Monday, July 1, 2002, Chandigarh, India


C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


Admission to PU evening classes goes tough
Sanjeev Singh Bariana
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, June 30
Students of the Department of Evening Studies at Panjab University will have to submit an affidavit with admission forms to prove that they are actually working either in private or government sector before seeking admission from the current academic session.

The document is important in the light of the fact that the department allows admission to only those employed in the private or government sector or at agriculture farm or to women. The university seeks proof of employment in the form of an affidavit and a certificate from the employer.

However, the interesting question to ask is how true these affidavits are as it is a known fact that a large segment of students here are not employed. These include students who are refused admissions in the regular classes because of poor merit. This is evident from the number of students who submit their applications here but do not report because they manage to get admission in the morning classes.

A senior teacher said the certificate signed by the oath commissioner was not proof enough that the student was on rolls of any firm as a regular employee. The university should introduce a system with greater credibility. A government employee should have the certificate signed by his boss and the non-government sector applicant should have it attested by the Labour Officer. It was not possible for the university to cross-check the authenticity of the affidavit. In case, a Labour Officer signed it, the certificates could be later sent to his office for counter verification.

Another teacher said the department was also not adhering to several UGC norms regarding work hours and related aspects. In the current atmosphere it would be more relevant to offer vocational courses which had scope for absorption in the market, he said.

A student said he felt that the university should allow every willing person to study here without any condition of affidavits. He favoured introduction of vocational courses which could ensure at least junior-level recruitment benefitting a large proportion of students in the evening college.

Experts feel that the whole department of evening studies needs a revamp. Mr B.G. Verghese, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, in a letter addressed to the Vice-Chancellor, wrote that the concept of evening college had now become utterly outlandish. Encouraging everyone to get a BA or MA degree and join the burgeoning numbers of the unemployed was a national waste that eventually told on the social health of a system.

He also wrote “ PU should concentrate on core subjects and emerging advanced disciplines. More routine learning should be taken over by the Department of Correspondence Studies and Distance Education Learning courses”.

A section of the faculty, however, did not agree with the concept of evening studies becoming “outlandish” saying it had its own relevance.



Overpopulation of fish led to asphyxiation
Bipin Bhardwaj

Chhat Bir (Patiala), June 30
Close on the heels of the controversy of inbreeding of lions, which has led to their overpopulation at Mahendra Chaudhary Zoological Park, the authorities are now faced with the ‘problem of plenty’ of fish in the zoo lake.

A large number of fish died due to shortage of oxygen in the lake water. The incident came to light only after over 30 fish, weighing from 2 kg to 8 kg, were seen floating on the surface of the waters on Saturday evening.

The zoo authorities in the initial stage suspected that either some disease or water pollution had led to the death of fish. The authorities were also suspecting that someone had poisoned the fish.

Later, investigations by experts revealed that absence of sufficient oxygen in the lake water was the cause of the death of the fish. Sources in the zoo revealed that water level in the lake had decreased drastically due to heat which created the problem.

According to the zoo authorities, these fish were released in the lake by the Punjab Fisheries Department about eight years ago. The aim was to attract migratory birds.

Dr Vinod Sharma, Chief Warden (Zoos), Punjab, said, “Migratory birds halt here for three months. During rest of the year, the seedlings grew up. The grown up fish that escaped the eyes of the migratory birds grew adult by the time these birds returned next year. Migratory birds consume 2 to 4 inch-long fish and not big ones which created the problem,” claimed Dr Sharma.

A team of the Punjab Fisheries Department officials comprising Mr S.K Sharma, Assistance Director (Headquarters), Fisheries, Punjab, Mr K.P. Mehta, Assistant Director (Fisheries), Patiala, Mr Gajinder Singh, Senior Fisheries Officer, Punjab, and Mr Amarjit Singh, Farm Superintendent, Fisheries Department, Nabha, reached the zoo and conducted postmortem on dead fish.

