Saturday, September 13, 2003

We are culturally so conditioned to associate happiness with pairs that even when we hear the word single, it brings forth images of loneliness, aloofness, sadness, etc. But it need not necessarily be so. Today, Unmarried Professionals in their Thirties (UPTs) are living it up sans a spouse. However, pressures and concerns remain, says Gitanjali Sharma

Photo by Gaurav Sood

How to avoid falling into the loan trap
A. J. Singh
OR those who want instant fulfilment of their desires — owning a house, buying a snazzy car or a magical music system, or enjoying a holiday abroad — easy loans are just a bank away.

Do you have a complex?
Read what your handwriting says
Shiv Darshanlal Sharma
T is interesting to infer personality of an unknown person merely on the basis of handwriting. Just as two persons in the world are not identical, the same way it is quite impossible to have two similar handwritings. Since your handwriting depicts your feelings, you cannot conceal yourself while writing.