EDUCATION TRIBUNE Tuesday, February 4, 2003, Chandigarh, India

It’s sheer profiteering
Peeyush Agnihotri
VERY New Year the landscape of Chandigarh (and its satellite towns) changes. With the change of calendar, new schools sprout up, faster than the clichéd mushrooms, to add to the already existing motley collection of primary and secondary level educational institutions.

Pbi varsity fails to utilise UGC grants
V.P. Prabhakar
UNJABI University, Patiala, maintains a number of revolving fund accounts which are not included in the budget proposals and, thus, do not depict the true and fair financial position of the university.

Red Alert !!




It’s sheer profiteering
Peeyush Agnihotri

EVERY New Year the landscape of Chandigarh (and its satellite towns) changes. With the change of calendar, new schools sprout up, faster than the clichéd mushrooms, to add to the already existing motley collection of primary and secondary level educational institutions.

Suddenly school-wallahs are discovering how good cash cow Chandigarh is. Last four years have seen many societies, foundations, individuals and associations acquiring land in and around Chandigarh with the sole motive of ‘providing education in the state-of-the-art environment.’

Most of them are charging exorbitant annual (or monthly) fees in the name of giving quality education to children. Their brochures promise all hi-tech facilities like air-conditioners et al. What are we trying to produce in the name of future generation, anyway? Mollycoddled souls, brought up in the make-belief world, waiting to be spoon-fed throughout their life.

Wad of currency being charged as fees by the newcomers in the field is also having a cascading effect on the already existing private educational institutions. They too are hiking their fees to remain in the race of providing quality education in exchange of greenbacks. Thus, a kind of minimum price-for-education slab has been formed and a base-price tag has been attached to all players in this field.

It’s not that the citizens of City Beautiful cannot pay but there has to be some rationale behind the money spent and service provided. Already Chandigarh has earned the sobriquet of being the costliest city in India.

There we have advanced countries where quality primary education is the responsibility of the state and here in India, just the reverse starts as soon as a child is able to toddle his way into a decent school.

“Ours is the educational system in which there is too much burden on children and parents to support them in this,” CBSE Director had said during his visit to the city last year. Admission fees, monthly fees, commuting charges, computer fund, besides other sundry expenses are squeezing the already overburdened parents. The CBSE even contemplated disaffiliating some schools on this issue.

The honourable Supreme Court has given a ruling that the decision about the fee to be charged must necessarily be left to the private educational institution that does not seek or is not dependent upon any funds from the government while also stating that as opening of educational institutions were for the purpose of charity, the fee charged could not amount to profiteering.

The SC also said for the purpose of ensuring educational excellence, the government could frame guidelines even for private unaided educational institutions.

The Bench had said: “We, however, wish to emphasise one point that in as much as the occupation of education is, in a sense, regarded as charitable, the government can provide regulations that will ensure excellence in education, while forbidding the charging of capitation fees and profiteering by the institution.”

Charging parents beyond what a rational mind can comprehend is, ostensibly, profiteering. And this is exactly what some schools are indulging in.


Pbi varsity fails to utilise UGC grants
V.P. Prabhakar

PUNJABI University, Patiala, maintains a number of revolving fund accounts which are not included in the budget proposals and, thus, do not depict the true and fair financial position of the university.

Neither any system of quality control was in existence, nor the activities of the university and impact of implementation of various programmes had ever been evaluated.

There was an accumulated balance of unutilised funds of Rs 5.54 crore as on March, 2001. In addition, accumulated balance of revolving funds (Rs 14.68 crore) were lying unspent which were not depicted in the budget.

The pay scales of the teaching staff of the universities and colleges were revised by the University Grants Commission with effect from January, 1996, according to which it was mandatory for the university teaching staff to observe 180 actual teaching days. A test-check of the records revealed that teaching days observed during the past three years ranged between 125 to 147.

Due to non-adherence of the condition, services of the teaching staff remained under-utilised to the extent of 25 per cent (on an average) in a year and resulted in wasteful expenditure of Rs 7.26 crore during 1998-2001.

In reply, the university intimated in August, 2001, that the matter for adoption of 180 teaching days had been taken up with the state government.

An audio-visual research centre (AVRC) was established and equipments worth Rs 38.44 lakh installed in 1989 with the object of producing two audio visual programmes per month for the UGC for a countrywide classroom project. During 11 years up to December, 2000 (on which Rs 1.07 crore after excluding cost of equipment had been incurred), there was a schedule of producing 264 programmes against which only 69 programmes were produced. Scrutiny by the audit further revealed that out of 69 programmes, 30 were rejected by the review committee of the UGC on grounds that these lacked in terms of research, proper script, treatment and structure.

Further, no programme was found worthy of telecast resulting in wasteful expenditure of Rs 1.07 crore. The university argued that most equipment purchased had become outdated due to optimum use whereas the production shortfall was as 195 programmes.

The Biotechnology Department purchased equipment worth Rs 12.06 lakh during March, 1991, to May, 1997 for carrying out day-to-day experiments. It had, however, been noticed that these equipments were not installed (August 2001) thus defeating the very purpose of their purchase.