Mr S.K. Sharma confirmed that absence of oxygen in the lake water had resulted into the death of the fish. There were no signs of injuries or infection on the bodies of the fish, nor were there any symptoms showing their death due to polluted water, claimed Mr Sharma.

Taking precautionary measures, the team of the Punjab Fisheries Department, in the presence of Dr Vinod Sharma, Chief Warden (zoos), Punjab, today netted the fish out of a pond ment for Indian ducks and the zoo lake and examined them. To net out the fish from the zoo lake, the Fisheries Department had also hired some private fishermen. During a three-hour ‘netting’ drive, two dead fish were found there. Indian ducks were released in the lake so that oxygen contents could be replenished in the water.

Mr Mehta said the percentage of oxygen was quite less in the lake water. It contained only about 2 to 3 ppm oxygen. Moreover, the lake was over populated.

The fisheries officials directed the zoo authorities to check overpopulation of fish and keep changing the lake-water. Moreover, the authorities were also advised to put lime into the water as it would help in increasing oxygen contents beside disinfecting and purifying the water.

Meanwhile, the zoo authorities have asked the Fisheries Department to net out the adult fish in exchange of seedlings.



Unique treat for select football fans
Arvind Katyal


* Around 500 fans watched the World Cup soccer final live on cinema screen. The show was arranged in select cities around the country.

* Both teams were cheered by boisterous audience with Ronaldo emerging as the darling of the audience.

* The one-day cricket match between India and Sri Lanka failed to attract viewers.

Chandigarh, June 30
Had it not been for the life-size screen at Kiran Theatre, the victory of Brazil over Germany in the soccer World Cup final could not have become a moment of ecstasy for 500 odd fans who were selected for the special screening of the final clash between the titans. It was an exciting experience for the select few who had the chance to watch the final live on the big screen. The event was arranged in specific cities throughout India by an event marketing company in association with Samsung.

Euphoria reached its pinnacle as soon as the referee blew the final whistle marking Brazil’s possession of the coveted trophy for the fifth time. Viewers appeared overwhelmed by watching their soccer stars entertain them right up till the end.

The event was telecast live on the big screen for the first time in the city beautiful and was complemented by good picture and sound quality.

Audience went into frenzy when Ronaldo scored the first goal in the in 67th minute of the match. They even used their mobile phones to share their experience with friends and family. The second goal that came just after 12 minutes brought the crowed on their feet as Brazil ensured their victory over Germans.

There was, however, some support for Germans as they braved Brazilian salvo. They expressed their sympathy towards German goalkeeper who repelled furious attack by Brazil in the first half. A young girl aged around 12, was heard saying to her father: “Papa, we must thank the organisers for giving us an opportunity to watch the final.” She even uttered: “Papa, can I also play football?”

It was a treat for St Stephen’s Football Academy boys who enjoyed the match on a big screen at Hot Millions in Sector 17. Large screen were also arranged at Hotel Classic, Sector 35, English Garden, Jail Rock, etc.

“Memories of this World Cup will recede in a few days but will not fade away completely,” commented a soccer fan. Another sportsperson, associated with table tennis, said, “Throughout the month of June, the craze for small ball had been eclipsed by the big ball, as far as people’s viewing is concerned. Indian fans who are otherwise fascinated by cricket, now had the chance to experience soccer mania.”



Spice mobile services play truant
Manoj Kumar
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, June 30
Mobile service subscribers in the city, who are facing problems for the past many days, were anguished today when mobile services of Spice network were hit in the morning and again in the late evening. According to information, the services were affected due to a technical snag in the network.

Mr Mukul Khanna, Senior Manager ( Marketing), Spice Network, said, “We have checked the whole system in Punjab, but could not find any major problem.” However, the subscribers alleged that the system had not been working properly for the past many days especially from 12 am to 2-3 pm and after 7 pm in the evening.

Mr Harinder Singh, a senior executive in a company, alleged, “We have complained a number of times to the customer care cell, but without any result. Unfortunately, services of AirTel are also not better than Spice, so that we are left with no choice today.”

