HEALTH TRIBUNE Wednesday, October 30, 2002, Chandigarh, India

Fireworks and children a deadly combination
Dr R. Kumar
ost youngsters think that playing with fireworks or having a fireworks display at home at the time of festivals like Divali is a great fun. But they forget that these items are extremely dangerous to handle. Fireworks or "bomb-blast" may be the last thing that you or your child may have seen.

Remedies for irritable bowel syndrome
Dr Harish Verma
he irritable bowel syndrome is a condition characterised by symptoms of abdominal discomfort or pain, and associated with diarrhoea and/or constipation. IBS can seriously affect a person’s quality of life. 

Threats to health from noise pollution
Dr U.S. Bansal
o define noise for practical purposes, it means unwanted sound — sound not desired by the recipient. The interaction between man and the environment is essentially important. Pollution of the environment is clearly a threat to man's physical and psychological well-being.




Fireworks and children a deadly combination
Dr R. Kumar

Most youngsters think that playing with fireworks or having a fireworks display at home at the time of festivals like Divali is a great fun. But they forget that these items are extremely dangerous to handle. Fireworks or "bomb-blast" may be the last thing that you or your child may have seen. Avoid it altogether in your home. Never handle, light or play with fireworks of any kind at all. Why not celebrate Divali and other happy occasions as firework safety festivals, instead of converting each home as bomb blast yard.

How to play safe

* The best way to avoid injury is not to use crackers or fireworks. Because fireworks are unstable, injury can happen to anyone, anytime, even if you are being careful.

*If you handle or play with fireworks, you are putting yourself and others at risk for permanent blindness, hearing loss, loss of hands and fingers, and burns to the face and other parts of the body. Similarly, playing of children with the bow and arrow can lead to total loss of an eye. A touch of alcohol will make any situation more unsafe.

*The eyes are especially vulnerable to firework injuries. Fireworks, and debris from fireworks, can burn the eyes, cause the loss of one or both eyes.

*Sparklers are not safe for children or adults! They burn at a temperature hot enough to melt gold (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit).

*Many people injured by fireworks are innocent bystanders.

*The most dangerous type of firework is the "bottle rocket". A bottle rocket will fly erratically and explode without warning, flinging glass, metal and other material into bystanders’ eyes.

*Almost half of those treated for firework injuries are children under age 15, mostly boys. Just because crackers and fireworks are being sold under licence from the administration, doesn’t make them safe. Certain big crackers/bombs are also available in the market, though banned as illegal fireworks, are highly dangerous.

*Peer pressure can influence children and teens to use fireworks and to prove their firepower. Please talk to your children and family about the dangers of handling fireworks and persuade them to desist from this self-destructive game.

*Pets are also at risk from fireworks. The noise associated with firecrackers and other devices can frighten your pet and cause him or her to run off. Keep pets indoors on Divali and other days when crackers are burst.

Magnitude of the problem

Though the exact number of persons injured is not known, the greatest number of eye injuries is associated with rockets. Sparklers/Anaars are the second major cause of fireworks injuries that require frequent trips to the emergency room. Negligence or casual attitude causes 60 per cent of all injuries. Fireworks more often injure bystanders than the operators themselves.

What if an accident does occur?

These actions can help save your child’s sight:

*Do not go to a quack; go to an eye specialist if an eye injury has occurred.

*Do not delay medical attention even for seemingly mild injuries. "Mildly" damaged eyes can worsen and end in serious vision loss, that could be avoided.

*Stay calm, do not panic; keep the child as calm as possible

*Do not rub/touch the eye. If any eye tissue is torn, rubbing might push out the eye’s contents and cause more damage. Take the child’s hand away from his face. If any particle is sticking on the eyelid or the face or is visible on the surface, wash it away.

*Do not attempt to rinse out the eye with chemicals. This can be even more damaging

*Shield the eye from pressure. Tape the bottom of a foam cup, milk carton or another shield against the bones surrounding the eyebrow, cheek and bridge of the nose.

*Avoid giving aspirin or ibuprofen (or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs called (N-SAIDS) to try to reduce the pain. They thin the blood and might increase bleeding. Acetaminophen is the over-th-ccounter drug of choice.

*Do not apply ointment or other medication. Ointment makes the eye area slippery. This could slow the doctor’s examination at a time when every second counts.

What the government can do

The government has to take a bold decision to put a complete ban on the sale and use of crackers in houses/ streets/ public places of all kinds. Instead, the government can arrange the display of fireworks by professionals under its own supervision, in an absolutely safe environment, away from residential/ commercial areas.

The writer is a senior eye-specialist & former President, Chandigarh Opthalmological Society.


