between siblings
Shelly and Soni were young, they were not only sisters but also best
friends. Soni was two years younger to Shelly, but they laughed and
played together and almost never fought.
The paradoxes of Europe
by Reeta
paradoxes of Europe befuddle me. On the one hand, you can see nature in all its
pristine glory, while on the other hand, human misery is acute. The beauty of
nature is all pervasive in England, Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Holland and
Switzerland. Even in the height of summer, the mountains are green everywhere
and the colours of wild flowers are simply unbelievable.
Read yourself in what you
by D.C.
handwriting of any two persons can be similar but never identical. Our
handwriting is as personal as our fingerprints. The size, slant, style,
pressure, letter shapes, and spacing vary from person to person. In my 31
years’ experience of teaching thousands of young students, I’ve not so far
found any two persons’ handwriting exactly alike.