EDUCATION TRIBUNE Tuesday, September 5, 2000, Chandigarh, India

Teachers’ Day — time for introspection

By K.K. Naqvi
It is Teachers’ Day today. Every year the birthday of our scholar - president Dr.S.Radhakrishnan , September 5, is dedicated to our teachers. Even before we began doing this, as an ancient civilization, we have down the ages, respected our teachers. Gurus have been revered and put at par with parents and elders.

Career Hotline
by Pervin Malhotra





Teachers’ Day — time for introspection
By K.K. Naqvi

It is Teachers’ Day today. Every year the birthday of our scholar - president Dr.S.Radhakrishnan , September 5, is dedicated to our teachers. Even before we began doing this, as an ancient civilization, we have down the ages, respected our teachers. Gurus have been revered and put at par with parents and elders.

Life in the Vedic times was divided into four stages and of these the first was Brahmacharya or the stage of single-minded pursuit of education. It was spent inthe Gurukul, where the guru shishya parampara advocated learningat the gurus feet, and serving and seeing to his needs and comforts.

Somewhere down the line this slowly but surely faded and education as everything else in today’s material world took on a commercial hue.Today economists will tell you that our people are the contry’s human resources .

And if we are to accelerate the pace of development we will have to educate our citizens and this would result in greater productivity.

Teachers form the back-bone of the education system. Honouring them on one calender day in the year is not enough. We need to introspect on the quality of education and the kind of people who are or should be responsible for imparting learning to tomorrows citizens.

We will all agree that the quality of teachers is steadily and surely going downhill. It is a vicious cycle. Education imparted in both school and colleges is poor and the end product by and large is not satisfactory.

Principals and selection committee members are familiar with the scenario being referred to. A single example will suffice. MA ‘s and Phd’s in English are often unable to write a simple application. The written and spoken word are both pathetic. Something is wrong somewhere if we are churning out sub-standard product from our schools and universities.

The education system needs a complete overhaulThe cream of society is not opting for a teaching career.Neither at the pre-nursery and school level nor at the higher levels of professional education are we attracting the kind of individuals needed to lay the foundation or build on the primary structure .

Have we ever paused to think why is is so?

Problems plaguing the system have never been seriously tackled . Lip service is paid annually but little is done to reform the system.

As a career option teaching is a poor choice because of many reasons. Some of these are so obvious that one wonders why something has not been done to remedy the situations. Service conditions are neither attractive nor fair in the best of schools.Promotions are painfully slow or completely absent. The majority of teachers retire as teachers. The only difference being beginning at this end of the fay scale and finishing at the other. Some government and public schools have a promotion system. This is whimsical and mostly not available across the board. And it is definitely not time-bound.

Often especially in private institutions considerations other than merit prevail. A dedicated teacher with the single point agenda of doing his or her job rarely stands a chance in the rat race because the the system is highly politicised and dependent on the personal likes and dislikes of the head.

As in other fields the person at the top makes a great difference in a school set-up also. The quality of principals leaves much to be desired. Often sthey are ineffectual heads constantly pre-occupied on keeping their own jobs to provide effective leadership. While selecting a school head most private schools play a game of musical chairs. The same familiar faces rotate with sickening regularity. Why new people are not given a chance baffles me. In the corporate world a young talented youngster raring to go is no longer a rarity .But try finding out the average age of school principals in your city.

You’d be suprised that the vast majority are way past the accepted retirement age and except in the case of proprietor principal I have yet to see someone in their twenties in the principal’s chair.

Another area to be looked into is the pay packet.In todays consumer society whether we like it or not money is very important. Contribution to society has no value. You are worth what you earn. The idealists among us may not like it but it is the truth. A person earning Rs.50,000 is five times more valuable than one who earns Rs.10,000. So a living wage for teachers becomes very important. This will go a long way in making the teacher a respectable member of society. When the house-rent and other family needs are taken care of the productivity of the teacher will increase. The tuition racket is largely the result of poor salaries . Better pay packets and perks will make teaching an attractive vocation. People will not resort take it up half-heartedly as the last resort.

If something is done to eliminate the above on a war -footing what happened to my young neice at the B.Ed. entrance exam interview would not happen again.The people interviewing Amina, wanted to know why a girl with a brilliant record like herself have even thought of teaching as a career option. They actually advised her that in today’s day and age the world was her oyster. Many were the wonderful opportunities that were hers for the asking.

Precisely this is what people responsible for education must package teaching to be- a wonderful opportunity to craft the citizens of tomorrow.Mr. Manohar Joshi , are you listening.


Career Hotline
by Pervin Malhotra

I am midway through my travel and tourism course. I hear that on-line booking will sound the death-knell of travel agency business. Is it true?

