Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Vistas for the young in foreign tongue
Vistas for the young in foreign tongueFor those possessing good knowledge of a foreign language there are myriad lucrative openings as translators, interpreters, online content writers, tour operators, instructors or even decoders of technical jargon, writes Biswajiban Sharma

by Sandeep Joshi

Sir, his only qualification is that he looks like Bill Gates

Linguistic way to lucrative career
HE word ‘linguistics’ has been derived from the Latin lingua (tongue) and istics (knowledge). Therefore, linguistics is the scientific study of languages. Linguistics deals with the structure and development of particular languages and their relationship to other languages.

Looking beyond the IAS
by V. Eshwar Anand
HE Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is not the only service that gives you power, influence and authority. Even if you get selected to any of the other services, you have a successful and rewarding career in store for you. As the civil services are a compendium of services, the aspirants should have good knowledge of the various services, their role play, functions, responsibilities and benefits. Knowing more about these services could clinch the issue in favour of one of them. 

Study systematically for civil services exam
by Usha Albuquerque
Becoming an IAS officer is the ultimate aspiration for thousands of young men and women. And if not the IAS, then possibly any of the other 30-odd services of the India Civil Services. Not surprising then that almost 3 lakh candidates fill up that first application form, hoping to see themselves as DMs, DCPs or Income Tax Officers across the country. 

Avenues for aircraft engineers
Q I have passed plus two in the PCM stream. I want to be an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. Can you please suggest a few recognised courses?

  • Branching into biotech