Friday, March 8, 2002, Chandigarh, India


C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


International Women’s Day just a ritual ?
Aditi Tandon
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, March 7
From the confines of four walls to outer space, the woman of today is busy writing the golden tale of emancipation. Call it her urge to equal man or plain conviction, she has left marks on the tallest of peaks and the deepest of oceans. And while she continues to win battles hard fought, the relevance of International Women’s Day as a symbol of her emancipation stands challenged.....

...To the extent that the day has been reduced to a mere ritual, which takes off amidst the heat of hype and ends in a whimper. No wonder on the eve of Women’s Day most city women are indifferent to it. While some are averse to the idea of handpicking a day to celebrate their identity, others feel the greatest facts of life need not be reiterated: “Womanhood is the fact of woman’s life; wifehood and motherhood are but incidental relations.” If that’s not all, the hapless condition of city’s lower class makes a further mockery of the much-hyped day.

Naturally, for women the day is no reminder of any struggle for rights. It is simply something that emerged from the USA and earned a UNO stamp later.

As, Renuka Tikoo, a teacher with St John’s High School, says: “I don’t think we need to hold on to a single day to feel good about ourselves. There are other ways to celebrate womanhood. One can keep fit to feel good and go through the day’s stress in a more positive way. Moreover, no day can make you liberated. You are only as free as you want to be.”

Most women denounce rhetoric that marks Women’s Day seminars. Dr Rajesh Gill of the Department of Sociology, Panjab University, says: “This day may have social significance as it offers visibility to women, but personally speaking it does not mean much. It does not alter my routine nor does it transform my thought process. I feel such formal functions are a burden on university departments and the local Administration which are obliged to celebrate them.” She adds: “There has to be change in mindsets. My demands as a woman are not elaborate. All I want is graceful acceptance.”

For Dolly Tiwari, costume designer, subtlety in handling things is important. She says: “The Women’s Day spells more hype, less action. After celebrating it for years, we have not become a more empowered lot. The lower strata is as exploited as ever. There is a need to start the process of empowerment in every home. In this male dominated society, I should first earn respect at home. Equality will follow.”

A similar confidence flows from the talk of Poonam Sharda, who has been commissioned as Lieutenant in the Army. Poonam, who dares men, is honest enough to admit: “Life is too short to be wasted in waiting for special days to call home our worth. Had you not questioned me, Women’s Day would have passed me by. But frankly, I don’t need a day to stamp my worth as a woman. There is no day when I am less important to the world than I would be on some other day.”

The issues of concern have also altered hugely for women. The feminist movement gave them the mantra of self consciousness. No wonder they got busy redefining themselves physically. The city gymnasiums are now boasting of more female clients. Fitness Point in Sector 23 caters exclusively to women. Says Suruchi Kumar, a client: “The more imposing your presence, the more attention you command. These days you are judged by physical parameters. I don’t have much to say about equality, liberation or Women’s Day. The day means nothing.”

Dr Seema, a research officer with the Department of Gynaecology, PGI, has a strong opinion to voice: “Let us not dismiss the day entirely. But we need to celebrate all days as special to us. Women’s Day has not done any good to those who belong to the lower sections. Not even one woman who visits the OPD has the right to choose the mode of contraception. She is not educated enough to decide if she wants a family. We should concentrate on spreading awareness.”

As an artist, Seema Jaitly is concerned about increasing exploitation of women. “Women’s Day — the words sound good. But it is sad to say that the situation of women in this male dominated society is not better than it was some years ago. The subjection of women is common to all social strata. As an artist I would love to portray these feelings on the canvas.”

Harjote Sodhi, a jewellery designer, needs no excuses to talk of her achievements or analyse failures. “Whatever the theories of woman’s dependence on man, in the low moments of her life he cannot bear her burdens. It is normally the woman who does the consoling. Moreover, where is the need to after a day which doesn’t belong to us? Are we sure every Indian knows all about Independence or Republic Day.”

International handball player Mandeep sounds dejected, “We hear of this day, but what next. All these occasions are politically coloured. I will celebrate when I get my due as a player. Women’s Day will not make me a better player. I would rather concentrate on my game.”