Another official of Spice admitted that due to World Cup Football, the network was found busy in the evening. But that was a temporary problem, and later the system started working normally”.




The stray animal containment drive launched by the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation has proved a total failure with the number of such animals increasing day by day causing a lot of problems for the common man.

It may be recalled that the authorities had also launched a ‘‘pig catching drive’’ last month but had to abandon it following an agitation by the affected owners. The drive also led to clashes between the enforcement teams of the MC in which some employees were hurt.

Stray animals, including cows, dogs, buffaloes and pigs, have not only made a majority of the roads of the city accident prone but also made many spots in various sectors eyesores.

Heaps of dung and urine accumulated in streets of various sectors of the city put a question mark on the competence of the Chandigarh Administration in keeping the city clean and free from the stray cattle menace.

Cases of accidents because of stray animals have witnessed an alarming increase in the last couple of years. Many school going boys and girls, youth and elderly persons have lost their lives because of increasing number of stray animals.

Moreover, various parks with green grass and various varieties of flowers nowadays sport heaps of cow-dung and garbage. Herds of stray animals can be seen either sitting in the parks or littering garbage from the dustbins.

The city residents are waiting for the day when the administration would wake up from the long, deep slumber and turn an open eye towards their problems.

Free PR service

Some of the journalists are always in the habit of making efforts to find new methods of being the good books of politicians. One such incident recently happened at Nabipur village in Fatehgarh Sahib district. Capt Amarinder Singh had gone their to inaugurate a bottling plant of a cold drink company. During his press conference, journalists were surprised when a journalist from a newly launched Punjabi TV channel tried to impress the CM by asking loaded questions with obvious answers. He asked him: ‘‘ Don’t you think that by inaugurating this plant, you are starting the industrialisation of Punjab?’’ The Chief Minister, though not so sure, said, “Oh yes, this is the beginning of Industrialisation in Punjab.’’ The gentleman again asked: ‘‘ Whom do you blame for the corruption in Punjab?’’ The answer was not so surprising for anyone present there. ‘‘Akali Dal Badal and the BJP government,’’ said the Chief Minister smilingly.

Please change the copy

Some of the public relation companies in the city have to work very hard to write the speeches of the Chief Ministers and other chief guests in advance especially for late night functions. In such cases, they prepare press notes in advance though a few chief guests often upset their applecarts by not turning up at all.

The Solvent Extractors Association of India had called the Chief Minister of Punjab for an award distribution function. The PR agency tried to ensure full publicity of the programme by issuing press notes in advance to the media. Selected paragraphs from the speech of the CM was also written. However, the innocent PRO had to later make phone calls to the newspaper offices when Chaudhary Santokh Singh turned up in place of Capt Amarinder Singh.

Latecomers all

Members of various committees of the Municipal Corporation had to bury their heads in unusual embarrassment when indications were thrown in the air about latecomers.

The House was informed that the Apni Mandi Committee Chairperson, Ms Pushpa Sharma, did not even turn up for one of the meetings recently.

Ms Sharma, in a typical fashion, read out her clarification saying she was caught in a scuffle between two groups in her ward.

Being made defensive, the Congress then started pointing out other late coming members, apparently of the BJP, saying all should understand the value of punctuality.

This forced the Municipal Commissioner, Mr M. P. Singh, to clarify that the House meeting on the day was delayed because of him as he was not able to trace files related to a question of recovery on the former BJP Mayor and Councillor, Mr Gian Chand Gupta.

The question is whether politicians will continue their sincerity towards punctuality or the feeling of guilt will evaporate as in other cases sooner than later.

A night’s work

The Chandigarh Municipal Corporation seems even capable of replacing 33 garbage bins in a night and might even build roads in a ward!

There was an attempt by the Leader of the Opposition, Ms Kamla Sharma, to make the House believe it.

When accused of misleading the House by the ruling Congress, Ms Sharma conceded during an inspection along with officials she had seen garbage bins being placed even at places where she had not seen them earlier.

