EDUCATION TRIBUNE Tuesday, February 25, 2003, Chandigarh, India

Decline in student enrolment at GJU
V.P. Prabhakar
hile there was a decline in student enrolment in five courses. Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar, was established to facilitate and promote studies and research in new frontiers of technology, pharmacy, environmental studies, non-conventional energy sources and management studies. 

How to make most of your brain
T.K. Gill
here is a common misconception that mental efficiency declines after the age of 20-25 because neurons usually do not reproduce themselves. In every other organ of the body there is a continual turnover of cells, some being replaced every few hours, some every few weeks and some every few years.




Decline in student enrolment at GJU
V.P. Prabhakar

While there was a decline in student enrolment in five courses. Guru Jambheshwar University (GJU), Hisar, was established to facilitate and promote studies and research in new frontiers of technology, pharmacy, environmental studies, non-conventional energy sources and management studies. Besides, a chair to undertake comparative study of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Jainism and Sikhism was established.

Kurukshetra University established Guru Jambheshwar Institute of Religious Study Chair in May 1994 at the Post-Graduate Centre, Hisar. This centre was merged with GJU on its formation (November 1995). It was to undertake comparative study of various religions in addition to preachings of Guru Jambheshwar. For housing Guru Jambheshwar Jambhwani of Religious Studies, the University constructed a building at a cost of Rs 1.15 crore.

A scrutiny of records revealed that but for an ongoing study of Guru Jambheshwar Jambhwani vis-a-vis teachings in Guru Granth Sahib, no comparative study of various religions was taken up till March 2001, while a lecturer engaged for this purpose was paid Rs 5.06 lakh during 1995-2001.

In the following five courses student enrolment declined by 10 to 40 per cent during 2000-2001 in comparison to the sanctioned seats:

Course Seats  Enrolment
(1997- 98) (2000- 01)
MBE  40  40  36
MBA  60  60  36

MBA (Mktg) 

30  30  25

MBA (Finance) 

30  30  18

MBA (Int Business)

30  30  19

The university did not conduct any study to find out the reason for such steep decline in student enrolment. However, the Chairman, Faculty of Management, stated that an important reason for the decline was mushrooming of management institutions in the state and elsewhere. Lack of infrastructure expected of a good management institution also hindered the flow of students.

The AICTE prescribes student-teacher ratio at 10:1 for the model curriculum, which should not be allowed to rise beyond 15:1. However, the student-teacher ratio in the M.Sc. (Applied Psychology) was 22:1, in B.Tech (Printing Tech) 32.5:1 and M.Sc. (Computer Application) 29.5:1.

Enrolment in M.Sc (Applied Psycho) and B.Tech (Printing Tech) declined by 8 and 23 per cent, respectively, during 2000-2001 in comparison to 1998-99. Due to shortage of teachers, quality of education and enrolment of students had suffered. Teachers could not be recruited in adequate number due to the ban imposed by the Haryana Government on filling the sanctioned posts.

As per the AICTE norms and standards, the desirable ratio for Professors, Assistant Professors, Readers and Lecturers was 1:2:4 for each department. However, the actual ratio ranged from 0:0:1 to 1:4:7.

It was observed that 12 out of 18 departments in the university were without Professors, while 15 departments did not have the desirable ratio of 1:2:4. Two courses — Master of Information Technology and M.Sc (Bio-Tech) were being run without regular faculty members since 1996-97 and 1998-99, respectively.

Laboratory workshops were not fully equipped in food technology, applied physics and printing technology.

The heads in charge of these departments stated (December 2000) that due to shortage of equipment, students did not get first-hand training and were not able to compete with students of other universities in job placement. Concerned heads of departments stated that equipment could not be purchased due to paucity of funds.

As per the recommendations of the UGC Library Committee (1957), the university library should have one lakh-three lakh volumes with 20 to 100 library staff members. It was observed that there were only 15,482 volumes in library with 20 staff members.