In its finality, Women’s Day does not inspire women much. Perhaps it needs to make a fresh statement which suggests that a mind always in contact with children and servants, a mind whose aspirations and ambitions rise no higher than the roof that shelters it, is necessarily dwarfed in its proportions.Back


Workshops, street plays today
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, March 7
To mark the International Women’s Day, the Chandigarh Police has planned a number of events with the help of departments and agencies concerned. Declamation contests, workshops and street plays are among the events listed out by the police for the occasion on March 8.

The declamation contest, being organised at the Government College for Girls, Sector 11, will be open to all girls’ colleges in Chandigarh and up to three students per college will be allowed to participate. The choice of topics for the contest include ‘Women Empowerment — panacea for all ills’, ‘World would come to a standstill without Her’, ‘Female foeticide — a mother kills her daughter’ and ‘Man woman ratio — an imbalance’.

In addition to commendation certificates, the first three winners of the contest will be awarded gold, silver and bronze medals along with cash prizes of Rs 1,500, Rs 1,000 and Rs 500, respectively.

The police will also be organising street plays in different parts of the city focusing on women issues.

A work shop on ‘Societal stress — effects and cures’ will also be organised on the same day at Police Headquarters in the afternoon. Among the speakers at the workshop would be Mr Brahmchari Navneet, Mr V K Kapoor, Dr Reetindera Kohli and Mr S L Sharma, Director RICA. The topics to be covered in the workshop include ‘Women under stress’, ‘Spiritual insights into stress management’, ‘Couples and stress’ and ‘Cures of stress’.

Meanwhile, to tackle the growing problem of discrimination against women and children and tackling crimes related to women, the Chandigarh Police revamped its Crime Against Women Cell last month. Having been made a nodal office for all measures intended to provide relief to woman and child victims and those in conflict with law, the cell has now been given a broader mandate and renamed as the Woman and Child Support Unit (WCSU).


Male superiority!
Kulwinder Sangha

SAS Nagar, March 7
Most women feel that the International Women’s Day does not have the significance that it deserves and appears to be more or less a ritual while others say that the day encourages women and makes them feel important. However, almost all women contacted were of the opinion that though efforts had been made to make women aware of their rights, yet a lot needed to be done to bring an end to male superiority prevalent in society.

Dr Goldy Mandeep Singh, a pathologist working at the SAS Nagar Civil Hospital, said the International Women’s Day should have a deeper significance. In India the day does not have the importance it should have. “It is more of a fashion in the country to celebrate the day. Even men question why the day is being celebrated?

She said whatever change had come about in the status of women was because of their own efforts. In general, families were now more supportive of women. She felt that women had now become bolder and approached women welfare cells with their problems.

Dr Goldy Mandeep Singh said even though many positive changes had come about in society, women still had to compromise on many matters. Even after educating girls, parents felt insecure about the future of their daughters. She felt that wife beating was still prevalent among the elite and the lower classes.

Ms Shah Bano Parveen, an economics lecturer in Government College in SAS Nagar, said there had not been much improvement in the condition of women. She felt that exploitation was going on in every field and the respect due to them was not being given, especially in Punjab and Chandigarh.

Ms Parveen said celebrating women's day was a mere ritual. Though the status of women had undergone a positive change, those working at lower posts in organisations were usually not respected by their superiors. But now they had become more aware of their exploitation. That is why more women were now coming out in the open with their problems. Wife beating was still prevalent in labour class but had decreased in the upper and middle classes.

Dr Ravneet Bedi, of Phase VII, SAS Nagar, and a senior resident at Sector 32 Government Medical College and Hospital in Chandigarh, said women's day had significance. In fact, women feel important when the day is celebrated, but on this day steps should be taken for the benefit of women in rural areas.

Dr Bedi said the status of women had changed over a period of time. A large number of women were educated and they were aware of their rights.

Even parents now felt that their daughters should be properly educated and should become financially independent. Wife beating was still prevalent though frequency of such incidents had decreased to a large extent in urban areas.

Ms Kamaljot Kaur Sohi, a student of MA second year (political science), said celebrating women’s day was not enough. The celebrations should have some meaning only when equal rights were given to women. “Why are girls made to fell that they are not equal to boys”.