The Congress members said Ms Sharma, who is now complaining about the condition of roads in her ward, might also say, if the situation was found to be opposite to her claim, that roads had been built in the night before her inspection.

Taxing trip

The Himachal Government has managed to do what the parents of pretty damsels and macho guys could not — discourage them from going uphill in their jaunty jalopies for whispering sweet nothings.

No, they have not initiated the process of jotting down the registration numbers of the vehicles and informing the unsuspecting parents about it. They have simply handed over the contract for collection of toll tax to private contractors. Now, you will ask what has collection of tax to do with lovers. If they can afford petrol, they can also pay Rs 30, instead of Rs 20. Yes, you are right. But earlier, the staff was, perhaps, not so serious about collection. As a result, there was no queue. Today, things have changed. The massive queue at the collection point near Parwanoo exposes them to the danger of being detected.

Films everywhere

Complying with the directions of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, the Chandigarh Police has initiated the process of removing black films from the windows of cars and other four-wheelers which do not have permission stickers neatly displayed on the windshields.

Good work indeed. But will someone please tell the cops not to just throw the removed film in the middle of the road and put it in some dustbin, instead at least, this way they will not add to the filth while removing the films.

Mistaken identity

Similarity of name might have killed a Congress leader who was mistakenly asked in the middle of a meeting whether his brother Ramesh Chawla had been murdered.

The leader, who had already lost a brother earlier, was shaken to lose his poise and straightaway drove his car home at a speed which he said might have resulted in an accident.

The Congressman got his breath back when he could talk to his brother with the same name in Canada.

The confusion was created by a telephone call from a reporter who asked Mr Subhash Chawla to confirm the murder of a local trader Ramesh Chawla considering the Congress leader could have been related to the deceased.

Demolition man

Chandigarh’s demolition man, Mr Gyanesh Bharti, a young IAS officer of the UT cadre 1998 batch, goes out of the Union Territory and has been posted to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. He went off on leave at the end of this week to get married before joining his new place of posting in July.

Mr Bharti, in his capacity as SDM South led various demolition teams in the past two years in which he got removed some of the oldest and most stubborn encroachments in the city. Just to name a few he was in the thick of action when a major portion of the city’s largest slum, colony number V, was removed amidst violence by slum dwellers.

CITCO eatery

Finally the city sub centre in Sector 34 has started looking up. The Chandigarh Industrial Tourism Corporation (CITCO) will open its beautifully designed eatery. Named ‘‘Drop In’’ the eatery located opposite the regional passport office will cater to the large number of visitors who come to the passport office, various offices of the Punjab Government, the income tax department and a host of private companies besides attendants of patients admitted to private hospitals in Sector 34. The eatery has a sloping red roof shaped like canopy in a hexagonal shape with facilities for outdoor seating providing for an overhead cover and fans. Tables which offer standing facilities will also be there and the place will be friendly for the disabled . The rates are going to be reasonable , promises CITCO MD, Mr S.P. Singh, adding that about Rs 20 lakh has been invested in total.

CITCO runs a eatery at the bus stand which is hugely popular with travellers but this will be different.

This is CITCO’s first major foray into the southern sectors. So far, other than the small outlet at the bus stand in Sector 43, all its properties are located in the northern sectors. Already in Sector 34 the Chandigarh Housing Board has come up with well designed public toilets and a good parking lot. Now probably it needs more trees to make the sector look greener as one gets to see only grey concrete and flashing neon signs.

Filtered devotion ...

The age-old tradition of setting up chhabeels serving sweetened water on religious occasions during the summer has acquired a new meaning. Several of the chhabeels offered filtered water this year thanks to finicky demands of city’s residents. Actually, some of the sevaks offering sweetened water were asked if it was filtered water. Little children today are growing in filtered environments where a water filter is a necessity at home.

So what next for chhabeel organisers in this era where awareness about hepatitis and tuberculosis is growing? Probably disposable plastic glasses! People above 30 years of age will realise how in their childhood they enjoyed chhabeels each summers when nothing was filtered, be it water or devotion.




