118 years of Trust
November 1 to November 7
[ March 20-April 18]
line Taurus
[ April 19-May 19 ]
Your hopes are sky-high but can they be met easily? This is a moot question. It is not a clean walk-over. You may have to face discontent and wait until a new opportunity springs up. The financial scenario may fare better than before.
If you have developed an overseas contact, it is perhaps too early to expect favourable results.
[ May 20-June 20 ]
[ June 21-July 21 ]
With Mercury heading towards buoyancy, you are poised on the edge of something big and elevating. Rewards for the past effort should be on the way, one after another. Spending also remains under strict control. Stars governing travel are likely to make you more travel-minded. Expect much greater emphasis on short journeys and local trips. If you happen to be a captive of some bad habit, it could be get rid off without much difficulty.
[ July 22-August 21 ]
[ August 22-September 20 ]
There are hard choices to be made. You may over-commit yourself without taking stock of the situation around. Your-spending plans, however, need to be reviewed dispassionately. You build castles in the air. The time, however, has come for introspection when optimism needs to be replaced by realism. A down-to-earth practical approach is the remedy.
[ September 21-October 22 ]
[ October 23-November 21 ]
There are more than one options but make sure that your choice rests on wisdom and foresight. At work too, you can cast a spell over an unwilling colleague by converting him into a man you can rely on. Investment plans, sale-purchase of stocks and other related activities may fail to provide you with any solace. With increased spending, there is a need to reduce your expenditure drastically.
[ November 22-December 22 ]
[ December 23-January 19 ]
Your benefic stars have stolen a march over the malefic ones. Love, laughter and harmony shall be the order of the day during this week. If interested, bargaining could work wonders on Wednesday and Thursday. A week to be out and about more than usual. You may utilise your energy in a befitting manner. You may have never anticipated that your craze for socialisation could earn such an applause.
[ January 20-February 18 ]
[ February 19-March 19 ]
Stars ruling your financial fortunes seem favourably disposed towards you. The gap between income and expenditure can be narrowed down effortlessly. A little bit of frugality could work wonders. A week of lethargy and boredom. You will be wasting your valuable time over a frivolous matter. The worst that can happen is that even a well deserved entreaty can be rejected by your own people.

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