She said as far as the status of women was concerned there was some positive change but men have always been discouraging women. Although women have started coming out with their problems but society at large has been against this attitude. Wife beating was common in villages though the number of such cases had come down in cities.

Ms Vishu, a student, said the celebration of women’s day gave encouragement to women to move ahead. There had been a lot of change in the status of women. they were making efforts to get good education and many of them were holding good posts in various field.

She said women had become more aware of their rights. They were now even ready to go to courts if their in-laws or their husbands harassed them for bringing insufficient dowry.


Managing home and job
Ruchika M. Khanna
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, March 7
Women are top-of-the-line managers. From managing home to human resources — dhobi, milkman, servants at home and colleagues and subordinates at work; from finances to human relations — husband, kids, relatives and friends; she does it all, all the time. Time management — from managing between different household chores and office is of her forte in which she excels. However, she still continues to be regarded as a second grade citizen.

The stark realities of her life, however, remain female foeticide, subjugation and illiteracy. Women liberation, if any, is restricted only to the women from elite class, who are normally oblivious to the qualms faced by rest of their tribe. But these women certainly do not represent the entire womankind. In fact, the hunt for a (S)hero to alleviate them is on.

On account of Woman’s Day celebrations, this reporter interacted with various women in power in the district. This is perhaps, one district in the state, that is almost entirely governed by women. Women occupy most of the top positions here, including that of the Deputy Commissioner, the Assistant Superintendent of Police (Rural), the Estate Officer, HUDA, the District Town Planner, the Chief Administrator, Housing Board Haryana and even the Chairperson of Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam.

Surprisingly, the district , though has one of the highest literacy rates in the state, has the lowest sex ratio. According to the latest census, the sex ratio in Panchkula is 779 females to 1000 males. In Chandigarh, the sex ratio is even less at 773 females to 1000 females. Female foeticide is still quite prevalent, despite best efforts of the administration.

Ms Jyoti Arora, Deputy Commissioner, says that they have now made it mandatory for all nursing homes having an ultra-sound facility to register themselves with the health authorities in order to curb the menace of female foeticide. ‘‘The position of women has changed drastically over the past couple of years. They are now more aware of their rights and there are more women working in the organised sector.’’

She says that the malice of female foeticide is of their own making. ‘‘Even the informed sections of the society show a preference for the male child. Law has to be made more stringent in this regard and this should put on the political agenda in order to curb this crime,’’ she says.

Most of these women, when talking to this reporter, conceded that woman emancipation is still far from reality. They say that social milieu in the rural areas is changing and the role of women is being redefined. Suppression of women, illiteracy, female foeticide and infanticide is prevalent, though it has been reduced.

Ms Geeta Prakash, District Town Planner, believes that the women’s lib movement has a long way to go. ‘‘Even in the organised work sector, women have always to prove themselves. A Damocles’ sword is always hanging over their heads and they have to work doubly as hard as men in order to carve a niche for themselves,’’ she opines.

However, the Estate Officer, HUDA, Ms Geeta Bharti, has a different view. She says that women in the rural reaches of the district are witnessing a new awakening. They are no longer confined to the four walls of their house, but actively participate in the decision-making process in their homes and in the society as a whole. They are now standing besides their menfolk and other than their domestic chores, are also supplementing the family income by gainful self employment,’’ she says.

‘‘The realisation that they are not second grade citizens has finally struck home,’’ she adds.

Her views are supported by Ms Bharti Arora, ASP (Rural), who maintains that it is up to the women themselves to demand respect. ‘‘Nothing in the world comes without efforts. It is ingrained in the male psyche that they are superior than women. However, with the spread of literacy, the social scene is changing slowly, but surely. ’’

She says that women must believe that God made a man before He made a woman, because an artist always make a rough sketch before He makes a masterpiece.


Caste system “weakening”
P.P.S. Gill
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, March 7
Meet Andre Beteille, a professor in sociology at Delhi University since 1972. He has carved a niche for himself in the world of academics through his work on the study of class, caste, social inequalities and harmonic and disharmonic social systems. He is a recipient of the R.P. Chandra Centenary Medal of Asiatic Society and is an author.

