Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
January 16 to January 22
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

The dignified Mars in the house of income will boost your energy. Even in the affairs of the heart, you will hit new heights. It is time to enjoy life.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Your hopes are high and you are a versatile chooser but there is risk too. If you are unrealistic, you may end up frustrated. The best advice is to follow the middle path.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Your stars advise you to take time off and pamper yourself. With your social stars booming, try to create rapport with the high-ups and gain through them.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
As the moon enters cancer, the spotlight will be on your personal affairs. A great deal, however, depends on how you handle disagreements.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
You are will turn any stumbling situation to your best advantage. If you are emotionally linked, it can bring credit to you.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Health concerns will be on your agenda. Relax when your body demands rest or else you might burn yourself out faster than you think. Be on your guard on Wednesday.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
You have little support from your stars. A sluggish week is on and you should be cautious about it. Aquarians should be your best choice even in financial deals.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
With a hand-stuffed with trump cards, you can do no wrong. Even if you commit a mistake, it will be covered up. Everything is moving your way.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

You will have a hard time handling the mounting expenditure. Increased earnings will fail to arrest the spiralling costs. Your stars advise you to keep your cool.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
A potentially prosperous phase. A final choice in a long-awaited personal matter could prove to be your trump card. If an artist, success will be boundless. Saturday is your best day.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Your skills, efficacy and sincerity of purpose could make a sea change in the prevailing scenario. Buying, selling, funding and investing could stand in good stead. 
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Keep your loved ones cheerful. If you can read the mind of your dream lover, half the battle is won. If he or she can be seduced, it is a hat-trick.

Born on

January 16

The Sun-Neptune combine advises you to act with the patience of a saint. It is easy to start a venture but not so simple to see it through. The task ahead is daunting. The resources you could fall back upon are inadequate. You should be on the horns of dilemma to decide whom to collaborate with or who to part company with. Your stars tend to drive you towards an indecisive phase.

Keep your head cool and try to reduce professional tension. Pay heed to advice offered by efficient and experienced persons.

January 17

Although the prevailing atmosphere is hectic and tiring, you will find the pressure taking a downtrend slowly. A sensitive situation that may arise during the middle part of the year is likely to compel you to take an unpleasant step against a person who has been in your good books for a long time. In view of that you may not have blind faith in people for all times to come. In short, you have to be cautious and avoid taking a leap into the dark.

January 18

Every analysis of your solar chart predicts luck during the current year. With the dignified Mars occupying the house of gain, you will be in an enviable position to see your friends and associates toeing your line. They must have concluded by now that you are their best hope. Perhaps you have utilised only a meagre part of your potential. No doubt, there is still a lot to achieve but you are perfectly equal to the task if you gird up your loins and comprehensively. All you have to do is to take care of your health.

January 19

Mercury will team up with Venus in the house of income and productivity which is a symbol of stability. You will be in a restless social phase meeting new people on a deeper level. Cooperation is the key to future achievements. You will come out of your shell and take the lead in organising friendly gatherings. You will discover that you have seriously undervalued your true worth for far too long. It is now time to be serious about your potential.

January 20

With the Jupiter playing a positive role, your main asset will be your willpower and craze for discipline. You will not stick to routine norms and evolve new methods which have not been experimented so far.

You will set new aims. If you plan to speculate, there are ample chances you may win the game. If you wish life to be as static as ever, sit at home and watch the TV.

January 21

You may be itching to relax but before you do so, you will be reminded of the huge load of work that awaits you. It is a year of sweat and toil with hazards at work raising their head you will have no time to heave a sigh of relief. The activities you have burdened yourself with may not be worth the bother. A modest attempt on your part is not enough to get what you are aiming at. You should not enter into any quick-money-earning scheme. Try to reduce professional strain as much as you can.

January 22

A year of special significance awaits you. Your stars make you hopeful that you are near your goal. Your ambitions make you more conscientious and work-oriented. "Complacency is a vice and self-reliance a virtue" is the slogan you should adhere to. A few generous gestures will add to your name and fame during the first quarter. You will find your colleagues quite compatible during the second. You will be saddled with greater responsibility during the third. A spectacular outing is the need to dispel tedium during the last one.


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