Preeti Kumar, Jalandhar

Yes it’s true that most star-graded hotels have begun to offer on-line bookings on the net. They are increasingly getting on to the Global Distribution Systems (GDS) like Galileo, Amadeus etc. (mostly owned by airlines) which results in cutting down the long and tedious process of bookings via travel agents. While this is the shape of things to come it’s still a long way off in India. Even in the US, online sales represent only 5.6% of the entire market. However by 2003, this share would have doubled to 10% of the total travel revenue.

In the meanwhile, the good old travel agent still rules the roost and a large chunk of corporate bookings continue to be bagged through direct marketing efforts on the part of the hotels local sales and marketing department.

While most hotel websites do carry a reservation page, in practice Indian customers rarely book online although they may log on to the site for information. There are several reasons for this:

By booking online the client misses out on negotiating an attractive discount, which is best achieved in person. And as far holiday destinations there’s nothing to beat the friendly travel agent. Clients prefer booking through a TA not only because he can wrangle the best rates but also because he can help them tie up all the other hassly elements of the package like car rentals, journey bookings, sight seeing etc.

But the day is not far off when the net will bring the customer and the hotel or airlines in direct contact with each other. However, no technology is likely to displace personal service and advice completely. To survive the onslaught of the web, travel agents will have to become more aggressive and more customer friendly. Most importantly, they will have to modify their role to become travel advisors to people looking for exotic, tailor-made holiday destinations or functional business travel.

I am interested on participating in a Science Olympiad. Who conducts these and how can I participate?

Rahmi Mayur, Chandigarh

The National Olympiad Programme in Physics, Chemistry & Biology aims at promoting excellence in science and selecting teams of students to represent India at the International Olympiads in these fields. The programme is supported by the D/o Atomic Energy, D/o Science & Technology and the M/o HRD and implemented jointly by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, a national centre of TIFR, and the Indian Association of Physics Teachers.

The first stage of the three stage selection process is the National Standard Examination (NSE) in Physics, Chemistry & Biology. Students of Class XI & XII (science stream) are eligible to appear in this examination in one or more subjects. The exam will be held on 26 Nov, 2000 at centres all over the country. This will be followed by Stage II: Indian National Olympiads and Stage III: International Olympiad Training Camps at HBCSE. The final teams for representing the country in the International Olympiad are selected at the end of the camps.

For detailed information you may contact Prof. R.M. Dharkar, Chief Co-ordinator, IAPT Exams, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped (Rs. 6/-), envelope (18 x 25cm) at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR) V.N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai 400088.or Prof Arvind Kumar E-mail: or Ph: 022-5562132 at the above address.

Yet another National Science Olympiad is conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation, G13, I Floor, Green Park Extn., New Delhi 110016. (E-mail: Ph: 011-6561586).

The two-tier evaluation system consists of Level 1: written test (11/2 hours); Level 2: Test and interview. Those short-listed for the Zonal interviews are re-imbursed two and fro II Class sleeper fare. General awareness, extra cirricullar activities, communication skills and indepth understanding of physics, chemistry, biology & math are the criteria for selecting the finalists from classes VIII to XII.

The National Science Olympiad is held in January.

After doing my Master’s in English, I did a professional course in editing from the UK. After scanning the newspapers for months for a suitable job, I am now beginning to feel frustrated. What should I do?

Damayanti Guha, Mohali

Take heart. Many jobs, particularly in publishing aren’t advertised. Hence, cold calling can be an effective way of gaining the attention of employers. Cold calling involves approaching prospective employers before they advertise. You should tell them who you are, what skills you have and the kind of work you’re looking for. It doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get work, but employers will be impressed with your initiative. If they do have a suitable position they will be interested to know more about you. If not they will probably keep your resume on file in case they need someone in the future.

After you have drawn up a list of the better publishing houses in the capital (the directory is a good source), plumb for either of the following methods:

Sending a letter: The most common method of cold calling (or cold canvassing as it is also sometimes called) is to send a brief letter introducing yourself with an attached resume. Ring up first to find out to whom you should address your letter (name and designation if possible).

Landing up in person: When you decide to ‘cold canvass’ in person, ask employers for a few minutes of their time only. Have a chat about what you’re looking for and leave them a copy of your resume - make sure you include all your contact details. Dress as you would for an interview. First impressions count.

I am interested in archaeology and want to become a numismatist. What are the qualifications required?

Indira Kapoor, Amritsar

A numismatist studies old coins, tokens, paper money and other related objects such as seals and medals, etc. Through detailed study of these objects, the numismatist provides vital insights into the past and assists in reconstructing it.

The Institute of Archaeology, Delhi, under the auspices of the Archaeological Survey of India, is one of the few institutions which offers a 2-year Postgraduate Diploma in Archaeology with specialisation in Epigraphy (deciphering and decoding ancient inscriptions) and Numismatics. You need a Master’s degree in Ancient or Medieval Indian History or an MA/MSc with Archaeology or Anthropology with 55% aggregate to be eligible for this course. Admission is through written test and interview.