Supplementary statement recorded
Our Correspondent

SAS Nagar, June 30
The police today recorded supplementary statement in the case of drowning of six-year-old Rishab in the wave pool of the Thunder Zone Amusement Park, situated on the SAS Nagar-Sirhind road, on Friday. The aggrieved family has urged the police that unless the park authorities make necessary security arrangements on the compound, the park should be prohibited from functioning.

In his today's statement before the police, Mr Umesh Chopra, maternal uncle of the deceased and complainant, alleged that the managing director and the management of the amusement park were responsible for the death of Rishab. He alleged that there was negligence on part of the management to provide timely medical aid to Rishab, which led to his death.

Mr G.P.S. Bhullar, SSP, Ropar, confirmed that the supplementary statement of the complainant was recorded today. ‘‘The police will investigate what were the guidelines prescribed for the park and what were being followed’’, he said.

Chandigarh Tribune in its edition of June 30 has reported that the Ropar police had registered a case under Section 304-A of the IPC against Harjinder Singh, a lifeguard and not against the owners of the park.

As per information available, a Sub Inspector of the Ropar police today visited the victim’s family in Sector 38, Chandigarh, and recorded supplementary statement of the complainant, Mr Umesh Chopra.

Meanwhile, the post-mortem report revealed that Rishab died of asphyxia due to drowning. The report also revealed that Rishab remained under water for at least five minutes. 



Pinjore to have amusement park
Ruchika M. Khanna
Tribune News Service

* Tourist flow to the historical Yadvindra Gardens has been dwindling since the Mini Zoo was closed.

* Amusement park to be built on three acres of wasteland, which was earlier allocated for an aviary.

* Proposal to build an aviary by the Wildlife Department shelved

* Site Museum to be opened to public by year-end.

Pinjore, June 30
An amusement park is all set to come up at the historical Yadvindra Gardens here in order to check the dwindling tourist flow.

Sources in the state Tourism Department said that approximately three acres of land one on side of the garden , near the newly constructed Site Museum, has been allocated for the park. The project, running into about Rs 3 crore, has been alloted to a private contractor.

When contacted, Mr S.K. Sharma, Divisional Manager of the Haryana Tourism at Yadvindra Gardens here, confirmed that work on the park was likely to begin by the end of the monsoon season. “The tourist flow to the Gardens, which has been adversely affected ever since the Mini Zoo here was closed down two years ago, is likely to increase when the park comes up,” he says. This park will have various joy rides, besides featuring various sporting activities.

The site for the park will also connect the Yadvindra Gardens to Site Museum, recently constructed here, and Bhima Devi temple. Presently, this piece of land connecting the gardens to museum is a wasteland with a seasonal nullah passing through it. This nullah will also be beautified and converted into a water feature.

These historical gardens , spread over an area of about 50 acres , was built by Fidai Khan in the 17th century. Sources in the Tourism Department maintain that the tourist flow to the gardens is between 2,000 to 2,500 on an average day and increases to almost double over the week end. With the zoo here having been closed down, there has been a quantum fall in the tourist flow. Thus, the authorities are concerned to create more things of tourist attraction, says a senior official in the Tourism Department.

Earlier, the State Wildlife Department had proposed to set up a walk-in aviary on international standards here, in order to attract bird watchers and place these gardens on national eco-tourism map. However, because of paucity of funds and Supreme Court coming down heavily on the state wildlife departments and asking them to first seek permission from the Apex Court for setting up a zoo / aviary, the proposal has been shelved.

Besides , the Site Museum will also attract more tourists. The building had been constructed by the State Tourism Department and handed over to the Archaeology and Tourism Department, Haryana. A number of statues and other artefacts excavated from the Bhima Devi temple site will be scientifically displayed here. The museum is likely to be opened to public by the end of this year. 



‘Media ethics paramount’
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, June 30
Media information users and various sections of society should form associations to monitor individual news organisations’ adherence to ethics. This observation was made at the conclusion of the two-day seminar on “Media Ethics: Concerns and Accountability”, here yesterday.