Prof Andre is in Chandigarh as a visiting professor at the Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID) to speak on “Social inequalities” and “State and civil society”.

Talking on a wide spectrum of subjects with a common thread — men and matters involving human relations — he wove a tapestry which showed patterns of politics, sociology and economics in different hues yet presenting a unifying mosaic.

He looks at India as a nation passing through a great “transition”; a switch from hierarchical social system to a democratic society that involves a conscious effort to change attitudes to the new changing world order as a consequence of “reforms” that are out to give economy a new meaning, social attitudes a new opening and politics, a populist against constitutional tag. To him the corresponding social “inequalities” or “upheavals” are endemic that have different meanings for different political thoughts.

The country today is not paying an excessive price of ‘transition’ but a price, nevertheless, is being paid. It is aware of the enormity of the problems. It is finding it difficult to achieve what it has set out to by way of social justice and economic equality. Yet India is making efforts. The weakening of the caste system, in a broader sense, is visible. And transition has brought about mobility, upward and downward.

Prof Andre strongly believes that the society has to have deep respect for the “rules”. He quoted a Russian “dissident” who on return, in 90s, from exile, beginning in 70s remarked that Russia had yet to learn that democracy hangs by a thin thread of ‘procedures’. The same holds true of India, where open and secular institutions are yet to taste success, where people are disenchanted with the political parties and the state and where populist democracy is the order of the day. Though much of what is witnessed can be attributed to electoral infirmities, still more of this was because of lack of proper fusion of families, kinship and caste.

India is a nation of wide disparities and diversities. It will take at least one generation to ‘mature’. In a democracy, therefore, it is not ‘numbers’; it is ‘strength’ that matters. The strength of classes, sections and strata.

In Prof Andre’s view Emergency in 1975 proved to be a watershed in the political history of the country during which period (1975-80) in the eyes of the people political system, political parties and the state were all ‘discredited’.

In fact, everything would fall in place if “population” were to be tackled effectively. In basic thinking and planning at the top, the strong effects of population were never realised.

The country today needs to invest in primary education, primary health and stop compromising on standards and quality. The public institutions must earn respect and the youth address themselves to building a country, which cherishes and relishes on secular democracy, he added. 


PU’s financial problems highlighted
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, March 7
Educational budgeting needs to be reviewed in terms of goals, activities, utility and cost-effectiveness in the changed global scenario.

This was stated by Mr C.M. Vasudeva, Secretary, Economics Affairs in the Ministry of Finance, while presiding over a seminar on ‘Budget and Higher Education’ organised by the Economics Department at Panjab University here today.

Prof K.N. Pathak, Vice-Chancellor, in his welcome address pointed out that Mr Vasudeva was a student of the PU Physics Department about four decades back. Professor Pathak, while highlighting the present-day financial problems of the university, asked for a concerted effort on part of the society at large and former students of the university in particular.

Earlier, introducing the theme of the seminar, Prof M.R. Khurana, chairman of the department, said that with the new economic policy, the country was moving towards a new paradigm of development. Budget being the ‘mouthpiece’ of the government, certain critical issues in regard to the higher education need to be discussed threadbare.

The other guest speakers were Dr Karan A.Singh, Finance secretary, UT, Prof A.C. Julka, Prof S.C. Vaidya and Prof S.P. Gautam.

One vital issue which came up for discussion was how to fit in budgeting of higher education as a part of overall budgeting exercise. Dr Karan A.Singh, Professor Vaidya and Mr Vasudeva spoke at length on the issue. Utility of money spent and cost-effectiveness were specially highlighted.

The other issue addressed the role and significance of higher education as an important factor of economic development in view of the drastic overhauling of the budgeting proposals in respect of the higher education. This was highlighted by Professor Julka and Professor Gautam.

Professor Gautam underlined that the basic function of the universities was to create new knowledge and to prepare the new generations for becoming capable of participating in the creation of new knowledge. Therefore, the budgeting of the university had to be planned on a long-term basis and not just yearly.

After the panel discussion, Mr Vasudeva interacted with the audience. Prof V.K. Gupta, Prof P.P. Arya, Prof I.M. Govil, Dr Rajesh Gill and Hari Singh (a student) raised questions pertaining to review cost-effectiveness of allocations in the education sector.