The university had a total receipt of Rs 58.73 crore during 1995-2001 (Rs 35.62 crore as grant-in-aid from the Haryana Government and Rs 23.11 crore as internal receipts), of which Rs 49.15 crore (salary 34 per cent, works 38 per cent and other expenditure 28 per cent) was spent, leaving a balance of Rs 9.58 crore.

The university received Rs 7.84 crore (Rs 9.58 crore less Rs 1.74 crore arrears of salary) as grant-in-aid from the state government in excess of deficit on the basis of inflated estimates of expenditure and lower estimates of receipts in their annual budgets.

The Deputy Registrar (Accounts) of the university stated in July 2001 that for timely regular payment of salary and other liabilities, it was necessary to keep balance funds. The reply of the Deputy Registrar of the university was not considered tenable in view of heavy savings each year.

Grant-in-aid amounting to Rs 1.18 crore sanctioned/drawn by the state government/Director of Higher Education in March 1997 and remitted to the university (April 1997) included Rs 1 crore for construction of library building.

This was not constructed till March 1998 when the government allowed the grant to be utilised on other works. Thus, unnecessary drawal of Rs 1 crore caused a loss of Rs 12.30 lakh to the government by way of interest.

The university gave temporary advances to the staff of the university, principals of de-affiliated colleges and heads of departments for purchase of store and conducting examinations. These advances were required to be adjusted promptly. As this was not done, temporary advances of Rs 60.45 lakh involving 151 cases were outstanding from 1995-96 to 2000-2001, against the de-affiliated colleges (Rs 8.18 lakh) and other officials (Rs 52.27 lakh) of the university.

No steps were taken to adjust the outstanding advances. Non-adjustment of the advances for long years provided opportunity for misappropriation and misuse of university funds and loss of funds.

How to make most of your brain
T.K. Gill

There is a common misconception that mental efficiency declines after the age of 20-25 because neurons usually do not reproduce themselves. In every other organ of the body there is a continual turnover of cells, some being replaced every few hours, some every few weeks and some every few years.

But studies reveal that replacement of brain cells also takes place. Full-grown human brain contains 10 to 12 billion neurons. Even if the neurons were to die at the rate of at least 1000 a day, by the time, you are eighty, you will have lost 1000 x 365 x 80 neurons i.e. a mere 29.2 millions or so neurons. So the loss is less than 1% of the total neurons.

In this respect the human brain deteriorates more slowly than any other organ of the body. So why the misconception of deterioration in mental abilities? It is because people fail to take into account the development of education over the years.

A 20-year-old individual has received better education than an individual of 70 years. So measuring mental abilities at the two age groups is measuring the difference in educational background as well as any intrinsic deterioration.

In most of the longitudinal studies, it has been found that there is no apparent deterioration in mental abilities. The scores on intelligence tests appeared to remain stable until the age of 75. At later age, people become slower at tasks that involve physical movements but they are better at informational tasks.

Mental facilities appear to deteriorate after the age of 20-25 years because formal education ceases around this age and we do not provide challenges and exercise to the brain. Apparent decline is because we stop using our brain as much. Like any other organ in the body, brain also atrophies if not in constant use. So there should be continued learning, continued mental challenges and continued mental exercise.

It has been observed that people who have continued with their education throughout their life or who remain mentally active, do not lose their mental faculties. Research scientists, university teachers and polymaths who have continually drawn upon their resources and their knowledge of fields of study show no apparent deterioration in mental abilities.

Einstein, Bertrand Russell, Picasso, William Woodsworth, Tennyson showed little signs of deterioration of mental abilities in their later years of life. So if you want to get most out of your brain, use it and make the best of it.

There is an old saying “a sound mind has a sound body”. If an individual is physical healthy, he will also be mentally fit. Regular exercise is important to keep the brain active. Exercise increases oxygen supply to the brain. Oxygen is essential for brain functioning. The weight of brain is only 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes 25% of the body’s oxygen intake. If the oxygen supply is reduced, brain functioning suffers.

