EDUCATION TRIBUNE Tuesday, February 11, 2003, Chandigarh, India
Changing student, teacher equation
Bant Singh
URING ancient times, gurus used to shoulder the responsibilities on imparting education. They established ashrams. Education pattern prevalent then was popularly known as "gurukul parampra" Students used to stay full-time with their guru (teacher), who used to be an enlightened and knowledgeable person. Students from different strata of society, including wards of kings and high echelons, used to study in these institutions.

Four Ms comprise today’s management mantra
H.L. Chadha
MANAGEMENT is basically management of 4 Ms man, material, machine and money. Man is involved in every type and sphere of management and is therefore, is the most important. The reverse is also true and any failure could ultimately be traced to human error.



Changing student, teacher equation
Bant Singh

DURING ancient times, gurus used to shoulder the responsibilities on imparting education. They established ashrams. Education pattern prevalent then was popularly known as "gurukul parampra" Students used to stay full-time with their guru (teacher), who used to be an enlightened and knowledgeable person. Students from different strata of society, including wards of kings and high echelons, used to study in these institutions.

Besides imparting theoretical education, the guru used to give practical tips for leading an honest and purposeful life. The guru followed strict disciplined routine and led a simple life. He demonstrated and taught his students all aspects of practically dealing with all kinds of life situations.

His prime objective was sharing information and knowledge with his students, irrespective of monetary rewards for his service to society. When students completed their education, they acquired all good qualities for leading an honest and purposeful life as good citizens. Keeping in view the dedication, devotion and sincerity of gurus, not only students but their parents as well and the entire community used to respect them for their service to society.

When the Mughals came into power and established their empire in India they started imparting education in the Persian and Urdu medium in mosques and madrsa’s through mullhas and kazis. Local community started giving education in their local languages in temples and deras. Education still remained a noble profession and society gave due regard to those who discharged these duties and responsibilities.

Thereafter came the English raj. The English established schools and colleges for the specific a purpose of producing literate persons who could assist them in routine administrative office work. They introduced English as the medium of instruction along with the local language. They laid more stress on teaching English for their own administrative convenience. They, however, followed merit as the main criteria for recruiting competent and knowlegeable teachers for achieving their limited specified objectives.

In the 20th century came revolution in the field of education. In this scientific age teacher’s involvement and participation improved. Population increased manifold and the subjects taught in schools also increased. Schemes for improving overall literacy level of masses were introduced. Focus of education shifted from producing educated persons for managing routine office work to specialised/professional assignments.

We now need more capable and competent persons as teachers to achieve this objective.

Modern teachers, besides being subject experts, must have all qualities to satisfy the needs of students for friend, philosopher and guide.

Due to increase in the number of subjects and cut-throat competition for admission in professional courses, students in modern times are more likely to become tense and stressed up. As a result of this, the modern teacher must have a positive attitude and inspire confidence in students. Technological developments have produced many electronic gadgets as means of communication and entertainment that sometimes work as distractions.

Many students, therefore, tend to loose focus and find it difficult to concentrate on their studies. A good teacher can help parents to a large extent in inculcating the much-needed habit of hard work and motivate his students to perform better. Modern education demands long hours of study in class and at home. So many students tend to neglect their physical health. Teachers must impress upon their students to strike a balance and not neglect this important aspect of student life. Students must be encouraged to take part in outdoor games, the N.C.C. etc.

A good teacher must remain flexible and behave like a friend, specially when a student in need approaches him for any specific help or guidance. Knowledgeable competent teachers command a lot of respect from students, even in modern times, while others who demand respect keep complaining about deteriorating student-teacher relationship.

Students always respect a good teacher who cares for their feelings and develops a good relationship like they have with their parents. Teachers must not look at their profession like a business proposition. Teachers who take up tuition work to augment their income unintentionally do injustice to their students and lower the status of this noble profession.

Teachers, on the other hand, face a lot of genuine problems like poor status, inadequately low remuneration, lack of avenues for promotion, socio-economic and other conditions as compared to other departments, inadequacies and serious flaws in the education system and very high student teacher ratio. It will not be difficult to overcome these problems if all concerned join their heads together and sort out such issues judiciously.

In order to make education more job-oriented and improve its standard the authorities concerned must conduct aptitude test and select only meritorious candidates as teacher.