Healthcare at zoo good, say experts

Chhat Bir (Patiala), March 7
A Central Zoo Authority (CZA) team comprising Mr S.K.Patnayak, a former Additional Chief Conservator of Forests, Orissa, and Dr. A.T. Rao, a former Professor of Pathology, from Agriculture and Technical University, Orissa, today visited the Mahendra Chaudhary Zoological Park here.

During a the two-day visit the experts examined each and every animal and expressed their satisfaction over the healthcare and the upkeep of the captive animals. In addition to this they also directed the authorities to curtail the number of surplus animals and provide more space to the zoo inmates.

At a meeting with Mr G.S. Sandhu, Punjab Forest Secretary, Mr Gurmeet Singh, Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, and Dr Vinod Sharma, Chief Warden Zoos (Punjab), Mr Patnayak and Dr Rao asked them to introduce an ambulance for the animals, wireless sets at prominent enclosures and to create a post of curator in the zoo.

Mr Patnayak said a number of enclosures were overstuffed with animals and the zoo authorities were directed to curtail their population either by sterilizing or by exchanging them with animals in other zoos.

Apart from a veterinary hospital in the the zoo more houses for the 75-odd lions and 27 tigers and construction of big cages for birds need immediate attention. ‘‘Chhat Bir is one of the top zoos of the country and things have improved a lot since my previous visit in 1994. But it requires further improvement,’’ said Mr Patnayak, who is also associated with the Nandankanan Zoo in Orissa, for the last 15 years.

Expressing his satisfaction over the health of the animals in the zoo, Dr Rao said the zoo authorities had maintained all the records in a well organised manner and appreciated the health faculty for rearing the animals for their sound health in captivity.

Both members of the CZA team appreciated the measures opted by the authorities to reduce the overpopulation of zoo inmates.

Dr Vinod Sharma, expects a positive direction from the CZA within a day or two. 


Banks come forward to encourage women entrepreneurs
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, March 7
In keeping with the city’s character which can boast of highly educated and aware women, the presence of big women industrialists might not be there, but the spirit of woman power remains undeterred as the number of the small women entrepreneurs is encouraging enough for the banks and institutions to offer them special schemes to help them get economic independence.

The Women's Day will witness special efforts in the direction by Nabard where the emphasis will be on creating awareness first among the employees of the bank and invite suggestions form them for betterment of women. ‘‘These suggestions will be later utilised to frame schemes for providing financial assistance and guidance to women’’, said a bank official.

Tomorrow’s celebrations in the bank will require the bank employees (men and women both) to fill a questionnaire framed to know their awareness level about the social and legal status of the women and ways on how to improve it. Thereafter, a presentation on women-related issues and schemes will be made. ‘‘The idea is to first judge the general attitude towards women based on which we would frame women related schemes’’, the official stated.

The bank currently has schemes like Arwind where credit assistance to rural women in non-farm development is provided along with guidance and their training and recently launched Dewta for development of women belonging to weaker sections.

Another significant contribution in promoting women entrepreneurs is being made by Canara Bank which has a separate cell for Entrepreneurship Development for Women.

The centre, which has been established in the city around six years back, identifies, selects and trains women entrepreneurs, conducts women entrepreneurship development programmes and skill development programmes for target groups and assists women in marketing by organising sales and exhibitions.

‘‘Around 1,600 women have been trained to start their own ventures and we have so far conducted 67 workshops here’’, said Ms Harvinder Kaur, Manager. The bank is also encouraging women to go in for business ventures relating to computers and other latest professions apart from the usual ones in handicrafts, home decorative products etc.

The cell will organise an exhibition for women entrepreneurs from March 22 to 24.

The PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry has a women’s committee which helps women entrepreneurs and professionals to interact and exchange views. The committee also organises training programmes and workshops for women entrepreneurs and professionals to enhance their skills .


Women’s housing society
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, March 7
In a goodwill gesture on account of the Woman’s Day, the Chief administrator, HUDA, handed over an allotment letter to a pioneering group, a housing society of the women, for the women and by the women.