If the supply is completely cut off for more than 2-3 minutes, the brain begins to deteriorate irreversibly. As the person grows older, the arteries to the head as well as those to heart may become clogged as fat begins to build up inside the artery walls. On an average, there is 50% blockage of the arteries feeding the brain between the age of 50 to 80.

Deliberately enriching brain’s supply of oxygen can reverse any apparent deterioration in brain functioning among the old. Brief periods spent in an oxygen chamber can lead to remarkable intellectual revitalisation. Research studies have proved that children who do additional exercise each day are fitter physically and also achieve higher grades at school.

Regular rest is vital for mental functioning. The human nervous system works on a regular alternation of action and rest and is attuned to this cycle. Disrupting the cycle, disrupts the brain’s natural daily rhythm. During sleep, particularly during dream periods, proteins and other chemicals in the brain used up during the day are replenished. Rest during the day is valuable. Taking regular breaks during reading or study, improves both comprehension and memory. Techniques of deep relaxation as transcendental meditation helps when practised regularly. Blood pressure affects intellectual abilities. Studies have found that people having high blood pressure suffered a marked loss in mental abilities. So blood pressure should be kept under control through diet and exercise. Exercise keeps the arteries clear and, thus, blood pressure is controlled. A regular, well-balanced diet is good for brain functioning. Vitamin E helps nerve cells to make better use of oxygen available. Vitamin B and Vitamin C increase mental alertness and Vitamin D helps in the assimilation of minerals.




Mar 10 North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, PO: Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh 791109

NERIST Entrance Exam (NEE) 2003:

1) Base Modules in Tech/Forestry

2) Dip Module in Tech

3) Deg Module in Tech/Forestry

Exams: 24 & 25 May.

Appln F: Send Rs 57/- by DD favouring "Director NERIST" payable at SBI (Code No. 9535) with self-add, env (27x12 cms) to the Dy Registrar (Academic) at above add by Mar 3 or download from website.

Elig & Details: Employment News (4-10 Jan)/website.

Apr 22 Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004 (Jhar) (Deemed Univ)


Fuel Engg, Mineral Engg, Mine Planning & Des, Opencast Mining, Rock Excavation Engg, Longwall Mine Mech, Indl Engg & Mgt, Petro Engg, Mining Geophys, Mineral Explor, Engg Geol, Petro Explor, Environ Sc & Engg, Comp Appln.


Applied (Phys/Chem/Maths)

Selectn: Merit in GATE/NET & Interview.

Appln F: Send Rs 300/- by DD favouring "Registrar, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad," payable at SBI (code: 1641) to the Asstt Registrar (Acad), at above add with a self-add env (23 x 15 cms). Superscribed "Request for PG Admission Form" by 14 Apr.

Details: Employment News (25-31 Jan).

Apr 30 Directorate General of Shipping, ‘Jahaz Bhavan’, WH Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400001

BSc (Nautical Sc, 3-yr) at TS Chankaya, Navi Mumbai

Marine Engg (4-yr) at MERI, Kolkata

Elig: Cl 12 (PCM). Age: born after 1 Oct ‘83.

Selectn: IIT-JEE (25 May ‘03).

Appln F: Send Rs 300/- by DD favouring "DG of Shipping, Mumbai" payable at Mumbai with stamped (Rs 50/-), self-add env (11" x 5") to above add.

Details: Employment News (14-20 Dec) or website.