Schools/colleges, must be provided with adequate infrastructure and appropriate service conditions for teachers to upgrade overall standard of education.



Four Ms comprise today’s management mantra
H.L. Chadha

Some home truths:

Thoughtfulness: We cannot always oblige, but we can speak obligingly. If you explain the reason for saying no, people do not get annoyed.

Problem: Be thankful for the problem, for if they were less difficult, Someone with lesser ability would have your job.

Appreciation: Flattery is from teeth out and appreciation is from heart out.

Criticism: To be irritated by criticism is to acknowledge that it was deserved.

Smile: It is the shortest distance between two persons.

MANAGEMENT is basically management of 4 Ms man, material, machine and money. Man is involved in every type and sphere of management and is therefore, is the most important. The reverse is also true and any failure could ultimately be traced to human error.

An MBA pass-out’s experience is usually limited to case studies and the environment in which he has been brought up and educated. He is armed with all theoretical knowledge of leadership, delegation, motivation and organisation. The following points may be helpful in making a successful career.

Develop a vision: People normally want to follow a person who knows where he is going.

Support your boss: You may have a boss who has not been through any formal management education or in some other way not as efficient as you are. It will be in your favour in the long run to prepare him well for the meetings. It will always be felt and noted at the higher level. Never try to belittle him directly or indirectly. Please do not try to surpass him.

Trust your subordinates: To trust them, you have to educate and train them. You will in that case find more time with you to look after other important work. Encourage risk, invite dissent, keep your cool and simplify.

Develop team spirit: There will always be individuals who are excellent in their work. The team will throw them up to become leaders. You have to make it clear to the group that the organisation is benefited only by group effort. You have to, no doubt, reward individuals for their excellence.

Be proactive: The easiest way is to write letters and wait for a reply and send a reminder. A better way is to use the telephone and then write a letter to confirm the discussion and initiate action. In the competitive world of today, you have to almost snatch responsibilities. One way is to ask first for facilities before or even along with responsibilities. Resources are limited by resourcefulness is not. The winners convert difficult into an opportunity. Be an expert.

Extra curricular activities: You should participate in other activities of the organisation and the town in which you are residing. It could be any responsibility in the club/society/association, editorial board of any publication or at least writing some article. You may forward some interesting article to your boss for his perusal. This will help you in your career development.

Most important quality: The only thing the organisation cannot impart to you is integrity.

Cost control: No organisation can run without making profits. The single-point formula for that is to reduce/eliminate wastage. Innovate. Inculcate in your men the habit of doing the right thing first time. In the competitive market the customer is no longer prepared to pay the cost of rejection.

Time management: Distinguish between important and urgent. Allocate time for reading, exercise and family.

Size of the organisation: The principles of management may not change, but the attitude of the top management in small organisations may be different. Be adaptive.

Ownership concept: Do the job thinking the organisation as your own. The job will become an adventure for you are likely to do it easily.

Be impatient: Your area of operations should show immediate improvements. You may consolidate the gains later. Quantify the gains. People easily understand the language of money. Difficult things are to be done immediately; the impossible may be a little latter.

Create database: Create a database for the organisation/ section you are working in, if there is already none. This will help you in finding the right direction for action.





Mar 20 Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Room No 226, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan II, Pusa, New Delhi 110012

All India Entrance Exam

(For 15% seats in UG Progs in SAUs, CAU & NDRI, Karnal (100% seats) & Award of National Talent Scholarship in Agri & allied subjs 2003-’04).

Elig: Cl 12 (Ist attempt, 60%) in PCB/M/Agri with Eng. DoB: 1 Jan ‘81 - 1 Jan ‘87.

Appln F: Send Rs 350/- (SC/ST/PH: Rs 200/-) by DD favouring "Deputy Director General (Edn), ICAR, New Delhi" payable at New Delhi with unstamped, self-add env (12" x 10") to the Controller of Examination (Educn Div), at the above add by 3 Mar. Also at PAU, Ludhiana till 10 Mar.


Apr 22 Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 826004 (Jhar) (Deemed Univ)


Fuel Engg, Mineral Engg, Mine Planning & Des, Opencast Mining, Rock Excavation Engg, Longwall Mine Mech, Indl Engg & Mgt, Petro Engg, Mining Geophys, Mineral Explor, Engg Geol, Petro Explor, Environ Sc & Engg, Comp Appln.