Institutionalising training in ethics to media professionals, appointing nodal officers in each news organisation and forming a co-ordination committee of such users’ monitoring bodies were also recommended to put pressure on the media to be serious about ethics. An effort to explain media functioning to readers was also suggested.

The seminar covered media ethics and reporting communal violence, corruption and women-related issues. The coverage of issues related to women was discussed today with Ms Archana R. Singh, Ms Anu Celly from Panjab University and Mr Manmohan Singh from the Hotel and Restaurant Association being the key speakers.

Media attracted flak in the seminar for giving these issues a short shrift but did not come up with any measures of bringing about transparency in the operation of media and personal wealth of those associated with news organisations. A similar suggestion has already been made as part of code of conduct to legislators.

The recommendations emerging at the end of the two-day exercise in the city will be placed before similar seminars in Jaipur, Lucknow and Patna.

The Public Relations Society of India, Chandigarh chapter, immediately offered to sponsor training to media professional at Panjab University.

The adviser to the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Mr Rajeshwar Dayal, said the city might make a great contribution towards shaping the future of country’s media, which is opening up for foreign direct investment, with these suggestions.

Mr Dayal said similar exercises earlier had led to the presentation of Prasar Bharati Act and the Broadcasting Bill before parliament.

The Communication Management Foundation Director and former director of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Dr J.S. Yadav, invited suggestions from the participants and said the city had come up with wonderful ideas.

Ms Singh, while citing example of discrimination in news reports against women affected by AIDS, said such victims usually got ostracised from the society.

Media, while reporting female victims ,had to be sensitive to the problems women might face due to wrong reporting.

Ms Celly criticised newspapers without naming them for carrying photographs of semi-clad women. Certain participants decried attempts by the media at commodification of women in their presentation.



Beauty contest turns out to be ugly
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, June 30
The Chandigarh audience seems to have awakened to the reality that poor shows are being organised in the name of beauty contests. It was proved when a sizeable number of them kept walking out in between the rounds of poorly organised “Mr and Miss India North — 2002” that took place at Tagore Theatre in Sector 18 on Friday.

The show organised by Western Star Group in collaboration with the All-Art Culture Association and Citi Entertainment Network not only betrayed the poor organising ability of the groups concerned but poor performance by the contestants too. As many as 13 boys and an equal number of girls walked down the ramp in a lacklusture manner.

The show started with a good dance performance by Baby Anchal on the song “Bumro” but it could not sustain the same standard as the rounds followed. In the introduction round, participants gave a cluttered performance which spoke volumes about the poor choreography and direction. The second round ended up giving a sketchy introduction of each contestant. It again turned out to be monotonous as the contestants wore the same outfits as those in the previous round and took the same steps.

The show consisted of six rounds, starting with the introductory round and taking the audience through the maze of traditional round, sports round, beach round, black round and the inevitable question answer round. The show was dotted with dance performances that included a filmi number by Kareena and others by local dance groups like Cool Age and West-17.

The show was directed by Mr Naresh Kumar and choreographed by Mr Sachin Mahajan. The panel of judges included Rajesh Kumar and Monica Bibbly from Star Studios Audio Video Channel and Pinkish and Prabhjeet, TV artistes from Jalandhar Doordarshan.

Lucky and Karina Saneja were adjudged Mr and Miss India North, respectively, followed by Jimmy and Manisha Madan as first runners-up.



Sectors 7, 18 go without power
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, June 30
With the Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam working to replace a 6 KV transformer in the Sector 1 substation here with a 12.5 KV transformer, residents of Sectors 7 and 18 are feeling the heat.

Residents of Sector 18 and 7 here remained without power for almost six hours last night. It is learnt that the power supply had been shut down in order to replace a transformer here. Though the transformer was replaced by the evening today, the new transformer reportedly tripped. Till the time of filing of this report, a large part of Sector 7 and most of Sector 18 remained powerless.