On ascertaining the reasons for non-installation, it was reported that these could not be installed due to non-availability of proper and adequate space in the department. The reply was not considered tenable as it was for the university to plan the space before going in for purchase of these equipments.

The UGC provided financial assistance of Rs 4.73 lakh for “Development of continuous system for the removal of heavy metals from the industrial affluent” scheduled for completion by November, 2000. After incurring an expenditure of Rs 4.25 lakh up to March, 2000, the project is still incomplete as the principal investigator left India in May, 2000, without submitting results of the research.

The UGC provided Rs 3.38 lakh (October, 1993) for undertaking a research project “Isolation immobilisation and application of bacterial lactins” by the Head of the Department of Biotechnology scheduled to be completed by September, 1998, but the project was has been either abandoned or is incomplete even after incurring an expenditure of Rs 3.04 lakh as of March, 2000. It was intimated that the head of the department left the university in May, 2000, for going abroad.

Grants received from the UGC were to be utilised in the same financial year and in any case not later than six months from the date of receipt of demand draft from the UGC. Further, the grants were to be spent for the purpose for which these were sanctioned.

Out of an allotment of Rs 45 lakh for strengthening of the infrastructure of the Department of Physics, Rs 37 lakh was released in March, 1998. The funds were to be utilised within six months. It was, however, seen that only Rs 6.69 lakh were spent up to March 31, 2000, leaving an unspent balance of Rs 30.31 lakh (82 per cent).

Further, for implementing the special assistance programme in the Department of Physics, financial assistance of Rs 56.75 lakh was approved, of which Rs 44.15 lakh were released in March, 1998, on condition that in case the university failed to implement the approved scheme within six months, the approval would be considered as lapsed.

The university spent only Rs 2.20 lakh during 1998-2000, resulting in non-utilisation of grant to the extent of Rs 41.95 lakh (95 per cent).

On ascertaining the reasons for non-utilisation, it was stated (August 2001) that the equipment could not be purchased due to revision of rates of foreign currency and that fresh quotations had been called for and steps for getting the priorities changed from the UGC were being taken.

The reasons were not cogent as the approvals had lapsed after the expiry of six months, resulting in non-utilisation of grants of Rs 72.26 lakh.


Red Alert !!

Feb 10: Indian Army

NCC Special Entry Scheme - NT (SSC, 5 yrs) OTA, Chennai

Feb 7 Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, Chennai 600020

(1) Cert in Leather Processing; Leather Goods; Leather Garments; Leather Footwear (26-wks)

(2) Dip in Leather Goods, Leather Garments, Leather Footwear (40 weeks)

(At Chennai & Regional centres)

Feb 10: School of Advanced Engineering & Information Technology, (A BHEL Trichi & IIT Madras MoU Project), Kailaspuram Township, BHEL Campus, Tiruchirapalli 620014 (TN).

Cert Prog in Computational Engg

(Areas: CAD, FEM, CFD, etc.)

Feb 10: Wildlife Instt. of India, P.O. Box 18, Chandrabai, Dehradun-248001 (UA)

MSc in Wildlife Sc (2-yr)

(Affltd to Saurashtra Univ, Rajkot)

Feb 7: Delhi School of Economics, D/o Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007

Masters in: Intnl Bus; HR & OD (2-yr, FT)

Feb 7: Indian Institute of Plantation Management (IIPM), Jnana Bharathi Campus, PO Malathalli, Bangalore 560056

PG Diploma in Agri Bus & Plantation Mgt (PGD-ABPM)

Feb 8: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, MBA Deptt, 1, K G Marg, New Delhi 110001

MBA (3-yr)

Feb 10: Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, School of Management Studies, Kashmere Gate, Delhi 110006

MBA (Comp Aided Mgt; E-Commerce; Intnl Mktg)

Feb 5: Anna University, Chennai 600025.

(1) MBA

(2) MCA




Armed Forces

Feb 17: Indian Navy

Matric Entry Recruits (MER)

Elig: Unmarried Indian males, Cl 12 (55% with Sc & Maths OR 50% with Phys & Maths). DoB: Aug 1 ’83 - Jul 31 ’86.

Selectn: Written, Phys & Med exam.

Details & Appln F: Employment News (25-31 Jan)/website.

Feb 26: IAF, PO Bag No 001, DHQ PO, New Delhi 110011

Recruitment of:

Women Pilots (SSC)

Elig: Unmarried, Indian female. Bachelor’s Deg (Maths & Phys at Cl 12)/BE. DoB: 2 Jan ‘81 - 1 Jan ’85 (2 Jan ’79 for CPL holders).

Selectn: PABT, Psy & Gr Tests, Med Exams & Interview.

Appln F & Details: Employment News (25-31 Jan)/website.

Feb 26: Indian Air Force HQ, PB No 001, DHQ PO, New Delhi 110011.

Recruitment in Admin Br:

Ground Duty Officers (Men)


Elig: Bachelor’s Deg/BE/BTech (incldg Civil Engg) (60%) OR PG/MBA/PGDBA/LLB (5-yr & 3-yr) (50%).

Selectn, Details & Appln F: Employment News (25-31 Jan)/website.

