118 years of Trust
August 16 to 22
[ March 20-April 18]

The essential task before you is to manage your resources efficaciously. "There is many a slip between the cup and the lip". So, it is high time for you to.
line Taurus
[ April 19-May 19 ]

A little opposition at work is fast brewing up. It will be ideal to prioritise your agenda according to the situation and not in pursuance of your whims and prejudices.
[ May 20-June 20 ]

Your courage and self-confidence are your assets. You can afford to consider some of the adventurous options you have been trying to evade so far. There is no reason to maintain a low profile.

[ June 21-July 21 ]

You have to be out and about more than usual. Apart from visiting a new place, you will find more exciting ways to enjoy your leisure. An off-hand purchase could also stand you in good stead.

[ July 22-August 21 ]

A pleasant news is on the anvil. It is time to assess what you are, where you are and where you are heading for. Resolve to strengthen your virtues and not weaknesses.

[ August 22-September 20 ]

Domestic matters begin to exert more influence. Despite the unpredictable mood of your family members you may run the show on your own. Your insight could change your opinion about some of them.

[ September 21-October 22 ]

A period of hope and cheer for professional Librans. You may develop a close liaison with those who had been dodging you and giving lame excuses. Tuesday and Saturday are good days for cooperative enterprises.

[ October 23-November 21 ]

With an alarming increase in your current expenditure, the overall picture of your economy may present a murky state-of-affairs. However, you may exert, there can be no reversal for sometime more.

[ November 22-December 22 ]

A friend who turned his back in the recent past may put his lot along with yours. If in service, you may receive some reward. You can catch the fancy of your boss unequivocally.
[ December 23-January 19 ]

Investment activities, a proper handling of cash and sale purchase of goods are your rewarding areas. This is a clear proof that you are being favoured by Lady Luck. Wednesday and Friday are lucky days for finalising crucial matters.

[ January 20-February 18 ]

A period where a rigid schedule has to be maintained. Hectic activity is likely to tell upon your health. Your stars advise you to proceed cautiously but whether you would do so is a million-dollar question.
[ February 19-March 19 ]

The air is thick with rumours. Some of your associates will be stirring up matters which are not their business. You would, however, act wisely to put them in the dock.

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