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Monday, June 10, 2002
Cyber Kids

BBC's CBeebies

WELCOME to the journey through the cyber world. This week we have spotted for you a very interesting site that promises fun.

Have you heard of CBeebies? If not, then you can log on to http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies and have a lot of fun. This is a BBC Web site, and has channels like fun and games, stories, printables, birthdays, e-cards, prizes and your gallery. Each of these channels is filled with fun. For example, in the fun-and-games channel you can play games like Bits and Bobs, where you can go along with Bits and Bobs and help them in 'puzzles' on what certain objects are and what they're used for.

Among other featured games under this section are Bebbie Bunny's farm adventure, Andy Pandy Snap - in this game you will have to click on the boxes to find out who's hiding under them and then match them up with their pairs.

The section printables is also very interesting as it can satisfy your creative instincts. In this you can colour in your favourite CBeebies characters, under the print and color menu, and put on your very own puppet show under the section make a finger puppet. Similarly, under the section "make a mask," you can make some great masks to dress up with. You can also learn to draw your favorite characters in the "learn to draw" section. You can have "doodly" fun playing games with doodles. Overall, this site is all about fun, and pure fun. So log on to this site and enjoy yourself.

— IV