The allotment letter to Parvati Durga Group Housing Society was given today at the HUDA building in Sector 6 here. Ms Archana Sanghi, president of the society, said that the society would be an embodiment of the real Shakti or power of woman. It is most appropriate that the society has been allotted in Mansa Devi Complex.’’

She said that they would endeavour to make it a model society , governed by the special instincts and special skills of women.

Meanwhile, the Women’s Day was celebrated at Barwala by the members of the Integrated Child Development Programme today. Speaking on the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner, Ms Jyoti Arora, said that the aim of celebrating the Women’s Day was to bring a change in the thinking of women to create self confidence . She called upon the women to give their cooperation in nation building and become self-dependent. 


BSNL extends time for booking new connections
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, March 7
The Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Chandigarh circle, has extended the time for booking of new telephone connections in Chandigarh, Panchkula and SAS Nagar from 12.30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

"Following the good response to our recently launched scheme for booking of new connections we decided to increase the timings for the convenience of the customers till March 20" said Mr R.C. Vaish, Principal General Manager, Telecom.

The nigam has also attained the level of two lakh working connections in the Chandigarh circle, said Mr Vaish.

Poisonous tea claims kid’s life
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, March 7
A 10-year-old child died at the PGI this evening, after he and two other members of his family consumed tea laced with poison at their Kalka residence yesterday.
According to information available from police sources, the deceased, Prince, was mentally retarded. He had accidentally mixed sulphos tablets in the tea prepared by his mother, Seema.

It is learnt that Seema, Prince and his six-year-old sister, Shruti, later drank the tea and lost consciousness. They were then admitted to the Civil Hospital, Sector 6, from where they were referred to the PGI, Chandigarh.
It is learnt that Seema and Shruti are in a serious condition. The police, meanwhile has proceeded under Section 174 of the Cr PC.


Tribune employee bereaved
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, March 7
Mrs Indra Sharma, a former Assistant Director of the Department of School Education, Haryana, and mother of Mr Vipan Sharma, Assistant Engineer with The Tribune group of publications, expired here today following a brief illness. She is survived by her husband, two daughters and a son.


Life term for 3 in murder case
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, March 7
Three persons were sentenced to life imprisonment today for murdering a city resident, Saran Dass, by the UT District and Sessions Judge, Mr H.S Bhalla. The accused — Ram Babu, Chander Pal, and Sanjiv Singh — had murdered the deceased in his house in Sector 27 on July 21, 1997.

The police had registered a case against the accused on July 22, 1997 under Sections 302, 392, 380 of the IPC. The accused, Sanjay and Chander Pal, were working as servants in a dhaba “Kangra Hotel” in Sector 26 owned by the deceased. The accused had left the job after an altercation with the deceased, Saran Das, over their wages.

As per the prosecution on July 21, 1997, the accused came to know that the deceased was alone at home and decided to take revenge. The accused, Sanjay and Chander Pal, had gone to the deceased’s house in Sector-27 in the rickshaw of Ram Babu between 10.30 to 11 p.m. Thereafter the accused, Ram Babu, hailed, Saran Dass by his name and told him that some dispute had taken place at his hotel. And his son, Vinod Kumar, had called him at the hotel.

Thereafter as the deceased, Saran Dass, opened the door, the accused, Sanjay and Chander Pal, entered his house, whereas the accused, Ram Babu, stayed outside for keeping a watch. The accused Sanjay and Chander Pal, overpowered, Saran Das, and dragged him to the bathroom where Chander Pal strangulated him and Sanjay inflicted knife blows as a result of which he died.

It was further alleged that the accused, Sanjay and Chander Pal, removed wrist watch, gold ring of Saran Dass and stole Rs 8,500 from the iron box lying in the house.

The Judge said in his order that the accused, Ram Babu, Chander Pal, and Sanjiv Singh, had committed the murder of Saran Das, in the manner alleged by the prosecution and therefore they are convicted under Section 120-B of the IPC.

The accused — Chander Pal and Sanjiv Singh— were also convicted under Section 302 read with Sections 34 and 394 of the IPC for causing the murder of Saran Das. While accused, Ram Babul, was also convicted under Section 302 read with section 120-B and under Section 120-B of the IPC.

The accused were also directed to pay a fine of Rs 2,000 and in case of default of payment they would have to undergo further rigorous imprisonment for three months.


