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Monday, April 9, 2001

Run anti-virus program in DOS mode
By Vipul Verma

AN analysis of day-to-day computer problems shows that basically the solution to these problems can be categorised into two parts.

1) Curative solutions

2) Preventive solutions

Now, let’s look at both these kinds of solutions.

Curative solutions are the steps that are taken when a problems like system crash and non-performance of some components actually occur, whereas preventive solutions are steps that could be taken before the problem actually occurs.

Preventive measures do not cost anything except a bit of time but eventually they can save you from a lot of botheration. Preventive measures are also a basic troubleshooting tool as it takes care of your common computer problems.

Preventive measures based on their priority could be categorised as under:


This is the most important and powerful tool that can save you from a lot of trouble. Indeed it is the best troubleshooting tool in Windows. If you run it regularly, then half of your common computer problems are taken care of.



Another important basic troubleshooting tool is defragging. Defragging is also a important utility in Windows, which basically arranges the data in the hard disk in proper order and thus makes it easy for the computer to access it. Defragging thus checks the data for critical errors like cross-linking and reports the same to the user. Moreover, running defrag at regular intervals also gives you a fairly good idea about the health of your hard disk. Ideally, you should run defrag at least once every week.


Using Anti-Virus software is another thing that can prove to be instrumental for basic problems and their solutions. It’s no secret that all computers connected to the Internet run a potential hazard of virus attack. So, despite the fact that you have the best anti-virus software installed on you machine, you cannot be sure that you are safe as running anti-virus from Windows may not show all viruses infection in your system. Thus, you must run anti-virus in DOS mode and not in Windows to be sure about virus infiltration in your system. For running an anti-virus program in the DOS mode, you must exit from Windows to MS DOS or start computer in the DOS. Run anti-virus from here and check all files on your computer. This will give you a correct picture of security of your PC.

For example you use Mcafee virus scanner, then at the DOS prompt give command Scan C:/ALL at the C:\ Mcafee\ Viruscan prompt. This will scan your system thoroughly for any virus in your machine.

Hard disk management

Managing the Hard disk is another important area, which is a vital part of basic trouble-shooting. Hard disk management means that one should ensure that a fair amount of hard disk space is left free, which as a rule thumb should be at least 10 per cent of the total hard disk space.

If you have lesser hard disk space, then you are more prone to errors. However, if the hard disk space is small then the frequency of the defrag should be increased so that your hard disk is properly tuned.

Remember, "problem" in computers does not mean jamming of your computer or non-working. Lower performance also represents a problem and needs to be addressed. Similarly, in order to tune your system properly, you also keep a regular check on your Temp directory in Windows folder. You should regularly clean the *.tmp file present in this directory and also remove them from the recycle bin, before you perform defrag. Even otherwise, these *.tmp or temporary files consumes your precious and makes you PC slow.

There are certain problems, which, though present in your system, come to notice, when they are actually called. However, if you keep a regular vigil on these things, then the system will remain well-tuned and trouble free. Thus, for checking you system for errors go to the Control Panel>System icon>Device manager tab, and check that for any component marked red or yellow. If there are any, remove the marked ones and restart computer. Now Windows will automatically re-detect hardware and will troubleshoot the problem.

Fonts and drivers

Another area, which invites a lot of problems, is the fonts and drivers. The higher the number of fonts and drivers, more are the chances of trouble. Try to uninstall those fonts and drivers that are not required. Also, use only the correct version of drivers and use the driver provided by the manufacturer wherever possible. For optimal performance, keep the resolution of the driver lower.

Another important thing ignored by the users is the rescue disk and a copy of Autoexec.bat and config.sys.

A rescue disk is the bootable floppy disk, which is a must-have for every computer user. It is one of the best preventive measures as it can save you from a lot of troubles, which could arise in case of system failure. It is always wise to make hay while the sun shines. Similarly, you must also store a copy of your latest Autoexec.bat and Config.sys in a secured floppy. It also helps to you combat common troubles.

Another form of preventive measure is to remove all programs from the start-up folder C:\ windows\ start menu\ programs\ startup, also remove all after Load= and Run= from the Win.ini. In the registry, remove all except Systray if present.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Run.

If you are amateur and do not feel confident then you must not touch the registry as otherwise it can lead to bigger troubles.

For the best performance of your computer, you must set it optimally. To do this, go to Control Panel>System Icon>Performance tab. Now check out for "Your System is configured for optimal performance" text selected.

Normally, people resort to reinstallation of operating system when the system starts giving problem.

However, since the files, which had been creating problems still exist, thus the trouble is not sorted out. Thus, if you have to reinstall the operating system, then you should give command setup /p f at the command prompt. This will clean your system files and replace missing and damaged files, without over-writing your updated dll’s vxd’s ext. f - This switch enables Clean Registry mode. It forces detection to clean the root branch of the registry before starting. This switch is ignored when Setup is run in the graphical user interface (GUI). However as a word of caution you must always backup your registry for taking care of any problem that may arise later.

Remove wallpapers and screen-savers

Another important part of basic troubleshooting is to remove the screen-savers and wallpapers when the system is not performing optimally. These things bring down the performance of your computer and thus should not be used in case of any problems.



Beware of…

Adam and Eve virus

Takes a couple of bytes out of your Apple.

Arnold Schwarzenegger virus

Terminates and stays resident. It’ll be back.

Bill Clinton virus

This virus mutates from region to region and we’re not exactly sure what it does.

Birthday virus

Keeps advancing your clock by another year.

Congressional virus

The computer locks up, screen splits erratically with a message appearing on each half blaming the other side for the problem.

Freudian virus

Your computer becomes obsessed with marrying its own motherboard.

Michael Jackson virus

Hard to identify because it is constantly altering its appearance. This virus won’t harm your PC, but it will trash your car.

Nike virus

Just Does It!

Politically correct virus

Never calls itself a "virus", but instead refers to itself as an "electronic micro-organism".