Of late, I’ve been deluged with hundreds of queries (mainly unaddressed) sent directly to my office. As much as I would like to, you will appreciate that I can’t possibly accommodate them all in my columns or reply to each one personally.




Distance Education

Sep 30 D/o Distance Education, Univ of Jammu, Jammu.

1. MEd

2. MCom

3. MA (Eco)

4. LLB (Acad)

5. PG Dip in Business Mgt

6. BA/BCom & Bridge Course

7. Cert in Urdu through Hindi Medium

8. English Improvement Course

Appln F: (for 1) Send Rs 50/-, (for 7 & 8) Rs 20/-, (for 2, 4, 5 & 6) Rs 30/- by DD favouring "Director, Directorate of Distance Education, University of Jammu" payable at Jammu, with self-add, stamped (Rs 35/-) envelope (10 x 24 cm) to the above add. Or at counter.

Sept 30 Guru Ghasidas University, Instt. of Distance Education, Bilaspur 495009, M.P.

(1) BCA (3 yr)

(2) BBA (3 yr)

(3) Bachelor of Journ & Mass Comm (BJMC) (1-yr)

(4) BLibISc (1-yr)

(5) PG Dip in Computer Appli (1-yr)

(6) PG Dip in Business Mgt (1-yr)

(7) PG Dip in Marketing Mgt (1-yr)

(8) PG Dip in Indl. Rel, L.W. & PM (1-yr)

(9) MLibISc (1-yr)

Elig: (1-2): 10+2

(3- 8): Bachelor’s degree

(9): BLibISc

Appln : Send Rs 150/- by DD favouring "The Registrar, Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur 495009, M.P." to the Director, Institute of Distance Education. At counter: Rs 125/- (cash).

Sept 30 Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110068.

1. MA (Eng)

2. PG Dip in Intn’l Business


Elig: Bachelor’s Degree

Appln F: Send Rs 80/- by DD/IPO favouring "IGNOU" payable at the city of Regional Centre or New Delhi till Sep 16.

Sept 10 Prof. G Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education,

Oct 10 Osmania University, Hyderabad 500007.

1. Pre-degree Courses in Oriental Learning

2. BA Telugu (3 yr)

3. BA (3 yr)

4. BCom (3 yr)

5. PG Dip:

Mathematics (1yr); Eng Lang Teaching (1 yr); Business Mgt (1 yr); Computer Appli (2 sem).

6. MA (Phil)

7. MA


8. MA

Eco/Pol Sc/Hist/Sociol

9. MA

Public Personnel Mgt

10. MCom

11. MSc Maths


(1): Class X (conducted by G/o AP)/Entrance Exam in Oriental Learning by this univ or a State or Visharada Exam of Andhra Saraswatha Parishat with Eng as 2nd Lang/PDC exam.

(2): Dip OL/PDC Exam of OU/BA (Lang)/BOL or BA.

(3-4): Inter/10+2 or Equiv

(5): Bachelor’s degree (40% in optnl)

(6): BA (40% in Phil)/Bachelor’s degree (40% in optnl)

(7): BA with Eng/Hin/Tel/ Urdu/Sanskrit as optnl (40%) or 50% in Part 1 Lang of BA/BCom/BSc

(8): BA (40% in rel subj)

(9): Bachelor’s degree (40%)

(10): BCom (40%)

(11): BA/BSc/Engg (40% in Math)/50% in Ancillary Maths/PG Dip in Maths

Appln Deadlines: PDC/BA (Lang)/BA/BCom: Sept 10; PG Dip/MA/MCom/ MSc (except PGDCA): Oct 10.

Appln F: Send Rs 100/- by DD favouring "Director, Prof. Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education, Osmania University, Hyderabad 500007" payable at SBH/SBI/Andhra Bank/Canara Bank at Hyderabad with self-add stamped (Rs 10/-), envelope (11" x 5").


Dec 01 Indian Institute of Management, Prabandh Nagar, Off Sitapur Rd, Lucknow 226013

Fellow Programme in Mgt

Decision Sc, Eco; Fin & Control; HRD, Indstl Rel & Org Behaviour; IT & Systems; Mktg; Op Mgt; Strategic Mgt.

Elig: CAT-200 Scores, Masters degree (II Div) in any discipline OR BE/BTech (I Div) with 1-yr wk ex. Consistent scores (55%) in all final exams (HSC onwards). Scores in CAT-2000 for those with less than 5 yrs wk ex. PGDM holders from IIMs (CPGA 6.0) are exempted from CAT.

Appln F: Send Rs 500/-by DD favouring " IIM Lucknow" payable at Lucknow to the FPM Office at the above address. Students appearing for CAT-2000 should send copy of appln form purchase receipt for free application form.

