Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
December 26 to January 1
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Mars, the planet of energy, will keep you on your toes both at work and home. With people around you unwilling to compromise, you will have to put in extra effort to succeed.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
A great sage once said it was noble indeed to forget and forgive, but it is no child’s play to practise it. If in love, it can work like a magic wand. Be benevolent and forgiving.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
With Mercury at the helm, you can stick to the chosen path of your life even if the going gets tough. Your quest for higher values of life will surprise even your cronies.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Your reputation as a man of few words on the one hand and a work-oriented activist on the other is worth emulation. You will be on a much firmer ground than any time prior to it.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
The area that has not experienced a lucky wave so far should be in for a big surprise. The Sun reveals that the emphasis is on love life, making all Leos lucky.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
You will be in a restless state of mind and will develop a tendency to be lethargic and inadvertent. On the financial front, you are about to fall on your feet.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
The future is getting brighter with each passing day. Your planets are passing through the mysterious realms of your solar chart. You should no longer feel drained or emotionally unstable.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Mars is lending you strength and ability to control other people. You are on a winning spree and no one can get the better of you at work or home.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Jupiter, your ruling planet, reminds that the tide of fortune will flow in your favour. You must cast aside your woes and dedicate yourself to love only.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
You can be much too ready to accommodate the whims of others but this is no time for a weak-kneed compromise. Pretend to be tough like a committed Capricornian.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Those in the stock and share business will be able to cover more ground. This is a propitious period for them to fructify their bank balance. They should, however, learn to say ‘no’ to debtors.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
A sharp escalation in your everyday spending is likely to put you in a tight spot.Your stars advise you to keep off from lavish purchases or lending money to unscrupulous persons. Saturday will be an expensive day.

Born on

December 26

Fascinating news will come soon. You would do well to spend sometime by yourself. Your immediate priorities are financial and you will put your life on a firm footing.

Partners and loved ones have a right to be consulted. Your mood will become more sociable from March. You will soon convince your doubting friends that you deserve their commendation.

December 27

The incoming year is especially fruitful for traders and moneylenders. If money matters loom large, it is advisable to see that the profits are spread around.

You need to learn that there are times when you should do what others like rather than asserting yourself everytime. Business associates deserve more consideration. A little sacrifice can boost their spirits. Your policy should be to see the best in everyone. It will make your long cherished dream come true.

December 28

The dignified Mars in the company of benefic stars, makes the new year a lively one with a boundless joy awaiting to welcome you. This type of conglomeration of stars is a rare event which may prompt you to enjoy life to your heart’s content. You will be in an enviable position to see your friends and associates toeing your line. Perhaps you have utilised only a meagre part of your potential. There is so much still left to do and you should be aware of it.

December 29

Unbridled expenditure and discontent over the abnormal rise in living costs is likely to upset you. You are advised to keep a strict watch over your purse-strings. There are a few unseemly liabilities weighing on your mind and you should have no option other than to accept them on their face value. This is likely to be a cumbersome year, especially on financial grounds. In matters of love also, the yield is not so green. All you have to do is to take a little more care of your economy.

December 30

Rarely does the house of luck show so much magnanimity. You have no idea of the good time that lies ahead. Enjoy to your heart’s content whatever the lady luck throws into your lap. The period could even turn out to be a memorable one for visiting a new country, a pilgrimage centre or an outstanding spiritual dignitary.

You may fight for what you believe is your legitimate right during March-April. A long-awaited good news may cheer you during June-July. The more you stick to your guns, rivals are likely to tumble down during the last.

December 31

Howsoever prudent you are, the main indication is that money might slip through your fingers like mist in the air. Learn to say ‘no’ to those who think they have some claim on your earnings.

Children could be a source of discomfort. Don’t let the downward-trend put you down mentally during March to July. Over-work and visits of people at odd hours could upset you during September-October.

January 1

Your stars are placed in a positive position. It is time to seize every opportunity with a realisation that you must keep your feet firmly on the ground. You will have to blame yourself if you do not take up matters which have been simmering away beneath the surface for too long.

You can afford to take an adventurous path during the first quarter. There is no point in being hard on yourself during the second. You should learn to accept offers to help with good grace during the third quarter. Friends will back you to the hilt during the last one.


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