Applied (Phys/Chem/Maths)

Selectn: Merit in GATE/NET & Interview.

Appln F: Send Rs 300/- by DD favouring "Registrar, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad," payable at SBI (code: 1641) to the Asstt Registrar (Acad), at above add with a self-add env (23 x 15 cms). Superscribed "Request for PG Admission Form" by 14 Apr.

Details: Employment News (25-31 Jan).

Hotel Management

Mar 15 Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, 11, R.A. Lines, Dogra Mandir Lane, The Mall, Meerut Cantt 250001

Bachelor’s Deg (at Ch Charan Singh Univ)/Dip in Hotel Mgt

Elig: Cl 12.

Selectn: Written Test

Appln F: Send Rs 400/- by DD favouring "Institute of Hotel Management" payable at Meerut to above add.


Apr 15 Symbiosis Law College, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune 411004

(020) 5655114/5651495

5-Yr Law Course, 2003-’04

Elig: Cl 12 (55%).

Selectn: All India Entrance Test (17 May, at 6 centres incldg Ch’ grh), Interview.

Appln F: Send Rs 1550/- by DD favouring "The Principal, Symbiosis Law College, Senapati Bapat Rd, Pune 411004" to above add.


Mar 31 KC Mahindra Education Trust, Cecil Court, 3rd Floor, Nr Regal Cinema, Mahakavi Bhushan Marg, Mumbai 400001

KC Mahindra Scholarships for PG Studies Abroad

(For Engg/Natural Sc/Humanities/Med/Bus Mgt/Military, Naval & Aviation Sc)

Elig: Bachelor’s deg (Ist div)/equiv Dip. Applied for courses in reputed foreign univs (Sep ‘03 - Feb ‘04). Final yr Deg/Dip students also elig.

Scholarship Amt: Up to Rs 95,000/-.

Appln: Send preliminary appln with stamped (Rs 4/-), self-add env (25 x 18 cms) to the Executive Secretary at above add by 28 Feb.


Mar 28 Indian Statistical Institute (ISI),

1) ISI, 7, SJS Sansanwal Marg, New Delhi 110016

2) ISI, 8th Mile, Mysore Rd, RV College Post, Bangalore 560059

3) ISI, 203, BT Road, Kolkata 700108

1) B Stat (Hons, 3-yr)

2) B Math (Hons, 3-yr)

3) M Stat (2-yr)

4) M Math (2-yr)

5) MS (Quant Eco, 2-yr)

6) MTech (Comp Sc, 2-yr)

7) MTech (Quality Reliability & OR, 2-yr)

8) JRF (a) Stat, b) Math, c) Comp & Comm Sc, d) Eco e) Demography, f) Phys & App Maths, g) Geol, h) Sociol, i) Agri, j) Plant Chem, k) Embryol, i) Anthropol & Human Genetics.

9) Associateship (Doc & Info Sc, 2-yr)

(Progs 2, 3, 4, 5 & 9 at Kolkatta

Progs: 8 a, b & d at Del & B’lore

Prog: 3 at Del

Prog: 2, 4 & 9 at B’lore.

Elig & Selectn: Website

Selectn: Written test, Interview & Acad Performance.

Appln F: Send request for appln with Rs 300/- by DD favouring "Indian Statistical Institute" payable at Kolkata to the Head, Delhi/Bangalore Centre by 7 Mar or download from website.


Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Pune 411030

All India Entrance Tests for Admission to:


Apr 28 2) BE (Comp/IT/Indsl Electron/Mech/Prodn/Chem/Elect/Civil) & BTech (IT)

Elig: For 1 : Cl 12 (PCB, 50% & Eng).For 2: Cl 12 (PCM 50% & Eng).

Appln F: Send Rs 550/- (separately for 1 & 2) by DD favouring the "Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University" payable at Pune to above add or to Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Mgt & Research, A-4 Rohtak Rd, Opp Ordnance Depot, Paschim Vihar Extn, New Delhi 110063. Write your name & name of entrance test on reverse of DD and give your complete add on separate sheet of paper.

Details: Website.

