on January 19, and brought the matter to his notice. The SSP directed the Crime Branch of the Chandigarh Police to investigate the case.

Mr Sharma also alleged that the police seized a huge number of CDs but showed only a few of them.

The police sources further said that Shekhawat Ali revealed during the interrogation that some unidentified persons were supplying him the CDs.

He was produced in the court today and was remanded to judicial custody till February 5.

He has been booked under Sections 51, 52-A, 63 and 68-A of the Copy Right Act, 1957, and Section 292 of the IPC.

About a month back Shekhawat Ali was also booked for possessing blue films, said the police officer investigating the case.



Motor cycle, mobile phone stolen
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, January 22
A man was booked for negligent and drunken driving, while a motor cycle and a mobile phone were stolen from the city, as per information released by the police here today.

Ram Prashad of Khudda Ali Sher village was arrested for negligent driving when the car he was reportedly driving in an inebriated condition hit an electricity pole at Sectors 45-46 light point yesterday. A case under Sections 279 and 427 of the IPC has been registered.

Mr Surinder Kumar of Sector 46-A reported to the police that his motor cycle (HR-02-F-1572) was stolen from the Sector 47 market on Friday. A case of theft under Section 379 of the IPC has been registered.

Mr Lekh Raj of Sector 9 reported to the police that his Nokia mobile phone was stolen from a shop in Sector 9 on Friday. A case of theft has been registered.



Man commits suicide
Our Correspondent

Mohali, January 22
A resident of Phase IX, Industrial Area allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself from a ceiling fan late last night.

It is learnt that when Sukhdev Singh, who dealt in the sale and purchase of old scooters, allegedly committed suicide, his wife was at home but his two brothers, who also lived with him, had gone out for some work. It is alleged that Sukhdev Singh was in the habit of taking drugs and must have committed the crime under the influence of drugs.

Sukhdev Singh had got married about two years ago and did not have any children. The police has initiated proceedings under Section 174 of the CrPC in this regard.



Travel agent held for cheating
Our Correspondent

Mohali, January 22
The police has arrested one person on charge of cheating.

The arrested person, Gurdeep Singh, a resident of Chandigarh, was produced in a Kharar court today where he was remanded in police custody for two days.

It is alleged that Gurdeep Singh along with his brother Jarnail Singh had taken Rs 20 lakh from two persons on the pretext of sending them abroad.

The two complainants, Harjinder Singh, a resident of Dadumajra village, and Ranjit Singh, a resident of Mohali village, had alleged that even after taking Rs 20 lakh from them, the travel agents had not sent them abroad.

They further said neither had the money been returned to them nor the documents.


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