Feb 26: Indian Air Force

Aeronautical Engg Course/SSC for Aeronautical Engineers

(1) Electron Br

(2) Mech Br

Elig: Indian male, (Born bet: 2 Jan ’76 - 1 Jan ’86) or married (Above 25-yrs).

For 1: BE/BTech (55%) in Electron/Telecom/Electl/Electl Comm/Electron & Comm/ Instru/Comp Sc & Engg or combo of these subjs OR

BTech: Radio Phys & Electron/Optics & Opto Electron/MSc Phys (Electron)/ Elect/ Comp Sc/Comp Appln/ MCA/MSc Tech (Electron & Radio Engg)/AMIE/AMIETE/ AASI.

For 2: BE/BTech (55%) in Aero/Mech/Prodn/Indl Prodn or combo of these subjs OR AMIE or Associate Membership of ASI with Gr I (Des & Prodn) or Gr II (Maintenance Repair & Overhaul) subjs.

Selctn: Engg Knowledge Test, Psychol Tests, Group Tests & Interview.

Appln F: Employment News (25-31 Jan)/website.


Feb 15: Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Corporate Office, PB No. 5150, 15/1, Cubbon Road, Bangalore 560001.

Engineering Management Trainees (75 posts)

Elig: Indian, Engg Grads (Aero/ Comp Sc/ Elecl/ Electron/ Mech/ Metall/Prodn Engg) (Gen/ OBC: 70%; SC/ST: 60%).

Selectn: Competitive Written Exam: (Mar 30) & Interview.

Details & Appln F: Employment News (25-31 Jan)

Feb 28: Staff Selection Commission

Combined Grad Level (Prelim) Exam 2003

Asstt’s Grade; Inspectors of Central Excise/Income Tax/Preventice Officer in Custom Houses/Asst Enforcement Officer, Examiner; SI’s -CBI/DP; Divisional Accountant/Auditors/Jr Accountants/UDC’s)

Exam: May 11, (at 9 centres including Del & Ch’garh).

Elig, Details & Appln F: Employment News (25-31 Jan)

Feb 18: State Bank of India /

Recruitment of Probationary Officers

Elig: Bachelor’s Deg (1st Div). Age: 21-30 yrs.

Exam: May 11.

Details & Appln F: Employment News (8-14 Feb)/Website.

Info Tech

Feb 7: Semiconductor Complex Ltd, Phase VIII, SAS Nagar, Nr Chandigarh, (Punj) 160059. (GoI, M/o Comm & IT)

Dip in Real-Time Software & Embedded Systems Design (6-mth)

Elig: BE/ B.Tech/ BCA/ MCA/ BSc, MSc (Comp Sc/Electron)/PGDCA.

Selectn: Entrance Test (Feb 8).

Appln F: Send Rs 200/- by DD favouring “Semiconductor Complex Ltd”, payable at Ch ‘grh, to above add or download from website.

Electronics Research & Development Centre of India, Anusandhan Bhawan, C-56/1, Sec-62, NOIDA 201307 (D/o IT, M/o Comm & IT, GoI)

95120-2402551-60 (Extn 425).

MTech (Comp Sc & Engg)

(with IIT Roorkee)

Elig: BTech/BE (Comp Sc/ IT/ Electron/Comn Engg or equiv, 60%) OR MCA/MSc (IT/Comp Sc/Electron, 60%) OR BTech/ BE/MSc (any br, 60%) with GATE Scores (in Comp Sc).

Appln F & Details: Contact above add.

Feb 16: C-DAC, Adv Computing Training School

Dip in VLSI Des (22-wk)

Elig: BE/ME Electron/ Elect/ E&TC/ Instru/MSc (Electron) or expd electron designers, developers, sys integraters, comp engineers from Electron indust/ R&D orgs. Knowledge of DOS, Windows/Unix must.

Selectn: CET (Feb 23), Tech Test, Interview.

Appln F: Apply online or at C-DAC’s Adv Computing Training Schools.

Details: Website


Feb 8: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, MBA Deptt, 1, K G Marg, New Delhi 110001.

MBA (3-yr)

Elig: Bachelor’s deg.

Appln F: Rs 300/- cash at above add.

Apr 30: Indian Institute For Production Management, Kansbahal 770034 (Nr Rourkela, Orissa)

(1) PG Dip in: Engg Mgt (PGDEM) (1-yr, FT).

(2) Dip in: Maintenance Mgt & Condition Monitoring (DMM & CM) (6-mth, FT).

Elig: For 1: Engg Grad/BSc, 5-yrs indl ex.

For 2: Engg Deg/Dip/BSc with 1-2 yrs ex in maint or rel area.

Appln F: Send Rs 500/- by DD favouring “Indian Institute for Production Management” payable at Rourkela to above add. (Delhi: E-mail:

May 2: Himachal Pradesh University, Institute of Management Studies, Shimla 171005



Elig: Bachelor’s Deg (50%).

Selectn: MAT Scores (May 18), Appln Rating, GD, Interview.

Appln F: Send Rs 235/- by DD favouring “Director, Institute of Management Studies, HP University, Shimla 171005” to above add from Mar 3 onwards.