Jun ‘03 Indian Institute of Fire Engineering, Iqba Manzil, Near SBI, Chhaoni, Katol Road, Nagpur 440013 (Recog by DTE & G/o Mah)

1) Adv Dip in Fire Safety Engg (1-yr)

2) Post Dip in Fire Engg (1-yr)

3) Adv Dip in Indl Safety (1-yr)

4) Dip in Fire Safety Engg (1-yr)

5) Cert in Fire Safety Engg (6-mths)

6) Cert in Indl Security (6-mths)

Elig: For 1 & 2: BE/BTech/BSc/Dip (Engg/Tech) OR UG Deg (40%) + 2 yrs ex in Fire Field. For 3: BE/BTech/Dip (Engg/Tech)/BSc (Phy/Chem) + 2 yrs ex. For 4: 10+2/ITI. For 5 & 6: Cl 10. Physical stds as specified.

Appln F: Send Rs 150/- by DD favouring "Director, IIFE", payable at Nagpur, to above add.

Details: Employment News (9-15 Nov).

Mar 13 Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore 560012

i) Research (MSc (Engg) & PhD)

II) External Regn (MSc-Engg & PhD)

III) Course (ME/MTech/MDes)

IV) Integrated PhD

Elig & Details: Website / Employment News (8 Feb).

Appln F: Send Rs 550/- (SC/ST: Rs 275/-) by DD favouring "Registrar, IISc, Bangalore" to the Registrar, at above add.

Deadlines: For: IISc Entr Test & ERP: Mar 13. For: Others: Mar 21.

Hotel Management

Mar 15 Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, 11, R.A. Lines, Dogra Mandir Lane, The Mall, Meerut Cantt 250001

Bachelor’s Deg (at Ch Charan Singh Univ)/Dip in Hotel Mgt

Elig: Cl 12.

Selectn: Written Test

Appln F: Send Rs 400/- by DD favouring "Institute of Hotel Management" payable at Meerut to above add.

Institute of Hotel Management (Collab: Taj Group of Hotels), Rauza Bagh, Aurangabad, 431001 (Mah)

(0240) 2381104/2381113

BA (Hons) Hotel Mgt (3-yr)

Dip in Culinary Arts & Kitchen Admin (3-yr)

BBA (affl to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada Univ)

Elig: Cl 12 or equiv. Age limit: 22 yrs.

Appln F: Send Rs 500/- by crossed DD favouring "Institute of Hotel Management" payable at Aurangabad-Maharashtra to the Admission Committee at above add.


Mar 10 Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302

PG Dip in IT (2 sem, FT)

(At Kharagpur, Kol ‘ta & Bhubaneswar)

Elig: BTech/BE (60%)/MSc (Phy/Chem/Maths/Stats/Comp Appl, with maths in BSc (60%).

Selectn: Written Test (13 Apr; at 9 centres).

Appln F: Send Rs 800/- by crossed DD favouring "IIT, Kharagpur" payable at Kharagpur with 2 self-add slips to Chairman, GATE at above add by 28 Feb. Designated branches of Canara Bank (H54, Bombay Life Bldg, CP, New Delhi; SCO 117-119, Sec 17-C, Ch ‘grh): Rs 800/- (cash) by 3 Mar.

Details: Employment News (4-10 Jan).


* 3 years P.G. Diploma (MBA) in markeing, finance, HRD, IB, systems & operations.

* 2 years P.G. Diploma in marketing management.

* Eligibility Graduate in any stream.

No entrance test for defence personnels & working managers with 5 years of working experience.

* 1 year specialised diploma courses in.

* Business Administration * Marketing Management.

* Export Management * Personnel Management.

* Financial Management * Materials Mang.

* Eligibility: 10+2 & 5 yrs working experience or graduate.

* Final year appearing candidates may also apply. Through distance learning prospectus and application forms obtain from IMT BXX-3050 Gurdev Ngr. (Ferozpur Road) Ludhiana 141001. Phone No. 01612421520, 9814153399.

Mailimt on payment of Rs 550 cash or by DD favouring "IMT" payable at Ghaziabad Deadline: 27 March 2003.

* Batch begins w.e.f. March 2.

Pervin Malhotra, Director, CARING (, New Delhi
