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Monday, January 29, 2001

W(R)AP the future around mobile phones
By Sumesh Raizada

TODAY, with a handheld, wireless device, one can access or be accessed anywhere in the world. With the advancement in wireless communication technology, you can immediately connect yourself to the cinema hall site, book tickets and even get it on your handheld device within a few minutes.

Mobile or cellular phones have brought to us the convenience of communicating with others. Many drawbacks and problems associated with telephone exchanges and cables were eliminated with the use of mobile telephones. Now the IT companies, throughout the world, are integrating forward and bringing more than just plain voice on the mobile set. The much talked about jargon these days in the IT industry is WAP or Wireless Application Protocol.

The reason for this is that the companies are now finding more business opportunities in this area of technology. This is slowly and steadily giving rise to the commercial transactions through mobile equipment, popularly termed as m-commerce. India has a sizeable number of mobile subscribers and the figure is increasing exponentially with companies like MTNL entering into the fray. With reduced mobile charges, decreasing prices of handsets and increasing connectivity range, more persons will now be able to afford mobile phones. WAP and m-commerce is an effort in providing customers more utilities so that mobile phone becomes a necessity rather than a luxury and enterprises can interact with their existing customers through mobile-enabled text.


The m-commerce or mobile commerce incorporates several inherent and advanced features that make it more viable than e-commerce in certain circumstances. This is the reason why several financial, tourism, marketing and media organisations, are all entering into the field of mobile commerce that is practically more suited to their area of operation. In coming years, persons will use mobile phones as more than a status symbol that will make it a virtual necessity. It will be a business manager, accountant, secretary; travel agent all rolled into a single-digital gadget.

People will use it for business transactions, playing games or for listening to music while on the move. Several WAP-based software are now being developed for accessing the Web information on the mobile sets. Software and mobile companies throughout the world, like Nokia, Motorola and Ericsson are making efforts to make m-commerce a success. There are already various mobile compatible portals on the Web that facilitates information transfer from the Internet on to the mobile phone display. M-commerce has applications in both the areas of Web-based commercial transactions, i.e. B2B as well as B2C.

It can be used in communicating with business associates, by sending and receiving e-mail or fax, chatting or conferencing. Mobile commerce is also applicable in accessing vast geographic and meteorological information that is available on the Internet regarding rainfalls, earthquakes, and floods. It is also having utility in banking where one can get his accounts statement or make payment through mobile phone. Chandigarh-based Bank of Punjab has recently started mobile banking for the convenience of its customers. Several other transactions like payment of telephone or electricity bills, reservation of tickets, sale and purchase of shares, participating in auction and purchasing of various utilities are also possible through m-commerce. ICICI, a financial institution, has started mobile-enabled services for its customers that include ATM support, stock and ticketing information. Companies like Airtel are offering sale of handsets, renewal of accounts, and payment of bills through its Web site. CNN and Reuters, the leading news agencies are also offering mobile-based news services giving latest news, weather reports, sport updates, etc. for the mobile phone users.

M-commerce also provides a mobile user an opportunity for listening to music or playing games though the Net. Microsoft is developing specific WAP-based software that will have multimedia and m-commerce compatibility. Through the infrared facility in the mobile equipment, a user can communicate with the teller or vending machine for withdrawing money or for purchasing eatables.

Two other major areas where mobile commerce is being applied are marketing and customer support and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). In marketing, sales professional can keep track of his sales records, competitor’s data and latest company news, all on his mobile phone. In ERP, any change in sales or production planning can be immediately transmitted through mobile alerts to all concerned persons. They can view the latest schedule on their mobile sets and plan accordingly. Some leading courier and cargo companies are utilising mobile-based services for tracking their consignments.

There are vast career opportunities around the world for prospective m-commerce professionals. Since the concept is developing worldwide almost simultaneously, those who get into the field now have a scope of steep rise and advancement in their job. As m-commerce is based on WAP-based technology, interested persons should get themselves proficient in this area. Almost all-major computer institutes are now offering short and long-term courses on WAP and mobile-enabled languages, keeping in view of its forthcoming demand. APTECH, through its ACeP.net program is offering m-commerce along with WAP, WML, XML, etc. Another chain of computer institutes called ZAP is also offering curriculum in this vast potential business area.

The job opportunities exist for m-commerce professionals in software companies as project member for developing mobile compatible programs or designing of the Web sites specific for mobile applications. Their task involves, building services like air/railway timing information, stocks and share market variations, daily horoscope, and banking services. M-commerce professionals are also required in mobile phone companies for development and maintenance of their business operations. They are also required in enterprises as marketing professional for promoting their WAP-based services.

As business development specialists, they are required to coordinate with marketing and design department for establishing and monitoring projects, interact with the end-user on requirement, develop and circulate data to all concerned staff members and look constantly for strategic business partners in growth areas.

A person working as m-commerce professional should have sufficient exposure to concepts like WML, WAP, mobile phone simulation techniques, ASP, TLS, WLAN, and SET. Since the system is Windows-based or on the Unix platform, proficiency in these two areas is a must. MCA or engineering degree holders have a vast scope in m-commerce. MBA or science graduates with certification in WAP-based computer courses also have an equal opportunity for getting into the lucrative m-commerce careers. Those who are already working in the IT sector as programmer, system analyst, Web designer, or those who are involved in e-commerce related projects have a golden opportunity to upgrade their skills and changeover to this fast growing career of the future.

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