Meanwhile, residents of Sector 12, too, remained without power for four hours during the night. Lieut-Col Surjit Singh, president of the Residents Welfare Association, said excess load on a transformer here was reportedly responsible for the breakdown. Complaints regarding voltage fluctuations were also received. Residents of Sector 10 and 17 had to bear with an unusually low voltage this morning. The erratic power supply also affected the water supply in the township.



36 dogs vaccinated
Tribune News Service

Stray dogs at the anti-rabies vaccination and deworming camp
Stray dogs at the anti-rabies vaccination and deworming camp 
organised in Sector 24, Chandigarh, on Sunday. — A Tribune photograph

Chandigarh, June 30
The Society for Prevention of Cruelty against Animals (SPCA), Chandigarh, organised a free anti-rabic vaccination and deworming camp for dogs in Sector 24-C on Sunday. About 36 dogs were immunised against rabies, 38 dogs were dewormed and two were treated for scabies.

Eleven dogs were treated for other ailments. On the occasion, public was also told about the aims and objects of the SPCA and were further advised to make their neighbours aware about the need to be sensitive towards the welfare of animals.



Charitable trust formed
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, June 30
Baba Kundan Singh (Nanaksar) International Charitable Trust has been formed in the memory of saint Baba Kundan Singh Ji (Kaleran), according to Mr Anmol Rattan Sidhu, chairman of the Punjab and Haryana Bar Council. The trust compries members from USA, UK, Australia, Germany and India. The trust will be dedicated towards spreading the message of equality.



62-yr-old found dead at Saketri
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, June 30
Mystery shrouds the death of a 62-year- old man in Saketri here this morning. The man was found dead near Manav Colony this morning.

It is learnt that some passer-by spotted a body at around 9 a.m. today. The victim was wearing only his underclothes and a pint of liquor was lying near his body.

Soon word spread around the village and the man was identified as Mehtab Singh. Meanwhile, the police reached the spot and his family members were summoned. His son, Rakesh, told the police that they were unaware of the whereabouts of the victim since last night.

The body was later taken to the PGI for a post-mortem examination.

Duped: A scooter was reportedly stolen from a youth, Rajat , on the pretext of taking it to a painter to change the number plate.

It is learnt that Rajat had taken his maternal uncle’s scooter ( CH- 03 B- 5315) to a painter in Sector 17 for changing the number plate. A young person approached Rajat and reportedly told him that he had exhausted the tape for pasting the number.

The man took Rajat to Sector 16 on the pretext of getting it done from another painter. After taking him there, he asked Rajat to step down from the scooter and wait. The young man than ran away with the scooter.

One held: Akhilesh Kumar has been arrested by the police on charges of having abducted a minor girl from Saketri almost two months back.

The girl was also found with him. He had abducted the girl and taken her to Solan and later to Mani Majra.

Held for stealing:
The police has arrested Ram Sukhir, a resident of UP and domestic help of Mr Kulbhushan of SCF 166, Sector 26, here yesterday for allegedly committing theft in the above said SCF on night of June 28.

It was alleged that Ram Sukhir had stolen gold ornaments worth Rs 3 lakh to Rs 3.5 lakh after opening the locks of almirah. The police sources said that he had keys of the locks. A case under Sections 457 and 380 of the IPC has been registered.

Smack seized: The police arrested Dharam Pal, a resident of Palsora Colony, here yesterday and claimed to have seized about 22 grams of smack from his possession. A case under the NDPS Act has been registered against him.

Rs 75,000 stolen: Mr Vikas Jain, a resident of Sector 32, reported with the police that Rs 75,000 were stolen from dickey of his scooter in Darua village last afternoon. A case has been registered.

Motor cycle stolen: Mr Mohit, a resident of Sector 29, reported to the police that his Yamaha motorcycle (CH 01C 6501) was stolen from Sector 17 yesterday. A case has been registered.

Stolen: A Mani Majra resident Mr Vinod Mahindru, reported with the police that his mobile phone and some clothes were stolen from his residence after breaking locks sometime between June 26 and 29. A case has been registered.