MLA’s driver, gunman held for assault
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, March 7
The local police today arrested the driver and gunman of a Haryana MLA for allegedly assaulting and threatening a Panchkula resident. The accused were identified as Randhir and Gurmeet, residents of Ambala.

According to the police, they were travelling in a Safari, which met with a minor accident with a Maruti car belonging to Amit Malhotra, near the Sukhna Lake. This resulted in heated arguments and the matter blew out of proportions. Following this, the car driver lodged a complaint with the police. A case was registered. The accused were later released on bail.

Man robbed
An Assistant with the Haryana Animal Husbandry Department, Mr Prem Chand, was reportedly robbed of Rs 700 at knife-point in Sector 17 last night. According to the police, the complainant was going on a bicycle, when he was asked for a lift by an unknown person. The complainant asked him to pedal and sat on the rear seat. The unknown person took him to the Bank Square, where he robbed the complainant. The police has registered a case.

Two arrested
The police arrested two brothers after the wife of one of them alleged that they had stolen money and other items belonging to her. A Palsora resident, Ms Geeta Srivastava, had complained that her husband Ramesh Kumar and brother-in-law Rakesh Kumar had stolen two suits, a gold pendant and Rs 1,000 from their own house. The police said the brothers were drug addicts and had stolen the item to buy narcotics. They were remanded in one-day police custody.

Man injured
A resident of Colony No. 5, Mr Ram Bahadur, was injured when he was knocked down by a Maruti car near the Kiran Cinema in Sector 22. He was admitted to the Sector 16 General Hospital. The police arrested the car driver, Pritam of Sector 36. A case was registered.

Dowry case
The police booked a resident of Delhi and his parents after a Sector 28 resident, Ms Nirmaljit Kaur, reported that she was being harassed and maltreated by her husband and in-laws to bring more dowry. Following an inquiry and initial investigations into the matter, the Woman and Child Support unit of the Chandigarh police registered a case under Sections 406 and 498-A of the Indian Penal Code.

Theft reported
A Sector 18 resident, Ms Saroj Lata, reported that her house was broken into and two gold bangles, a gold chain, gold earrings and four gold rings, along with Rs 32,000 in cash, had been stolen. The police has registered a case.

Motor cycle stolen
A Panjab University hosteller, Amit Kumar Nain, reported that his Hero Honda motor cycle (CH-03-E-8628) had been stolen from the campus market. A case was registered.

Vehicle thefts
A Sector 37 resident, Mr Vanit Jain, reported that his Maruti van (CH-01-N-5734) had been stolen from his residence. The police has registered a case. A Sector 35 resident, Harinder Singh, reported that his Maruti car (CH-01-P-5217) had been stolen from Sector 22. A case was registered.

Woman robbed
Car-borne persons reportedly robbed a Sector 49 woman of cash and goods worth thousands. According to the police, Ms Gurmeet Kaur reported that five persons, claiming to be from the Bank of Punjab, approached her on the pretext of verifying her Alto car, which had been financed through the bank.

They had come in a Maruti car bearing a Haryana registration number and asked to see the cars registration certificate and other documents. On getting a chance, they stole Rs 15,000 and wedding items valued about Rs 20,000 from the car. The police registered a case.


LG shoppe concept

The well-known multinational, LG, has launched an exciting brand experience for Chandigarh. In keeping with its commitment to redefine retailing standards in the Indian consumer durable industry, LG Electronics opened its exclusive LG shoppe concept in Chandigarh on Wednesday. Built to meet the challenges of an increasingly mature retail environment in the country, the new LG Shoppe — Modern Sales, Sector 22, Chandigarh, was jointly inaugurated by Mr Pradeep Tognatta, vice-president, Sales and Marketing, LG Electronics, India, and budding cricketer Reetinder Sodhi. The LG Shoppe aims at creating a sophisticated brand experience for consumer durable buyers at the point of sale, and will showcase LG’s entire range of consumer electronics, home appliances and IT products. LG Electronics, India, has chalked out a roll out plan to implement the LG brand shoppe experience across various cities in India. At present LG has a total of 40 LG-shoppes across the country and it plans to increase this figure to 100 by the end of the current year.

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