Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
January 9 to January 15
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Since you are in the habit of burning the candle at both ends, you will find yourself high and dry. Your stars advise you to check your tawdriness and be modest. 

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
This is a superb moment to establish your supremacy in your fields. Matrimonial ties will proceed head on. Do not compromise on matters you do not agree with.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
With the Mercury at its best, the feelings of uncertainty are about to vanish like mist in the air. It is certain that you will soon enjoy someone’s company as never before.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Serious business offers are on cards. At work your creative powers could turn tables in your favour. Have full faith in yourself. Monday will be a lucky day.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Celestial powers seem to be in a muddle. You are advised to pull up your sleeves. A younger family member may show resistance but he needs affection and not snubbing.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
There is a sense of perfect optimism at home. A good news is around the corner. It is also a good sign to see that you are determined to help those leading a hapless life. 
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Loved ones deserve to be welcomed with velvet gloves but there should be no formality with Taureans. They are your best friends and could be relied upon.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Life will be at its best with associates bending to your will. Your boss will greet you with a sweet smile. Even your rivals will agree with you.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Someone is waiting impatiently to give you a run for your money. Your stars advise you to tighten your security. Think twice before you react.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
You will remain concerned with your personal questions this week. The ethical side of your life needs a little reform and it will be ideal if you could review it. 
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
It will be a boom time for ambitious Aquarians. Whatever they speculate, they are bound to be on the winning streak. Tuesday and Saturday hold luck.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
The period will be an astute test of your brilliance. Be very sure and off-load only what is worn out or redundant. The fear is that you could discard the good along with the bad.

Born on

January 9

Optimism is your most important asset, and if you are really confident about your future, you will attract a number of opportunities. Your most praiseworthy aspect is that you are very helpful. At times, however, you have been accused of thinking only of yourself but right now you are putting a great deal of energy into caring for friends and looking after the interests of partners. You are in an excellent position to achieve a long-pending ambition and earn a rich applause for your noble deeds.

January 10

You are feeling a little depressed. You seem dissatisfied with the prevailing circumstances and are striving for something more meaningful and inspiring. You will gain nothing by waiting for others to make the first move.

Someone, probably from among your own circle, may try to put you off. The more you rely on false assurances, the more you are going to be misled.

January 11

With the dignified Mars in a dashing mood, your belief in your infallibility will be enormous. You are fully convinced that you can do no wrong. No astrologer with Mars at the helm will ever advise you to compromise or bend before any odd or an exceptional situation.

Temperamentally you are a cautious person but under the influence of the robust Mars, you can act rashly and blame others for your wrong move.

March-April are erratic months. Romance can, however, figure favourably after July. An unforeseen event will bring sudden happiness after mid-September.

January 12

A rare moment of love, laughter and joy is coming your way. Your relations with the people around you will improve. Your mood will change for the better and your confidence take a leap forward. If in love, you should be on much firmer ground than ever before.

March-April are best months for broadening your horizons. A family mystery can be solved during June-July. Your stars warn you not to violate rules or regulations especially during September-October. There are slight chances of your getting unwell during the end part.

January 13

The atmosphere around you is not likely to undergo any marked change in near future. The Virgoan Jupiter, sighted by malefic stars, inclines the native towards lethargy and boredom. Although you may aspire or even try to build castles in the air, there is no hope for any substantial output.

Despite putting aside your personal needs, entertainment of guests, education and welfare of young ones, healthcare of the family could prove to be a burden. To play safe should be your foremost need.

January 14

There will be lot of hustle and bustle around you. If you are participating in games, sports or other competition, the year under review seems to be gainfully appreciable. Perhaps you have utilised only a fraction of your talent. You could hit the peak and win prizes and trophies.

Your travel stars, however, look uncertain. Avoid travelling, especially during odd hours. Pay more heed to warning signals.

January 15

With the Saturn having staged a come back into Gemini, life is bound to improve and you can come into limelight. Enthusiasm and spontaneity being your strong bets, nothing should be beyond your grasp. A sweet relationship that appears to be fading away could be revived easily.

You will be careful at work during the first quarter. A stranger could offer you the best advice during the second. Your selflessness will breed respect and bring rewards during the third. You should, however pay full attention to your physical well-being during the last one.


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