Oct 30 Joint Management Entrance Test (JMET-2000)

* PG Degree Programmes in Management at IITs & IISc. (FT 2 yrs, PT 3 yrs)

Appln F: Send Rs 800/- (SC/ST: Rs 400/-) favouring "Chairman-GATE" at foll centres: IISc, B’lore 560012; IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016; IIT Guwahati, Guwahati 781001; IIT Kanpur, Kanpur 208016; IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302; IIT Madras, Chennai 600036 before Oct 16. Available from main branches of:

SBIs at: IISc B’lore, Davangere, Mysore & Tumkur

Canara Banks: Del, Chandi, Kuru, Hissar, Jalandhar.

DEc 18 Jaipuria Institute of Management, Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 226010.


* PG Diploma in Business Admin (PGDBA) (FT, 2-yr)

Elig: Scores in CAT-2000.

Appln F: Send Rs 750/- by DD favouring "Jaipuria Institute of Management" payable at Lucknow till Dec 16. At counter: Rs 700/- (cash)

Dec 04 XLRI, C. H. Area (E), Jamshedpur-831001.

1) PG Programmes (2-yrs):

a) Personnel Mgt & Industrial Relation

b) Business Mgt

2) Executive PG Programme (3-yrs PT)

3) Fellow Programme in



1) Bachelor’s degree (50%) (SC/ST: 40%)

2) Bachelor’s degree (50%) (SC/ST: 40%) + 5-yrs managerial wk ex.

3) PG (55%) (SC/ST: 45%)/BE/BTech (60%) (SC/ST: 50%) + 3-yrs wk ex.

XAT Test : Jan 7, 2001 at 18 centres including B’lore, Cal, Chandi & Delhi, GD & Interview.

Appln F: Send Rs 900/- by DD favouring "XLRI Jamshedpur" payable at SBI, XLRI Br, (Code No. 4660) with self-add stickers (3" x 2") with Ph No. and covering letter stating choice of centre to: Admissions Coordinator, XLRI at above address before Nov 20.

Dec 15 Xavier Instt. of Management, Bhubaneshwar-751013

Ph: 674-440688/821/846 Fx: 440995.

1) PG Dip in Management (2-yr FT)

2) Executive PG Dip in Management (3-yr PT)


1) Graduation (3-yrs) with 50% agg.(45% for SC/ST)

2) Bachelors/Masters degree (50% agg) plus 5-yrs managerial work exp. Born before July 1, ‘75.

For (1 & 2) Scores in XAT test to be held on Jan 7, 2001.

Appln F: Send Rs 800/- by DD favouring "Xavier Instt. of Management" payable at SBI, RRL Br, (Code 7499) along with two self-add stickers to the Admissions Office at above the add.

Dec 11 Indian Instt. of Forest Management (IIFM), PB No. 335, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal 462003.

* Postgraduate Programme in Forestry Management (PFM)


(i) Bachelor’s degree.

(ii) Score in CAT-2000.

Appln F: Send Rs 600/- (Rs 300/- for SC/ST) by DD favouring "The Director, IIFM", payable at Bhopal along with self-addressed, stamped (Rs 12/-) envelope (28 x 22 cm) and CAT Reg No. to the "Coordinator PFM Admission" at the above address.

Dec 08 Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management (Affil: Calcutta Univ), Management House, College Square (W), Calcutta 700073.

* MBA (2 yr)


Bachelor’s degree (H) or Proff (Engg etc.) course.

Selectn: Scores in CAT-2000 followed by GD/Interview

Appln F: Send Rs 650/- by DD favouring the institute, payable at Calcutta. At counter: Rs 600/- (cash).


Sept 19 Directorate Gen of Medical Services (Army) (DGMS-4B), AG’s Branch, Army HQ, Room No. 45, ‘C’, Block Hutments, New Delhi 110001.

* B.Sc (Nursing) (4 yrs), Gen Nursing & Midwifery (3 yrs).

Elig: Indian females, (10+2) or equiv (PCB 50%) passed in one attempt as a regular student.

Age: Born bet 1 Sept ‘76-1 Sept ‘84.

Appln Format: Employment News: 26 Aug - 1 Sep.


Oct 30 M/o Science & Technology (D/o Sc & Tech), Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Rd, New Delhi 110016.


* Swarnajayanti Fellowships


Ph.D in Sc/Engg/ME/MTech/ MD (Med).

Age: 30-40 yrs on 31 Dec 2000.

Info & Appln Format: See leading Newspapers or website

Unless otherwise specified, the dates mentioned above are deadlines for receipt of completed application forms.

Unless otherwise specified, the dates mentioned above are deadlines for receipt of completed application forms.

CARING (Career Information & Guidance), New Delhi