SAS Nagar
Three held for negligence:
The police has arrested three persons in connection with a case in which a 10-year-old child had died by falling into an open manhole in Phase IX here about a month ago.

The arrested persons are Kirpal, Bhushan and Ramesh Kumar. While Kirpal lives in the Shamshan Ghat Colony here, the other two are residents of Nehru Colony, Sector 52, Chandigarh.

A case under Section 304-A of the IPC has been registered against them.



Incentives for edible oil producers
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, June 30
The new food policy, to be announced shortly, will provide special incentives for edible oil producers, especially rice bran oil producers in the country. Since the country is importing more than 40 lakh tonnes of edible oil annually, the government plans to encourage farmers to plant cash crops on a large scale especially oilseeds instead of following the traditional wheat-paddy rotation.

This was stated by Mr Shanta Kumar, Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Supply, here today. He was addressing the fifth national seminar on edible rice bran oil, organised by the Solvent Extractors’ Association of India.

Responding to the demands of the association to cut down duties on edible oils, he said: “ The Centre is aware of the fact that high level of state and central duties is affecting the interests of producers, traders and consumers. That is one of the reasons the Central government in the last budget had tried to rectify the import duty structure. It has given positive results.”

He appealed to the rice bran oil industry to create awareness about the benefits of rice bran oil. It would help utilise its total potential of about 10 lakh tonnes annually and would save precious foreign exchange.

Later talking to media persons, he disclosed that his Ministry was seriously pursuing, in collaboration with the Industry Ministry, the potential of value- addition in the sugar industry. The slump in sugar prices in the world market had further forced the country to work in this direction.

Earlier, Mr A.R. Sharma, President, Solvent Extractors Association of Northern Zone, appealed to the Minister to consider the demands of rice bran oil producers and provide some relief in the central taxes and assistance for creating awareness among masses about rice bran oil.

Mr D.P. Khandelia, Vice-President of the Association, appealed to the Minister to pursue their case with the Central Government for amending the Food Adulteration Act to safeguard the interests of industry, and to remove the anomalies between duties on fatty acids and edible oil.



Khandelia to head industries body
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, June 30
The elections of the Industries Association of Chandigarh were held here on Thursday. Mr Devi Prasad Khandelia and Mr H.L. Vij were elected president and vice-president respectively for the year 2002-03.

Mr Khandelia, Managing Director of Khandelia Oil and General Mills Ltd., Chandigarh, is an alumni of Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Central Organisation for Oil Industry and Trade ( COOIT), and vice-president of the Solvent Extractor’s Association of India.

Mr Arvind K. Mehan was elected as secretary, Mr Nitin K. Peshawaria as joint secretary and Mr Pawan K. Aggarwal as treasurer of the association.



Cane handicraft on display
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, June 30
Purbashree Emporium of the North Eastern handicraft and Handloom Development Corporation has brought a cane and bamboo treat for city residents. The art and craft exhibition, which was inaugurated at Lajpat Rai Bhavan in Sector 15 on Friday, offers a huge collection of cane and bamboo products besides ethnic dresses from the north-eastern hill states.

The products include cane furniture both in ethnic and modern taste from Assam and Tripura, baskets and show pieces in cane from Manipur and Mizoram, shawls and jackets from Nagaland and many more. In the handloom section, there are rich Muga and Pat sarees and “Endi” shawls from Assam besides a huge collection of “gamochas” — traditional towels.

Besides ethnic products, there are cotton hand woven kurtas, cotton sarees and other daily wear products which are being offered by the organisers at a reasonable price. The exhibition will conclude on July 12. 



Traders resent
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, June 30
The Traders Association of Sector 17 said here yesterday that traders of the sector had not been given representation in the recently constituted Administrators’ Advisory Council. “Since the traders are not voters registered in the same sector, they get unfair treatment from the Municipal Corporation. It will be appropriate to exclude the sector from the MC”, they said.


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