Remedies for irritable bowel syndrome
Dr Harish Verma

The irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition characterised by symptoms of abdominal discomfort or pain, and associated with diarrhoea and/or constipation. IBS can seriously affect a person’s quality of life. Chronic and recurrent symptoms can disrupt personal or professional activities, upset emotional well-being, and limit the individual potential. Symptoms may become worse under psychological stress or when one is physically stressed, e.g. by exhaustion, infection or other conditions.

Usually, people with IBS complain abdominal pains, especially on the left side, or across the lower abdomen associated with diarrhoea and/or constipation (greater than four bowel movements per day or less than four bowel movements per week). The stool formation becomes either lympy/hard or loose/watery, by and large with the passage of mucus. The patients may have the feeling of incomplete evacuation and abdominal distention.

Medical experts all over the world suggest people with IBS to eat more fibre, possibly adding isabgol husk as diet supplement. They also recommend drugs to reduce spasm in the wall of the bowel for reducing pain, and drugs which minimise the contraction of the bowel, or drugs which are used for diarrhoea. When all else fails, the medication used to treat anxiety and depression is advised.

In Ayurveda, this condition is covered under “grahni roga”. According to the Sushruta school of thought, if a person suffers from diarrhoea and consumes wrong food and adopts a wrong lifestyle — food and lifestyles against his or her constitution — then the patient’s “agni” (digestive fire) becomes low and imbalances the bio-energies, which leads to varied symptoms like anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhoea or constipation, improper evacuation, bloating, the urge to pass wind or the urge to pass stool.

As clarified earlier, ayurvedic science is based on the principles of energies. There are three types of bio-energies or “doshas”, called “vata”, “pitta” and “kapha”, which control metabolism and all other functions of the human body. On the basis of symptoms, “grahni roga” has been further categorised into four types: “vataj”, “pittaj”, “kaphaj” and “sannipataj”. If there are symptoms of increased “vata” energy then it is called “vetaj grahni”. If all the three bio-energies are aggravated then it is called “sannipataj grahni”, which is a very serious condition and difficult to cure. A skilful ayurvedic doctor can easily diagnose the type of “grahni roga” through a three-fold examination.

In Ayurveda, while treating the irritable bowel syndrome, efforts are made to restore “agni” (digestive fire). A very famous ayurvedic compound, Hingwashtak Churan, is considered to be the best preparation to restore “agni”. I have seen during my practice that after the restoration of “agni”, the following ayurvedic herbal preparations are very helpful for the patients of IBS: “brhami vati” two tablets twice a day and “kutajghan vati” two tablets twice a day with a large glass of water for three to six months.

It is, however, important to diagnose the constitution of a person before starting the treatment of any disease. The constitution of a person in inherited. The constitutional determination provides an insight into the deeper working of an individual system. Thus, patients of the irritable bowel syndrome are advised to change their diets and lifestyles with the consultation of a qualified ayurvedic doctor.

The writer is a Delhi-based Ayurvedic consultant.



Threats to health from noise pollution
Dr U.S. Bansal

To define noise for practical purposes, it means unwanted sound — sound not desired by the recipient.

The interaction between man and the environment is essentially important. Pollution of the environment is clearly a threat to man's physical and psychological well-being. Noise pollution has already become a major problem that haunts us all day long, during leisure and even sleep.

The pressure level of a sound is measured in units of decibels (DB). The more intense the sound is, the greater is the decibel level. The sources of generation of noise are the transport system, whirr and rattle of domestic appliances, noise emanating from big industries and factories and also community festivals and celebrations.

Noise creates a large number of health problems. It introduces stress which induces diseases such as cardiovascular and digestive system disorders, peptic ulcer, hypertension, collitis, migraine and nervous disorders. Stress can also worsen or perpetuate a disease already in existence.

Unexpected noises may produce a rise in blood pressure, greater respiratory rates and sharp muscular contractions. Noise is also capable of affecting health in terms of emotional and social well-being such as diminished work efficiency, reduced comfort and disturbed sleep. Hearing loss is considered a major evil that develops as a result of exposure for a prolonged period. Hearing loss may also occur following the impact of one or more sudden exposures as in the case of blasts, explosions and even bursting of crackers on Divali, etc.

The recommended maximum permissible noise level in Indian cities by the National Pollution Control Board is as follows:

Category  Db
Day  Night
i) Residential area  50  40
ii) Commercial area  60  50

iii) Industrial area 

70  65

iv) Silence zone such as the hospital area, educational institutions, worship places, etc. 

40  30

The proper management of noise requires a study of its three components: (i) source, (ii) the path and (iii) the receiver of the the noise. Controlling noise at source is the most desirable approach as it is greatly effective. However, the fact remains that it is technologically not possible and the existing laws are not only insufficient but also poorly implemented.

The second approach is to treat the path by increasing the distance between the noise source and the subject. The third and most desirable solution is to guard the ears with plugs, muffs, etc.

The writer is former CMO and Head, ENTDepartment, General Hospital, Sector 16, Chandigarh.