Feb 17 Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi 682022 (Ker)

1) First Degree Progms: BTech: (Civil/Comp Sc & Engg/Electron & Commn/Electl/Electron/IT/Marine Engg/Mech/Fire & Safety) (Polymer Sc & Rubber Tech) (Instru) (Naval Archi & Ship Bldg); 5-yr Integrated MSc (Photonics)

Second Degree Prog: LLB

PG Progs: LLM/MBA (FT/PT)/MBE/MCA/MIB/MSc (App Chem/Biotech/ Electron Sc/Environ Tech/Hydrochem/Industrial Fisheries/Marine Biol/Marine Geol/Marine Geophysics/Maths/Meteorology/Oceanography/Opr Res & Com Appln/Phys)

2. MTech Progs:

Atmospheric Sc/Comp Aided Structural Analysis & Des/Comp & Info Sc/Electron/Engg Stats/Indsl Catalysis/Ocean Tech/Opto-Electron & Laser Tech/Polymer Tech/SW Engg/Civil & Mech (PT).

3. BCA

4. MA Translation (German/ Russian)

5. Cert (PT): (German/Russian/Japanese/French)

6. Dips: Functional Arabic/ French/German/Japanese/ Russian)

7. Integrated Dips: French/German/Japanese/Russian)

8. PG Dip: Communicative Eng/Translation/Admin Drafting & Reporting in Hindi.

9. MPhil Progs: Appl Eco/ Chem/Chem Oceanography/Commerce/Hindi/Life Sc/Photonics/Phy).

10. ME By Res (FT/PT)

11. PhD Progs

Elig: For 1: CAT Regn; For 3-11: DAT Regn.

Other Elig, Details, Selectn, Entrance: See Academic Hand Book.

Appln F: 1, 2 & 4): Send Rs 780/- by DD or Rs 750/-, at designated HPOs & POs (incld HPO, Lodi Rd, Delhi/GPO, New Delhi/ HPO, Sarojini Nagar, Delhi).

For 5, 6, 7: Send Rs 180/- by DD to the respective HOD at above add.

For 1, 8, 9, 10: Send Rs 780/- by DD to the respective HOD at above add.

DDs to be drawn in favour of the "Registrar, CUSAT" and payable at State Bank of Travancore, Trikkakara (Code: 7235). Write your add on reverse of DD. Send 2 self-add slips with request. Last date for postal requests: 11 Feb.

Feb 28 Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalainagar, Madurai 625021 (TN)


A. IT Courses

1) MCA

2) MCA (Lat Ent, 2nd-yr)

3) BCA

4) BCA (Lat Ent, 2nd-yr)

5) PG Dip (Comp Appln, e-Com; 1-yr)

6) Dip (IT, Comp Appln; 1-yr)

B. Professional Courses

MBA, Master of (Bank Mgt, Labour Mgt, Tourism Mgt; 2-yr), MA (Advt & PR; Journ & Mass Com; 2-yr), MLISc, BLISc (1-yr), BGL (2-yr).

C. UG Courses

BA (Hist, Eco, Pol Sc, Soc Sc, Eng Litt, Tam Litt); BSc (Maths); BCom; BBA.

D. PG Courses

MA (Hist, Eco, Pol Sc, Pub Admin, Eng Litt, Tam Litt, Gandhian Th, Philo & Relig, Sociol); MSc (Maths); MCom.

E. MPhil

Tamil, Eng, Hist, Eco, Commerce, Pol Sc, Pub Admin, Labour Studies, Public Admin (Eng & Tam Medium), Entrepreneurship, Educn, Maths, Gandhian Thought, Sociol, Tourism, Telugu.


Introductory, Pre-Foundation, Degree, PG Courses.

G. PG Dip (Mgt, Journ & Mass Com, Mktg Mgt; 1-yr);

PM & IR (2-yr).

H. Dip (Labour Law & Admin Law, Astrol, Saiva Siddh, 1-yr)

I. Cert in Lib Sc (3-mth); French (6-mths).

Elig: For A1: UG Deg (Cl 12 with Maths). For A 2: PGDCA. For A3: Cl 12. For A4: Cl 10 (with 3-yr Dip). For A5: UG Deg. For A6: Cl 12.

Appln F: Send Rs 280/- [MBA & MCA (DLP)]; Rs 130/- (MPhil, BCA); Rs 80/- (others) by DD favouring "The Director, DDE, Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai-625021" or "The Programme Officer of the Study Centre which you wish to join", mentioning name, add & course to The Director at above add or to Prog Officer of concerned Study Centre.
